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world news Diahuebs 3 Februari 2022
EU wants to allow natural gas, nuclear in green investment
(AP) — The European sitional energy sources does mission officials believe
Union on Wednesday pro- not amount to a free pass and that as long as there are not
posed including nuclear aims to accelerate efforts to enough renewables available,
energy and natural gas in reduce carbon emissions. gas and nuclear will help
its plans for building a cli- phase out more harmful en-
mate-friendly future, di- “We are setting out strict ergy sources.
viding member countries conditions to help mobilize
and drawing outcry from finance to support this transi- Under the plan, gas projects
environmentalists as “gre- tion away from more harm- must meet emission thresh-
enwashing.” ful energy sources like coal,” olds and achieve reduction
said Mairead McGuinness, targets. They also should re-
The green labeling system the commissioner in charge place existing coal facilities
from the European Commis- of financial services. that cannot be substituted
sion, the EU’s executive arm, with renewables and switch
would define what qualifies Critics call it a big blow to to renewable or low-carbon
as an investment in sustain- climate goals. gases by 2035.
able energy in the 27-nation
bloc. Under certain condi- “This anti-science plan repre- ADVERTISEMENT economy, demanded that gas French President Emmanuel
tions, gas and nuclear ener- sents the biggest greenwash- be part of the plan. It shut Macron and German Chan-
gy could be part of the mix, ing exercise of all time. It For nuclear, the commission down half of the six nuclear cellor Olaf Scholz as they
making it easier for private makes a mockery of the EU’s said research, development plants it still had in operation posed in front of a tombstone
investors to inject money claims to global leadership and use of advanced tech- in January, a year before the reading, “RIP EU Green
into both. on climate and the environ- nologies reducing waste and country draws the final cur- Deal. Killed by Gas and Nu-
ment,” Greenpeace EU sus- improving safety will be in- tain on its decadeslong use of clear.”
The plan will please the EU’s tainable finance campaigner cluded. New nuclear plants atomic power.
two most powerful nations: Ariadna Rodrigo said. producing electricity or heat “What is happening today is
France is reliant on nuclear are allowed until 2045. Gas, while a fossil fuel, is the commission are label-
power, which raises concerns With the EU aiming to reach considered by the EU to be ing gas and nuclear as green
about its long-term impact climate neutrality by 2050 France, which derives about a bridge to a cleaner energy energy, and in doing so, they
on the environment, and and to cut greenhouse gas 70% of its electricity from future, and officials said its are going to be channeling
Germany depends on gas, a emissions by at least 55% by nuclear energy, led the charge inclusion in the taxonomy billions of euros away from
a fossil fuel many consider 2030, the bloc says the so- for its inclusion with several aligns with the international renewables and towards dirty
a bridge to renewables. EU called taxonomy classifica- other EU countries that op- goal of trying to limit warm- climate projects,” activist
members like Austria and tion system is crucial to direct erate nuclear power plants. A ing to 1.5 degrees Celsius Sam Ryan said.
Luxembourg already have investments into sustainable low-carbon alternative to fos- (2.7 F) above pre-industrial
raised the possibility of legal energy. sil fuels, nuclear energy rep- times. The commission’s plans still
disputes as they challenge the resented around 26% of the need the backing of a large
green notion of nuclear. Energy use accounts for electricity produced in the Protesters from the Avaaz majority of the 27 member
about three-quarters of the bloc in 2019. network wore masks of Eu- states and a simple majority
The commission says includ- greenhouse gas emissions ropean Commission Presi- in the European Parliament.
ing nuclear and gas as tran- produced in the EU. Com- Germany, Europe’s largest dent Ursula von der Leyen,
Asian Americans mark Lunar New Year amid ongoing hate crimes
(AP) - For two years now, ners and giving children red where you’re going to be sur- more reason to openly cel-
Asian Americans and Pa- envelopes filled with money. “We really just want to share rounded by like people,” Gee ebrate Asian cultures. Having
cific Islanders across the New York, Chicago and San our culture, and basically be said. fun with family and friends
country have endured Francisco are among the cit- able to celebrate this joyous isn’t dismissing tragedy but
racist verbal, physical and ies with parades planned later event with everyone,” said Several cities that are hold- rather “the most radical form
sometimes deadly attacks this month in their respective William Gee, a longtime or- ing parades and festivals of rebellion.”
fueled by the coronavirus Chinatowns. ganizer of San Francisco’s held rallies recently marking
pandemic. annual Chinese New Year the one-year anniversary of Russell Jeung, co-founder
The Year of the Tiger — a Parade & Festival. “Just the the deadly attack on Vicha of Stop AAPI Hate, which
With the start of the Lunar Chinese zodiac symbol that presence alone in numbers, Ratanapakdee. The 84-year- has been tracking incidents
New Year, many are look- represents strength and cour- it might actually deter any- old Thai American was as- nationwide based on victims
ing forward to carrying out age — also is the perfect time thing — any malicious or ne- saulted while walking in his self-reporting, said nervous
family traditions and join- to convince Asian elders who farious activity that might be San Francisco neighborhood. elders in Chinatowns are
ing in community celebra- have lived in fear because of planned.” stuck in “de facto segrega-
tions throughout February. widespread anti-Asian senti- His death was one of the first tion.” For two years, they’ve
These include family din- ment to join in the festivities. While most Lunar New Year reported in what has been limited themselves to certain
revelry was sidelined last year a series of fatal incidents streets or neighborhoods.
because of COVID-19, many targeting Asian Americans
outdoor events are returning and Pacific Islanders. The Earlier this month, the San
with organizers encourag- grim anniversary came just Francisco Police Department
ing masking for the public a couple of weeks after the reported that anti-Asian hate
but mandating them for staff. death of Michelle Alyssa Go crimes in 2021 jumped 567%
The various parades will fea- in New York City’s Times from 2020. Preliminary data
ture floats, marching bands, Square. The 40-year-old died collected by the Center for
lion dances — and even “Star after a mentally unstable man the Study of Hate and Ex-
Wars” cosplayers in San Fran- shoved her in front of a sub- tremism indicates Los An-
cisco. way. geles and New York also saw
record highs of anti-Asian
“I hope anyone that is actually Amanda Nguyen, an activist hate incidents. Georgia saw
in fear of stepping outdoors whose January 2021 Insta- the most fatalities after the
because of everything that’s gram video highlighting at- March 2021 Atlanta-area spa
been happening can find as- tacks on elderly Asians gained business shootings that left
surance and a bit of solace, in wide attention, said the con- six Asian women dead.
terms of coming to an event tinuous hostility is all the