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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 10 March 2020
            First recreational pot shop in a major East Coast city opens

            By PHILIP MARCELO            board  member  for  the  Mi-
            Associated Press             nority  Cannabis  Business
            BOSTON (AP) — Boston's first  Association.
            pot shop opened Monday,  "It's  worthy  of  acknowl-
            marking the first recreation-  edgement,  but  at  the
            al marijuana store to open  same  time,  it's  nothing  to
            in a major East Coast city.  celebrate," he said. "We've
            Pure  Oasis  is  also  among  got  a  long  way  to  go  be-
            the  few  retail  stores  in  the  fore creating equity."
            country  owned  and  oper-   Few  of  the  11  states  that
            ated  by  people  of  color,  have  legalized  marijuana
            who  experts  say  have  track how many people of
            struggled to break into the  color own pot companies,
            industry.   Massachusetts'  Khalatbari  said,  so  industry
            ballot initiative was the first  groups have turned to their
            to insert specific language  own surveys.
            aimed    at   encouraging  In  Colorado,  which  was
            people  of  color  and  oth-  one  of  the  first  to  legal-
            ers harmed by the war on  ize  marijuana,  in  2012,  less
            drugs  to  participate  in  the  than  1%  of  all  marijuana
            new industry.                operations  are  owned  by
            Matt  Simon,  New  England  people of color, the Minor-
            political  director  for  the  ity  Cannabis  Business  As-  Kevin Hart, front left, co-owner of Pure Oasis recreational marijuana shop, completes a sale of
            Marijuana  Policy  Project,  sociation has estimated. In   cannabis products to the stores first customer Niambe McIntosh, front right, moments after the
            hailed  the  opening  as  a  California,  which  legalized   store opened for the first time, Monday, March 9, 2020, in Boston.
            "huge milestone" for the East  recreational   marijuana                                                                        Associated Press
            Coast, where most jurisdic-  use  in  2016,  about  20%  of  dense  and  diverse  neigh-  changes  and  create  new  in 2017.
            tions — save for Massachu-   cannabis companies have  borhood  about  4  miles  opportunities."                     "This  moves  the  needle  to-
            setts,  Vermont,  Maine  and  some degree of ownership  south of downtown Boston,  Niambe  McIntosh,  who  is  wards  justice,"  said  McIn-
            the  District  of  Columbia  —  stake from a person of col-  with those needs in mind.  the  daughter  of  the  late  tosh  after  making  the  first
            have  approved  cannabis  or,  according  to  a  recent  Among their 30 or so staff-   Jamaican  reggae  star  Pe-  official  purchase  at  the
            for medicinal use only.      survey  by  Marijuana  Busi-  ers  are  residents  who  live  ter Tosh and grew up a few  store.
            "This is only the beginning,"  ness Daily.                within  walking  distance  blocks  from  the  storefront,  Renee Brown, a 52-year-old
            he said. "The fact that this is  But  it's  not  just  about  in-  from  the  shop,  as  well  as  said its opening is a "victo-  Dorchester  resident  who
            just the first in Boston shows  creasing   minority   own-  people  with  prior  criminal  ry" for families like hers that  was  among  those  wait-
            how  this  is  such  an  early  ership  of  pot  businesses,  records, said Evans.     have been harmed by the  ing  hours  before  the  store
            market on this coast."       Khalatbari  and  other  ad-  "The  war  on  drugs  had  a  war on drugs.               opened Monday, agreed.
            But the store's opening also  vocates.  Minority  and  dis-  very detrimental impact on  McIntosh's  father  was  a    "Hopefully  this  brings  in
            underscores  how  minority  advantaged  communities  neighborhoods like this," Ev-     cannabis  activist  famous  new  money  and  invest-
            entrepreneurs  are  already  should also benefit through  ans said after letting in the  for  the  song  "Legalize  It,"  ment  and  helps  build  up
            falling behind in the nation-  more  jobs  for  residents  or  store's first wave of 50 or so  and  her  brother,  Jawara  this  neighborhood,"  she
            al industry, despite promises  other  community  invest-  customers.                   McIntosh,  suffered  severe  said after purchasing some
            they  would  be  prioritized,  ments.                     "We're here to try and rem-  brain injuries after being at-  marijuana  patches  that
            said  Kayvan  Khalatbari,  a  Pure  Oasis  owners  Kobie  edy  some  of  those  nega-  tacked by another inmate  she hopes will help with her
            Denver-based     marijuana  Evans  and  Kevin  Hart  say  tive  effects.  We're  trying  while serving a sentence for  persistent  knee  and  back
            consultant   and    former  they  picked  Dorchester,  a  to  give  people  second  marijuana-related  charges  pain.q
            Plan outlined for donations in Pittsburgh synagogue attack

            PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  About
            $5.5  million  that  poured  in
            from donors after the 2018
            Pittsburgh  synagogue  at-
            tack that killed 11 worship-
            pers is being distributed ac-
            cording to a plan outlined
            Monday by Jewish groups.
            The largest share, just over
            $3  million,  will  go  to  the
            families of those killed and
            to  two  people  who  were
            seriously  injured.  Donations
            are  also  being  distributed
            to people who were in the    This Oct. 27, 2019 file photo shows passers by pausing outside
            Tree of Life building during   the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on the first anniversary of
            the attack, in honor of first   the shooting at the synagogue, that killed 11 worshippers.
            responders and to the con-
            gregations.                  the  Jewish  Federation  of  to  help  Tree  of  Life,  which
            The payouts are based on  Greater Pittsburgh.             owns  the  building,  as  well
            recommendations  by  an  The group’s report issued in  as the two tenant congre-
            independent,      volunteer  February said donors prob-   gations,  Dor  Hadash  and
            committee     created   by   ably  expected  their  gifts  New Light.q
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