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sports Diahuebs 3 Februari 2022
Washington’s NFL team unveils new name as Commanders
(AP) - Washington’s NFL ton was “the only name I felt
team is now known as the was derogatory. Yeah, that’s From 1932 until two seasons
Commanders. offensive. The rest of them ago, Washington had used
never really bothered me and the name Redskins — which
The new name unveiled still don’t bother me to this offended Native Americans
Wednesday comes 18 months day.” and others.
after the once-storied fran-
chise dropped its old moni- While Major League Base- As the Commanders, Wash-
ker following decades of crit- ball’s Cleveland Guardians ington keeps the same bur-
icism that it was offensive to have changed their name, the gundy and gold colors that
Native Americans and under NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs, were around for the three Su-
fresh pressure from sponsors. NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks per Bowl championships in
The organization committed and baseball’s Atlanta Braves the 1980s and early ’90s glory
to avoiding Native American have said they are not plan- days. It follows the desire of
imagery in its rebrand after ning to make a similar team president Jason Wright
being called the Washington change. and coach Ron Rivera for the
Football Team the past two new name to have a connec- The change comes amid the findings, a move that sparked
seasons. Washington owner Dan Sny- tion to the U.S. military. organization’s latest con- criticism. The U.S. House of
der is “excited” about the new troversy: dozens of former Representatives Committee
Washington is the latest change that pays “homage to Commanders was chosen employees describing a toxic on Oversight and Reform is
American major professional our local roots and what it over other finalists such as workplace culture, which holding a roundtable discus-
team to abandon its name means to represent the na- Red Hogs, Admirals and caused Snyder to commis- sion Thursday with a handful
linked to Native Americans, tion’s capital.” Presidents. Red Wolves, an sion an investigation that was of former team employees to
and it was considered one of initial fan favorite, was ruled taken over by the NFL. After discuss their experiences.
the most egregious. “As we kick off our 90th sea- out earlier in the process be- the investigation by attorney
son, it is important for our cause of copyright and trade- Beth Wilkinson’s firm, the Getting a stadium deal done
Richard Sneed, principal organization and fans to pay mark hurdles. league fined Washington $10 is next on the agenda for Sny-
chief of Eastern Band of tribute to our past traditions, million and Snyder tempo- der and his front office. The
Cherokee Indians based in history, legacy and the greats The rebranding process had rarily ceded day-to-day oper- team’s lease at FedEx Field
Cherokee, North Carolina, that came before us,” Snyder been going on since the sum- ations of the team to his wife, expires after the 2027 season
has stressed Native Ameri- said. “We continue to honor mer of 2020, when team offi- Tanya, while he focused on a and momentum is building
cans have more to worry and represent the Burgun- cials opted for the temporary new stadium agreement. for an agreement in Virginia,
about than names of sports dy and Gold while forging Washington Football Team though sites in Maryland and
teams, but said during the a pathway to a new era in name that lingered into the The league did not release a the District of Columbia are
World Series that Washing- Washington.” 2021 season. written report of Wilkinson’s still under consideration.
Flores says he won’t drop lawsuit even if hired as coach
(AP) - Brian Flores says the road, he said. went 9-8 in their second those conversations. dates instead of simply inter-
his lawsuit against the Flores’ lawsuit was filed straight winning season, but What drove Flores to file the viewing a minority candidate
NFL over alleged racist Tuesday in Manhattan fed- failed to make the playoffs lawsuit was a string of text before announcing a hire.
hiring practices will con- eral court. It is seeking class- during his tenure. messages with New England
tinue even if he becomes a action status and unspecified Patriots coach Bill Belichick Teryl Austin, a senior assis-
head coach again this off- damages from the league, the According to the lawsuit, three days before his sched- tant defensive coach with
season. Miami Dolphins, the Denver Dolphins owner Stephen uled Giants interview, lead- Pittsburgh with the NFL’s
Broncos and the New York Ross told Flores he would ing Flores to believe Brian lone Black head coach in
Flores has interviewed with Giants, along with unidenti- pay him $100,000 for every Daboll already had been cho- Mike Tomlin, has been inter-
the Houston Texans and fied individuals. loss during the coach’s first sen as the new coach. viewed for 11 head coaching
New Orleans Saints, who season because he wanted the jobs without being hired. He
have yet to fill their coaching The NFL, Dolphins, Bron- club to “tank” so it could get Since the NFL implement- talked to the AP in October
vacancies. If they call, Flores cos and Giants have denied the draft’s top pick. ed the Rooney Rule in 2003 about the NFL’s hiring pipe-
will listen, but he said the suit Flores’ accusations. In its to boost hiring of minor- line and said the interviews
will go on because the league statement, the NFL said it The lawsuit alleged that ity coaches, 27 of 127 head are “invaluable experiences”
needs change. will defend “against these Ross then pressured Flores coaching jobs have gone to and that the rule gets Black
claims, which are without to recruit a prominent quar- minorities. This year, white candidates in front of own-
Flores said he knows others merit.” terback in violation of the men have filled the first four ers.
have similar stories and that league’s tampering rules. of nine head coaching jobs.
it is hard to speak out. He Flores, 40, was fired last When Flores refused, he was Flores’ lawsuit mentions
called his potential sacrifice month by Miami after lead- cast as the “angry Black man” The rule requires teams to Austin as someone who was
bigger than football or coach- ing the Dolphins to a 24-25 who is difficult to work with interview at least two exter- “Never Given a Chance”
ing. The NFL is at a fork in record over three years. They and was derided until he was nal minority candidates for among the coaches who have
fired, the suit said. general manager/executive of interviewed for head coach-
football operations positions, ing jobs unsuccessfully.
Flores said he had conversa- head coach and all coordina-
tions with general manager tor roles. At least one of those Yes, Austin could tell when an
Chris Grier that Ross was interviews must be held in- interview was real or merely
upset that Miami was com- person for any head coach or scratching the Rooney Rule
promising its draft position general manager opening. box.
by winning too many games.
Flores said he also talked re- Tony Dungy, a Pro Football Flores said he understands
peatedly with Ross, who said Hall of Famer who was head this lawsuit may keep him
the team didn’t need to win coach of Tampa Bay and Indi- from ever coaching again.
right then and the coach was anapolis, told The Associated He’s being called the NFL’s
under contract. Press last month Rooney’s Rosa Parks in taking on the
goal with the rule was to slow league’s hiring practices, and
“That’s not something you the hiring process down and Flores called that a humbling
make up,” Flores said of investigate different candi- comparison.