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LOCAL SPORTS                         Friday 22 September 2017

            Celebrating 32 years of International Paso Fino competition

            Last  weekend,  Villa  Flora-  Here is a list of winners:  17 years-old
            lina  in  Moko,  played  host                             Gold : Tamara Caprilles
            to  the  biggest  equestrian   Horsemanship  6-8  years-
            event  in  Aruba,  the  2017   old                        Principante  Jinete  15-17
            International   Paso   Fino   Gold: Fenne Nauta           years-old
            competition.  The  eques-    Silver : Marley Ras          Gold: Erion Kock
            trian event was embraced     Bronze : Shoshanna Gad
            by  riders  and  non-riders                               Jinetes  Infantil  9-11  years-
            alike.    During  the  3-day   Principante  Amazonas  6-8   old
            competition  there  were     years-old                    Gold : Alvin Canester ( Cu-
            various  equestrian  events.   Gold : Abigail Wong        racao)
            This is a special event with                              Plata : Matijs Peet
            a very unique atmosphere.    Principante amazonas 9-11
            For  several  months  the    years-old                    Amazonas  Junior  12  -14
            Aruban  Horse  Riding  As-   Gold : Courtney Irasquin     years-old
            sociation   ([Organisacion                                Gold: Genesis Pieterz
            Caballista  Arubano]OCA)     Principante  Amazonas  15-   Silver : Niam van Herpen

                                                                                                   Bronze  :  Kaylee  Mosterd  (  Silver: Noelani Figaroa
                                                                                                   Curacao)                     Bronze : Shayna Werleman
                                                                                                   3 rd place : Amy Peet ( Cu-  3 rd place: Tessa Serafina (
                                                                                                   racao)                       Curacao)
                                                                                                   4th place : Gabriella Piazzi  4th place: Leeza Figaroa
                                                                                                   5th place : Demi Schimmel  5th    place  :  Selene  Boek-
                                                                                                   ( Curacao)                   houdt
                                                                                                   Jinetes  Junior  12-14  years-
                                                                                                   old                          Jinetes  aficionados  18-20
                                                                                                   Gold  :  Oscar  Gonzalez  (  years-old
                                                                                                   Domincan Republic)           Gold:  Perry  Martha  (Cura-
                                                                                                   Amazonas  Juvenil  15-17  Silver: Dwayne Chirino
                                                                                                   Oro:  Margaretha  Klein  (  Amazonas Aficionados 21-
                                                                                                   Curacao)                     24 years-old
                                                                                                   Plata : Melanie Wever        Gold: Caitlin Ras
                                                                                                   Brons : Zoey Arends
                                                                                                   3  puesto  :  Elizabeth  John-  Jinetes  Aficionados  21-24
                                                                                                   son                          ana
                                                                                                   4 puesto : Aliyah Acosta]    Gold : Jordy Wever
                                                                                                   5 puesto : Kaylin Beaujon (  Silver:  Simon  Campuzano
                                                                                                   Curacao)                     (Colombia)
            Annabel van Westerop ready to top the world at  Jinetes Juvenil 15-17 years-                                        Bronze : Siegfried Silei ( ura-
            the 2017 Texel Brunotti Kitrboarding World Cup                                         old                          cao)
                                                                                                                                3rd place : Farouk Ignacio
                                                                                                   Oro  :  Jordano  Hugo  (  ( Curao)
             Last week, world-class ath-                                                           Curqacao)
             lete  Annabel  van  West-                                                             Plata : Raid Pinedu ( Cura-  Amazonas above 25 years-
             erop  went  to  Holland                                                               cao )                        old
             where  she  is  preparing  to                                                         Brons : Willem Werleman      Gold: Sou Eva Marchena (
             compete  in  two  events  in                                                          3 puesto : Rodgerson Ras     Curacao)
             the  World  Kiteboarding                                                              4  puesto  :  Kevin  Martina  (  Silver: Brigitte Werleman
             League.                                                                               Curacao)
             The  competition  will  be  in                                                        5 puesto : Gianluca Curiel   Duenos Montados
             Texel, where van Westerop                                                             Amazonas  aficionados  18-   1st place: Jordy Wever
             grabbed  the  No.2  spot  in                                                          20 years-old                 2 puesto : Melanie Wever
             the  world  ranking  during                                                           Gold: Eva Pols               3 puesto : Caitlin Ras q
             her  race  in  France  earlier
             this year.
              This event in Texel will be
             stiff  as  top-ranked  Bruna
             Kajiya  of  Brazil  and  third-
             ranked  Italian  Francesca
             Bagnoli  will  be  there  as
             For this Aruban the hardest
             part  will  be  dealing  with
             the  cold  water  and  chilly
             temperature,  nonetheless
             van  Westerop  says  she  is
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