Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
a8 local
Wednesday 25 september 2024
Phase 4 of reconstruction project in the High Rise Hotel area continues
Parking is not possible on the road
ORANJESTAD – Recently, the that this phase will last ap- to go to the area that the
Department of Public Works proximately eleven weeks, area is currently under con-
(DOW) gave an update re- because it covers a longer struction, and access is not
garding the reconstruction distance than previous phas- available for unauthorized
project in the High Rise Hotel es and there are more pipes persons. While it is possible
area, which is now in phase that need to be installed. to park cars on the side of
four. the road, the Department
The Department is also re- emphasizes that it is not al-
The Department informed minding people who intend lowed to park on the road, and requests users to keep this in mind. q
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Marriott`s Aruba Surf Club!
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- for choosing Aruba as their favor-
cently had the great pleasure of ite vacation destination, as their
recognizing Goodwill Ambassa- home away from home.
dors of Aruba. The honorees were
respectively honored with a certifi- The top reasons for returning to
cate for their years of visits, loyalty, Aruba provided by the honorees
and love for the island of Aruba. were:
Aruba’s people.
The honorary certification is pre- Aruba’s beaches.
sented on behalf of the Minister of Aruba’s weather.
Tourism as a token of appreciation Goodwill Ambassador (20>years Ms. Jennifer Jensen from Johnson Aruba’s fabulous food.
and to say “Masha Danki” to guests consecutively visiting Aruba) City Tennessee, United States. “The beauty of the island”
who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or Emerald Ambassador (35>years
35 years or more consecutively. consecutively visiting Aruba) Mr. Jorgino Willems representing On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
the Aruba Tourism Authority, and thority, we would like to express our
The three levels of honor are as fol- The honorees were: staff members of Marriott`s Aruba sincere gratitude and appreciation
lows: Goodwill Ambassadors Surf Club bestowed the certificate to the honorees for their continued
Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- Mr. Tim Walczak from Johnson City upon the honorees, presented visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
secutively visiting Aruba) Tennessee, United States. them with gifts, and thanked them
Aruba to me
portrait you! By inviting you vacation memory. Isn’t promotional purposes with-
to send us your favorite va- that a special way to keep out compensation. He wrote to us saying:
cation picture while enjoy- your best moments alive? Last but not least: check Home away from home is
ing our Happy Island. Please do note: By submit- out our website, Instagram the ABC for the month of
ting photos, text or any oth- and Facebook page! September for over thirty
Complete the sentence: er materials, you give per- Thank you for supporting years. From Would not
Aruba to me is ……. Send mission to The Aruba Today our free newspaper, we even think about going
your picture with that text Newspaper, Caribbean strive to make you a happy anywhere else!
(including your name and Speed Printers and any of reader every day again. Thank you for sending us this
where you are from) to: its affiliated companies to For today we received a wonderful message sharing
ORANJESTAD — You are use said materials, as well lovely message from Rick what Aruba means to you
back and we would like to and we will publish your as names, likeness, etc. for Kubert, from Worcester Ma. with us and our readers! q