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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 10 March 2020

            Edited Biden video portends social media challenges in 2020

            By AMANDA SEITZ and DA-                                                                                             echoed  many  of  the  Re-
            VID KLEPPER                                                                                                         publican attacks on Biden.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    "Any 'Democrat' who aligns
            CHICAGO (AP) — As former                                                                                            themselves  with  Trump  by
            Vice  President  Joe  Biden's                                                                                       amplifying  his  disinforma-
            drive  for  the  White  House                                                                                       tion,"  Bates  said,  "will  soon
            gains   momentum,      the                                                                                          learn  that  they  can't  beat
            77-year-old's  political  op-                                                                                       the  vice  president  with
            ponents  on  both  the  right                                                                                       wild-eyed lies, either."
            and  left  have  launched                                                                                           Identifying,  labeling  and
            an internet campaign sug-                                                                                           removing  false  claims  or
            gesting  he's  not  mentally                                                                                        edited  videos  is  emerging
            or  physically  equipped  to                                                                                        as a key challenge to tech
            serve  —  sometimes  using                                                                                          platforms  that  have  been
            altered  content  and  other                                                                                        criticized  on  both  sides  of
            disinformation   to   make                                                                                          the political spectrum.
            their case.                                                                                                         Twitter's  decision  to  mark
            The  effort  prompted  Twit-                                                                                        the  Biden  video  as  "ma-
            ter  on  Monday  to  mark  a                                                                                        nipulated  media"  was  the
            video  of  Biden  shared  by                                                                                        first test of a new policy of
            President Donald Trump as                                                                                           labeling  and  —  in  some
            "manipulated  media"  —                                                                                             cases removing — manipu-
            but  only  after  it  had  been   Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign stop on Monday, March 9, 2020 at Berston   lated  images  designed  to
            viewed  millions  of  times.   Field House in Flint, Mich.                                                          mislead.  But  even  that  ef-
            Facebook  added  warning                                                                           Associated Press   fort  failed  to  take  hold  for
            labels to the video and re-  dia.  "We're going  to  see  a  speech in St. Louis.      post.  Different  versions  of  some  social  media  users
            duced its distribution on its  lot more of it, and we need  Sanders'  campaign  man-   the  video  were  quickly  because of a technical er-
            platform  after  news  orga-  the  platforms  to  get  this  ager, Faiz Shakir, pointedly  shared by Twitter accounts  ror,  a  Twitter  spokesman
            nizations fact checked the  right."                       noted  on  Twitter  that  his  affiliated with Trump's cam-  said Monday. It declined to
            video on its site. The Associ-  All in their 70s, Biden, Sand-  78-year-old boss had three  paign  Saturday  night  over  say whether it had labeled
            ated Press works with Face-  ers and Trump have faced  campaign  events  on  his  a three-hour period, noted  other versions of the edited
            book  as  a  third-party  fact  questions   about   their  schedule  that  day,  "each  Gideon  Blocq,  the  CEO  of  video.
            checker.                     stamina  or  mental  acu-    speaking     engagement  VineSight, a tech company  Trump allies blasted Twitter's
            The  episode  highlights  the  men,  though  each  has  extending  for  close  to  an  that  surfaces  misinforma-  decision to label the edited
            challenges  social  media  produced letters from phy-     hour."                       tion online.                 video as "manipulated."
            companies  face  in  con-    sicians  attesting  to  his  fit-  Later  in  the  day,  Trump  Combined,   the   various  Trump  legal  adviser  Jen-
            taining the rapid spread of  ness  for  office.  Sanders  —  tweeted a misleadingly ed-  versions  of  the  edited  clip  na  Ellis  called  criticism  of
            misleading information and  who,  like  Biden,  would  be  ited video clip from Biden's  were  watched  more  than  the  edited  video,  which
            raises questions about how  the  oldest  president  ever  15-minute stump speech in  10 million times by Monday  she  also  shared,  "insanely
            prepared  the  companies  elected — suffered a heart  Kansas City, Missouri.           afternoon.                   dishonest"  on  Twitter.  She
            are for a likely onslaught of  attack last year. Biden has  During  the  speech,  Biden  The  Biden  campaign  re-  said  people  are  missing
            disinformation  during  the  long  had  a  penchant  for  appeared to stumble over  sponded to the video with  the  point:  "The  point  is  the
            2020 campaign. It also un-   verbal  miscues  throughout  his  words  when  he  said:  incredulity  and  noted  that  gaffe. DUH."
            derscores that trafficking in  his  political  career.  And  "We cannot win this reelec-  the  former  vice  president  Liberal and pro-Sanders so-
            misinformation is not limited  Trump  has  directly  tried  to  tion -- excuse me, we can  has  kept  up  a  whirlwind  cial media accounts have
            to one political party: Both  combat  questions  about  only reelect Donald Trump  schedule  in  recent  weeks.  been  promoting  the  idea
            Sanders' and Trump's back-   his mental fitness, tweeting  if, in fact, we get engaged  The  supposed  evidence  that  Biden  is  in  "cognitive
            ers  aggressively  promoted  in  2018  that  he  is  a  "very  in  this  circular  firing  squad  of  his  decline,  they  noted,  decline" on YouTube, Face-
            the unsubstantiated notion  stable genius."               here."                       comes  from  public  ap-     book and Twitter in recent
            that  Biden  is  in  cognitive  The unproven claims about  Conservative   and   pro-   pearances with voters and  days.
            decline.                     Biden's  fitness  for  office  Trump  social  media  ac-  reporters present.           A  two-minute  video  mon-
            "This  is  the  worst  kind  of  have  emerged  from  the  counts  first  seized  on  the  "It's  revealing  that  Donald  tage  of  Biden's  gaffes  on
            misinformation  —  it  can  left  and  right  with  increas-  gaffe  Saturday  evening,  Trump  and  his  campaign  the  campaign  trail  titled
            impact a presidential elec-  ing  frequency  following  sharing  a  fuller  clip.  But  keep  admitting,  through  "Joe  Biden's  sharp  cogni-
            tion,  and  it's  being  shared  the  former  vice  president's  White  House  social  media  their  reliance  on  desper-  tive  decline  (please  share,
            by  the  president  with  mil-  sweeping  victories  during  director  Dan  Scavino  later  ate smears, that they can't  voters  need  to  know)"
            lions of followers," said Jen-  last  week's  Super  Tuesday  shared  a  further  edited  beat  Joe  Biden  with  the  has  been  viewed  nearly
            nifer  Grygiel,  a  Syracuse  contests.  And  they  accel-  version  in  which  Biden  ap-  truth,"  said  Biden  spokes-  300,000  times  since  it  was
            University  communications  erated after Biden returned  pears to say: "We can only  man Andrew Bates.              posted to a "populist" news
            professor who studies disin-  to  the  campaign  trail  reelect    Donald    Trump."  Bates added a dig at Sand-    and commentary YouTube
            formation  and  social  me-  on  Saturday  with  a  brief  Trump retweeted Scavino's  ers  supporters  who  have  page on Saturday.q
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