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A32 sports
Diahuebs 3 Februari 2022
Tom Brady retires after 22 seasons, 7 Super Bowl titles
and NFC South champion- than five Super Bowls and came out of retirement to
ship this season. was MVP of the game five join him and they helped the
times. Buccaneers become the first
News of Brady’s pending re- team to play in a Super Bowl
tirement leaked Saturday but Brady won three NFL MVP in its stadium.
he said Monday night on his awards, was a first-team All-
SiriusXM podcast he wasn’t Pro three times and was se- Brady reached the playoffs
ready to finalize his plans. lected to the Pro Bowl 15 19 times, won 18 division
times. He was 243-73 in his titles, went 10-4 in confer-
Brady thanked the Bucca- career in the regular season ence championships and 7-3
neers organization, his team- and 35-12 in the playoffs. in Super Bowls.
mates, ownership, general
manager Jason Licht, coach Brady went from 199th pick After starting his first game
Bruce Arians, his trainer in the 2000 draft to replacing on Sept. 30, 2001, Brady was
Alex Guerrero, agents Don an injured Drew Bledsoe in under center for every game
Yee and Steve Dubin and his 2001 and leading New Eng- except when he suffered a
family in his nine-page post. land to a Super Bowl vic- season-ending knee injury in
He didn’t mention the New tory over the heavily favored Week 1 in 2008 and the first
England Patriots, where he Rams that season. four games in 2016 when he
spent his first 20 seasons and sat out a suspension because
won six Super Bowls playing He led the Patriots to consec- of the deflated footballs scan-
for Bill Belichick. But Brady utive Super Bowl titles fol- dal.
thanked the Patriots and their lowing the 2003-04 seasons.
fans on Twitter, saying: “I’m No team has since repeated Known for his work ethic,
beyond grateful. Love you as champions. intense exercise regimen and
all.” strict diet, Brady was better
But New England wouldn’t with age.
Brady said he’s still figuring win another one for a decade,
out how he’ll spend his time, twice losing to the New York After turning 37, Brady won
but he plans to be involved in Giants in the Super Bowl, four Super Bowls and was
his TB12 health and wellness including a 17-14 defeat on 17-4 in the playoffs. He was
company, Brady clothing line Feb. 3, 2008, that prevented 95-30, completed 65.2% of
and NFT company. the Patriots from completing his passes for 35,371 yards,
(AP) — Tom Brady walked lengthy post on Instagram. “I a perfect season. 265 TDs and 69 interceptions
away from the NFL on his have loved my NFL career, “I know for sure I want to in the regular season in those
own terms, still at the top and now it is time to focus spend a lot of time giving to Brady earned his fourth eight seasons.
of his game. my time and energy on other others and trying to enrich ring after the 2014 season.
things that require my atten- other people’s lives, just as so Two years later, in the big- “I have always believed the
Brady, the most successful tion.” many have done for me,” he gest Super Bowl comeback, sport of football is an ‘all-
quarterback in league history said. he led the Patriots out of a in’ proposition — if a 100%
and one of the greatest cham- The 44-year-old Brady has 28-3 deficit in the third quar- competitive commitment
pions in professional sports, long stated his desire to spend Brady led the NFL in yards ter against Atlanta to win in isn’t there, you won’t suc-
has retired after winning sev- more time with his wife, su- passing (5,316), touchdowns overtime for No. 5. Brady got ceed, and success is what
en Super Bowls and setting permodel Gisele Bundchen, (43), completions (485) and his sixth championship when I love so much about our
numerous passing records and three children despite attempts (719) in 2021, but New England beat the Rams game,” Brady said. “There is
in an unprecedented 22-year his unique ability to perform the Buccaneers lost at home following the 2018 season. a physical, mental, and emo-
career. exceptionally well at an age to the Los Angeles Rams in tional challenge every single
when most athletes are way the divisional round. He joined the Buccaneers day that has allowed me to
“This is difficult for me to past their prime. in 2020 amid a pandemic, maximize my highest poten-
write, but here it goes: I Brady leaves as the ca- instantly transforming a tial. And I have tried my very
am not going to make that Brady goes out after leading reer leader in yards passing franchise that hadn’t won best these past 22 years. There
competitive commitment the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to (84,520) and TDs (624). He’s a playoff game in 18 years. are no shortcuts to success on
anymore,” Brady wrote in a a Super Bowl title last season the only player to win more His buddy Rob Gronkowski the field or in life.”
Shuster to become 1st curler to carry US flag at Olympics
(AP) — Before he throws Olympian, was the first run- holding on to beat Olym- He left to form his own rink,
a stone at the Beijing ner-up and will walk in place pic newcomer Australia 6-5 Shuster won bronze in 2006 earning a trip to Vancouver
Games, John Shuster will of bobsledder Elana Meyers when Tahli Gill’s final stone — the first-ever U.S. Olym- but performing so badly that
become the first curler to Taylor, who tested positive whizzed past an American pic curling medal — as the he benched himself.
carry the American flag in for COVID-19. rock in the house. lead for Pete Fenson’s team.
an Olympic opening cer-
emony. The announcement of the Plys, an Olympic rookie who
flag bearers came shortly af- also is on the men’s team,
That’s a big deal for a sport ter competition at the Beijing participated in a video call
that’s becoming more pop- Olympics began Wednesday earlier Wednesday during
ular in the United States with the opening games of which Shuster was informed
thanks to Shuster’s Olympic mixed doubles curling at the of the honor.
exploits. Ice Cube, the reconfigured
venue where Michael Phelps Shuster and the other mem-
The defending gold medalist won a record eight swimming bers of the men’s team were
and five-time Olympian was gold medals at the Summer in Los Angeles and are due in
elected by his fellow Ameri- Olympics 14 years ago. Beijing early Friday.
can athletes to lead the Unit-
ed States into the Bird’s Nest Chris Plys and Vicky Pers- In a statement, Shuster called
on Friday along with Brittany inger finished off a big night it “one of the greatest honors
Bowe. Bowe, a three-time overall for the Americans by of my sporting career.”