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LOCAL Wednesday 25 september 2024
LIV Casino at Barceló Aruba Introduces Exciting New Baccarat
Electronic Table Games!
Oranjestad, Aruba – LIV
Casino at Barceló Aruba is
excited to announce the
launch of our brand-new
Baccarat electronic table
games! This exciting addi-
tion brings a modern twist
to the classic game, offer-
ing a unique and engaging
experience for all players.
We warmly invite the lo-
cal Asian community and
all gaming enthusiasts to
come and try out these
state-of-the-art Baccarat
tables. Whether you’re an
experienced player or new
to the game, our Baccarat
electronic tables promise
endless excitement and
the chance to win big!
Join us at LIV Casino and
be among the first to expe-
rience this innovative way
to play Baccarat in Aruba.
For more information, visit
us at LIV Casino, Barceló
Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas
SAN NICOLAS— At Just 11 miles the oil refinery between the 1920’s The Museum of Industry is situated to tableaus of an authentically
southeast from Oranjestad you until the 1960’s. To this day traces in the Water Tower in San Nico- recreated colonial kitchen and
will enter the city San Nicolas, also of the multicultural influences in las and narrates Aruba's industrial bedroom and 19th-century bar-
known as Sunrise City or Chocolate culinary offerings and customs, history which began in the 19th bershop, just to name a few of the
City. A city that is rich in authen- housing and population are clearly century. Here you will learn about items of old-time Aruba that has
tic culture and island charm. San visible in San Nicolas - more than gold, aloe, phosphate, oil and the been preserved. A collection of
Nicolas is Aruba’s second largest anywhere else on the island. tourism industries which made San artifacts and other objects of artis-
city and was once a bustling com- Nicolas once a bustling business tic, cultural, historical, or scientific
pany town dominated by the oil in- Flow of history center. Experience the touching importance can be found here for
dustry since the early 1930’s. if you are looking for history San stories of those who were part of the purpose of education or enjoy-
Nicolas has it. Here you will find this history. ment.
Over the course of four decades, three amazing museums, The Mu- Nicolaas Store built in 1940 and Carnival Euphoria is showcasing
its demographics had changed seum of Industry, the Community renovated in 2014 is the home of Aruba’s Carnival. See how are
immensely due to a stream of Afro- Museum and the Carnival Eupho- the Community Museum. The col- Carnival has developed over the
Caribbean and South American ria, all within walking distance from lection is remarkable and spans past 65 years.q
workers who came to fill the jobs in one another. millennia. Ancient fossils stand next