P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Turkey's leader presses EU for help amid migrant standoff

            By LORNE COOK and                                                                                                   from a wave of mass migra-
            SUZAN FRASER                                                                                                        tion five years ago.  Tens of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    thousands of migrants were
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Turkish                                                                                          already  in  Greece  before
            President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-                                                                                       Turkey  announced  its  bor-
            dogan  pressed  the  Euro-                                                                                          ders  open,  many  of  them
            pean Union on Monday for                                                                                            in  massively  overcrowded
            more help caring for Syrian                                                                                         camps  on  Greek  islands
            refugees  after  EU  officials                                                                                      facing  the  Turkish  coast.
            accused  him  of  "black-                                                                                           Part  of  the  2016  EU-Turkey
            mail"  for  waving  migrants                                                                                        deal stipulates new arrivals
            through to Europe.                                                                                                  must remain on the islands
            Thousands of migrants have                                                                                          pending deportation unless
            massed  at  Turkey's  land                                                                                          they  successfully  apply  for
            border  with  EU-member                                                                                             asylum in Greece.
            Greece  since  Erdogan's                                                                                            Germany's  coalition  gov-
            government  made  good                                                                                              ernment said early Monday
            on  a  longstanding  threat                                                                                         the  country  was  willing  to
            and  announced  it  would                                                                                           "support Greece regarding
            no longer prevent migrants                                                                                          the  difficult  humanitarian
            from crossing.                                                                                                      situation  of  about  1,000  to
            EU  countries  have  rallied                                                                                        1,500 children on the Greek
            behind  Greece,  which  is   Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, center, arrives for a meeting with NATO Secretary General   islands."
            also  a  member  of  NATO,   Jens Stoltenberg at the Turkish Representation in Brussels, Monday, March 9, 2020.     The  government  said  Ger-
            and  described  it  as  a                                                                          Associated Press   many  could  host  children
            "shield" protecting Europe's  the funds.                  Beyond  migration,  the  EU  alleged violence by Greek  in  dire  need  of  medical
            borders  with  the  outside  The Turkish leader later met  was keen to discuss devel-  authorities as they push mi-  treatment or those who are
            world.                       with  top  EU  officials,  Euro-  opments in Syria with Erdo-  grants back to Turkey.   unattended minors young-
            "It is beyond reason and un-  pean  Council  President  gan and "how we can con-       Greece  has  deployed  riot  er  than  14,  especially  girls.
            derstanding  that  a  neigh-  Charles  Michel  and  Euro-  tribute to bringing more po-  police  and  border  guards  It  didn't  say  exactly  how
            boring and ally country can  pean  Commission  Presi-     litical support, more stability  to  repel  people  and  the  many  children  Germany
            point to us as the cause of  dent Ursula von der Leyen,  in the entire region," Michel  border area has since seen  would  take,  but  said  an
            the wave of irregular migra-  to discuss the 2016 deal.   said.                        violent  confrontations.  On  agreement  would  be  ne-
            tion,"  Erdogan  told  report-  The  deal  called  for  Turkey  A high-level Turkish official,  Saturday,   youths   threw  gotiated  by  a  European
            ers  after  talks  with  NATO  to halt the flow of Europe-  speaking  on  condition  of  rocks  at  Greek  police  and  "coalition  of  the  willing"  in
            Secretary  General  Jens  bound  migrants  and  refu-     anonymity in line with gov-  tried to pull down a border  coming days.
            Stoltenberg.                 gees in exchange for up to  ernment rules, said the sides  fence.                      Greek  Prime  Minister  Kyria-
            Turkey hosts more than 3.5  6  billion  euros  ($6.7  billion)  would discuss a possible re-  Many  migrants  have  al-  kos  Mitsotakis,  meanwhile,
            million Syrian refugees, and  in  aid  for  Syrian  refugees  vision of the agreement. It  leged  mistreatment  at  the  welcomed  Erdogan's  visit,
            Erdogan  has  demanded  on its territory, fast-track EU  wasn't clear if a deal would  hands of Greek police, and  saying  he  hoped  it  would
            that Europe shoulder more  membership  and  visa-free  emerge Monday.                  Turkey  says  two  migrants  mark  "the  start  of  the  de-
            of the burden of caring for  travel  to  Europe  for  Turkish  Von  der  Leyen  said  the  were  killed  in  violence  escalation of the crisis."
            them.                        citizens.                    meeting would be the "re-    along  the  border.  Greece  Speaking  in  Berlin,  where
            He has  accused  the EU of  Michel  told  reporters  that  start of a dialogue."       has  denied  the  accusa-    he met with German Chan-
            not meeting its obligations,  Turkey  and  the  EU  "have  She  repeated  the  EU  has  tions.                      cellor  Angela  Merkel,  Mit-
            including  failing  to  pay  different opinions on differ-  the obligation to protect its  EU  foreign  ministers  have  sotakis said "there must be
            money  promised  to  Turkey  ent things and that's why it's  borders,  but  also  to  guar-  criticized  Turkey,  saying  it  a concrete change in An-
            under a 2016 deal to stem  important  to  have  a  frank  antee the fundamental in-    is  using  migrants'  despera-  kara's policy" if Turkey is to
            the flow of migrants to Eu-  and open dialogue."          dividual right for asylum.   tion  for  political  purposes.  become  an  ally  of  the  EU
            rope.                        "For us, it's important to im-  Erdogan  was  also  expect-  EU  countries  are  still  deal-  in the migration issue once
            The  EU  says  it  is  disbursing  plement the deal," he said.  ed  to  raise  concerns  over  ing with the political fallout  more. q

            Madrid to close all schools for 2 weeks

            after virus spike

            MADRID  (AP)  —  Spain's  — total cases up more than  employees  to  work  from
            health minister on Monday  200 since lunchtime. Those  home,  as  well  as  asking
            announced  a  sharp  spike  cases,  he  said,  "imply  a  citizens  to  reduce  travel  if
            in coronavirus cases in and  change  for  the  worse  of  possible.  Illa also said that
            around the Spanish capital,  the disease in Spain".       further measures would be
            Madrid, and said all schools  National  broadcaster  TVE  announced on Tuesday.
            in the region, including kin-  said the measure in Madrid  Madrid has registered more
            dergartens  and  universi-   would affect some 1.2 mil-   than  half  of  the  cases  of
            ties, will close for two weeks  lion students. In addition to  the  new  virus  in  the  coun-
            from Wednesday.              closing schools, the minister  try,  with  much  of  the  con-  Young  students  play  in  a  public  school,  in  Vitoria,  northern
            Giving the second update  announced a series of rec-      tagion  linked  to  nursing   Spain, Monday, March 9, 2020.
            of the day, Salvador Illa an-  ommendations,  including  homes and health workers.                                             Associated Press
            nounced  1,204  confirmed  for  companies  to  establish  Earlier  on  Monday,  au-    nounced the closure of ed-   toria,  where  the  second-
            cases,  with  28  deaths  and  reduced  working  hours  or  thorities  in  northern  Spain's  ucational  centers  around  worst  cluster  has  been
            74 people in intensive care  considering  asking  their  Basque  Country  also  an-    the  regional  capital,  Vi-  identified.q
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