P. 8

                    Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Prison riots hit Italy amid virus; 6 die in overdose

            By NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                                                  each prisoner.  Anna, who
            Associated Press                                                                                                    declined to give her name,
            ROME  (AP)  —  Tensions  in                                                                                         had  brought  her  nephew
            Italy's  overcrowded  pris-                                                                                         to  visit  her  son  at  the  Re-
            ons  erupted  Monday  over                                                                                          gina Coeli lock-up and was
            new  coronavirus  contain-                                                                                          devastated that they both
            ment  measures,  with  riots                                                                                        couldn't  go  in.  In  the  end,
            in at least two dozen lock-                                                                                         she  stayed  outside  and
            ups  and  the  deaths  of  six                                                                                      let  her  nephew  go  in  "be-
            inmates who broke into an                                                                                           cause it's also his birthday,
            infirmary and overdosed on                                                                                          so it is fair that he's the one
            methadone.                                                                                                          to go inside."
            Italy's   national   prisoner                                                                                       At Rome's other prison, Re-
            rights advocate urged war-                                                                                          bibbia, relatives of inmates
            dens  to  take  immediate                                                                                           were  joined  by  prisoner
            measures to calm the situ-                                                                                          advocates  who  draped  a
            ation and mitigate the new                                                                                          banner across a police bar-
            regulations,  which  include                                                                                        ricade  reading  "Free  them
            a  suspension  or  limitation                                                                                       all."  Capece  accused  the
            of family visits as a way to                                                                                        government  of  abandon-
            prevent transmission of the                                                                                         ing  the  prison  system,  re-
            virus.                                                                                                              fusing  to  provide  sufficient
            "The difficulty of accepting                                                                                        measures  to  prevent  the
            extreme  measures  is  ac-   A man stands on the roof of the San Vittore prison during a protest in Milan, Italy, Monday, March   spread  of  the  virus  and
            centuated in places where    9, 2020.                                                              Associated Press   leaving  guards  on  their
            people  don't  have  any                                                                                            own  to  deal  with  anxious,
            freedom,"  the  advocate  the  virus  were  hitting  in-  probably as a panic reac-    dulto,"  Italian  for  pardon.  irate prisoners.
            said  in  a  statement,  urg-  mates  particularly  hard,  tion to limited accurate in-  Later,   prosecutors   also  "The administration is com-
            ing  wardens  to  provide  in-  given their awareness that  formation  about  the  mea-  went up on the roof to listen  pletely  absent,"  he  told
            mates with greater access  their  overcrowded  condi-     sures and the virus' spread,  to  their  grievances.    Milan  The Associated Press. "They
            to  information  and  phone  tions  made  them  vulnera-  he said.                     Prosecutor  Alberto  Nobili  have  left  the  penitentiary
            calls to family members.     ble, said Alessio Scandurra,  In  one  of  the  biggest  ri-  told Il Sole 24 Radio that the  police in jeopardy."
            The Italian government has  coordinator of adult deten-   ots  Sunday,  prisoners  in  inmates  "have  taken  ad-   He  confirmed  that  pro-
            issued  sweeping  measures  tion  advocacy  at  the  An-  Modena  set  mattresses  on  vantage  of  this  particular  tests  had  taken  place  in
            to  try  to  contain  the  virus,  tigone  Association,  which  fire.  Six  inmates  died  after  moment to demand better  more than two dozen pris-
            limiting  travel  into  and  out  lobbies for prisoner rights.   they  broke  into  the  prison  prison  treatment,  starting  ons,  including  in  Foggia
            of  northern  regions,  can-  "In prisons in general, there's  infirmary  and  overdosed  with lessening the numbers"  where  some  prisoners  had
            celing  school  nationwide,  a lot of anxiety," he said in  on  methadone,  which  is  of  inmates.  He  noted  San  escaped.  Video  posted
            barring  gatherings  of  peo-  a telephone interview. "You  used  to  treat  opioid  de-  Vittore  has  1,200  inmates  by  Foggia  Today  online
            ple  and  urging  Italians  to  can't leave, and you're in a  pendence,  said  Donato  when  it  should  house  only  showed  prisoners  climbing
            keep a meter (about three  place where infectious dis-    Capece,  secretary  gen-     700.                         the  fence  with  riot  police
            feet) apart. With more than  eases can spread critically.  eral of the penitentiary po-  In  Rome,  relatives  of  in-  trying to keep them at bay.
            7,300  infected,  Italy  has  Obviously  inmates  know  lice  union.    On  Monday,  mates  protested  outside  By  Monday  evening,  40
            more  virus  cases  than  any  this very well."           inmates  climbed  onto  the  the  Italian  capital's  two  of  at  least  50  escaped  in-
            country outside Asia.        When prison administrators  roof of the San Vittore pris-  main  prisons  after  they  mates from the Foggia pris-
            Human  rights  advocates  limited or suspended family  on in Milan and held up a  were told only one person  on  had  been  recaptured,
            had  warned  that  fears  of  visits, the tensions exploded  painted  sheet  reading  "In-  would be allowed in to visit  Italian state TV said.q
            Sex-crimes trial of ex-leader Salmond begins in Scotland

                                                                      best-known      politicians,  security guards in the dock  because  I  felt  that  I  had
                                                                      went  on  trial  Monday  ac-  at  the  High  Court  in  Edin-  done something wrong al-
                                                                      cused of sex crimes includ-  burgh at the start of the first  most and I didn't want peo-
                                                                      ing  attempting  to  rape  a  day of the trial, which is ex-  ple to know," she said.
                                                                      woman  at  the  leader's  of-  pected to last four weeks.  Salmond  led  the  pro-inde-
                                                                      ficial residence.            Judge Leeona Dorrian told  pendence Scottish Nation-
                                                                      Salmond, 65, faces a total  the  jury  of  nine  women  al  Party  for  20  years  and
                                                                      of 14 charges — one of at-   and six men that they must  headed  Scotland's  semi-
                                                                      tempted  rape,  11  alleged  decide  the  case  on  the  autonomous  government
                                                                      sexual assaults and two al-  evidence  and  not  "allow  as its first minister from 2007
                                                                      leged  indecent  assaults  yourselves to be swayed by  to 2014.
                                                                      —  against  10  women  be-   sympathy or prejudice."      A major figure on the Scot-
                                                                      tween 2008 and 2014.         The  woman  said  Salmond  tish  political  stage  for  de-
                                                                      He  denies  all  the  allega-  had  groped  her  after  a  cades,  he  took  Scotland
                                                                      tions.  Salmond's  lawyer,  May  2014  dinner  for  sup-  to  the  verge  of  indepen-
            Former  Scottish  first  minister  Alex  Salmond  arrives  at  the  High   Gordon  Jackson,  said  he  porters of Scottish indepen-  dence  from  the  U.K.  by
            Court for the first day of his trial, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Monday,   would  make  a  defense  of  dence at the first minister's  holding a 2014 referendum
            March 9, 2020.                                            consent  to  several  of  the  Bute  House  residence  in  on separation. He stepped
                                                     Associated Press   charges,  and  for  another  Edinburgh, leaving her "em-  down  as  leader  after  the
            Associated Press             Scottish  First  Minister  Alex  he would say he had an ali-  barrassed and humiliated."  "remain" side won the vote
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Former  Salmond, one of Scotland's  bi. Salmond stood between  "I didn't speak to anybody  55% to 45%.q
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