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A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 3 Februari 2022
Biden grappling with ‘perfect storm’ of rising gun violence
New York alone. And 32 of- Eric Adams, a former police
ficers have been shot on the captain. Once an outspoken
job so far in 2022, five fatally. critic of his own department
Two died in New York in two and someone who was beaten
weeks and two campus po- by police as a teenager, Ad-
lice were killed in Virginia on ams portrayed himself dur-
Tuesday. ing his campaign as someone
who could bridge the divide
Americans purchased a re- between the New York Po-
cord number of firearms in lice Department and activists
2020. Law enforcement of- pushing for major change.
ficers recovered historically Adams’ tough-yet-middle-
high numbers of firearms last ground approach is one that
year and are coming across Biden and other moderate
more firearms stripped of se- Democrats have sought out,
rial numbers, making them especially as they try to dis-
impossible to trace. tance themselves from calls
from progressives to shift
Some early data suggests that money away from police
the period between when a departments and into social
gun was purchased and used programs.
in a crime and recovered by
police has shortened, com- So far, Biden has given two
pared with earlier years. major speeches from Wash-
ington on crime. He has act-
(AP) — Illegal guns are in Congress to pass gun leg- ocrats as the party that would Police are conducting less ed to crack down on “ghost
flooding the streets. Teen- islation. The strongest effort do a better job dealing with it. proactive investigations, guns,” homemade firearms
agers are being murdered. in recent years failed, even af- The White House is pushing while communities are re- that lack serial numbers used
And alarming numbers of ter 20 children and six adults back against GOP efforts to porting fewer crimes and of- to trace them and are often
police officers have been were killed in the 2012 San- paint Biden as soft. fering less information when purchased without a back-
shot dead. dy Hook school shooting in police try to solve them, in ground check. And he has
Newtown, Connecticut. “I think we all agree or should part because a widening gulf worked to tighten regulations
Gun violence already on the agree that violent crime is of mistrust following a focus on pistol-stabilizing braces
rise during the pandemic Biden also is trying to navi- a serious problem,” White on killings of Black people by like the one used in a Boul-
is spiking anew, and belea- gate the complex politics of House press secretary Jen police and the unrest that fol- der, Colorado, shooting that
guered cities are struggling the moment: finding ways Psaki said this week. “Our lowed. left 10 people dead.
with how to manage it. Presi- to combat crime while also view is that instead of turn-
dent Joe Biden visits one of pushing for greater account- ing this into a political foot- “Into all of this walks the Biden has proposed a large
them, New York, on Thurs- ability after killings of Black ball, we need to be focused president of the United increase in dollars for local
day as he tries to dispel criti- people by police. The two from the beginning of the States, who has a 25-year his- community policing pro-
cism from the right that he efforts do not have to be at president’s time in office on tory of work on these issues,” grams and encouraged cities
hasn’t been tough enough on odds, though they are often reducing crime and keeping said Chuck Wexler, executive to invest some of their CO-
crime. billed that way. our communities safe.” director of the Police Execu- VID-19 relief money into
tive Research Forum, an or- policing and pushed alterna-
Biden will showcase federal, All this unfolds against the Guns are at the center of the ganization dedicated to im- tive crime reduction steps
state and local efforts to get backdrop of recent polls debate as the nation grapples proving the professionalism such as increased community
guns and repeat shooters off showing that Americans are with homicides that spiked of policing. support and summer jobs for
the streets. But there are lim- increasingly concerned about nationally in 2020. At least teenagers.
its to what the president can crime, and that Republicans seven 16-year-old kids were While in New York, Biden
do when there is no appetite have an advantage over Dem- killed in shootings last year in will meet with new Mayor Some have done so.
Trump’s heir? Some supporters eye DeSantis as alternative
(AP) — There was some- As Trump aims for a politi- time supporters; a Trump flag But she’s not alone. ducted focus groups of voter
thing different next to cal comeback, the DeSantis hangs proudly in his auto- opinion, said Republicans
the “TRUMP WON!” T- memorabilia signaled a shift motive garage. And if Trump A recent poll from The Asso- have fractured into three dis-
shirts, the “MAKE AMER- emerging among the MAGA goes through with another ciated Press-Center for Pub- tinct blocs: those who have
ICA GREAT AGAIN” faithful. While the vast ma- run, they both say they’ll lic Affairs Research found moved on from Trump, those
hats and the “LET’S GO jority of the more than two support him. that while 71% of Republi- who “will follow him off a
BRANDON” flags for sale dozen people interviewed at cans have a favorable opinion cliff,” and those who “really
at former President Don- his rally at a Texas fairground But Mitchell said she could of Trump, a smaller percent- appreciate him, follow him,
ald Trump’s recent Texas cheered the prospect of an- see the benefits of a less po- age — 56% — want him to are still strongly favorable to-
rally: a collection of “De- other Trump White House larizing alternative. run again in 2024. The poll wards him,” but are looking
Santis 2024” bumper stick- bid, some began to concede found 44% of Republicans do for another option.
ers. that there might be better op- “You know, there’s several not want Trump to run.
tions. people out there that seem The cracks in support are
Nikki Rye, who lives in to have the same beliefs that Meanwhile, a recent NBC forming as Trump often ap-
Florida and has been selling And for anyone toying with a he does. And people don’t poll found that, by a 20-point pears more interested in relit-
Trump gear at his events since Trump alternative, DeSantis hate them,” she said, blaming margin, Republicans now igating the 2020 election than
2015, said the merchandise topped the list. Biden’s victory on a combi- identify more as supporters focusing on issues affect-
hyping her state’s Republican nation of election fraud — of the Republican Party than ing voters’ daily lives, such
governor, Ron DeSantis, “is a They were people like Kim which election officials and supporters of Trump — a re- as inflation. That could give
very, very sought-after item.” Mitchell, 62, who lives in courts have rejected — and versal from the sentiment be- an opening to someone like
Beyond the stickers, a life- Canyon Lake, Texas, and the visceral dislike Trump fore the 2020 election. DeSantis, who has branded
size cutout of DeSantis stood was overjoyed to be seeing inspires. “I hate to say that himself in Trump’s mold, but
at one side of her shop, with Trump in person. She and because I feel like I’m being Longtime GOP pollster has less baggage in national
Trump flanking the other. her husband have been long- disloyal.” Frank Luntz, who has con- politics.