Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
LOCAL Monday 21 noveMber 2022
Aruba welcomed Harmony of the Seas on their first call in Aruba
Oranjestad – On November ten thousand tourists on 363 meters long, has 16
16, 2022, welcomed anoth- Wednesday. It shows that floors, runs for 30% on envi-
er Mega Cruise ship in the we are on the right track to ronment-friendly LNG, and
ports of Aruba. In this case, recovering our tourism. has a maximum capacity
Harmony of the Seas of the of 6687 passengers.
Royal Caribbean Cruise It is remarkable to say that
lines made its first call in on the route of the cruise Minister of Tourism, Dangui
Aruba. ships, the Port in Oranjes- Oduber, stated the impor-
tad is where ships stay the tance of having prepared
It was a busy day with visi- longest for 15 hours. That and drenched the Port in
tors enjoying Aruba's main means visitors spend more time awaiting the arrival of
street and touring the is- time and money on the the Mega Cruise ships. The
land. The arrival of Celeb- economy of Aruba. Aruba Port Authority has Cruise Ships when entering 100 meters deep to gain 12
rity Reflection, Enchanted invested 14 million florins in the Port. They also invest- to 13 meters of additional
Princess, and Harmony Harmony of the Seas is a obtaining the tugboat Col- ed 1.6 million florins in the depth.q
of the Seas brought over mega cruise that measures orado to assist these Mega drenching of the Port up to
Hospice Atardi celebrates its 4th anniversary
Oranjestad – On Novem- who are already in their fi- personal care, that family
ber 17, 2022, the Minister of nal stages of life. The vol- members normally provide
Tourism and Public Health, unteers help with the daily at home to the patient,
Mr. Dangui Oduber, and
the Minister of Transport, In-
tegrity, Nature and Elderly
Affairs, Mr. Ursell Arends,
paid a visit to Hospice At-
ardi in connection with their
4th anniversary.
Hospice Atardi offers home
care to those in need of
this special care. The team
consists of volunteers, nurs-
es, and a family physician but also a listening ear and volunteers and nurses, so
who provide 24 hours care have regular conversations thank you very much for
and support to individuals with the patient and family. the effort," Minister Dangui
who are terminally ill and Oduber said. Minister Odu-
Hospice Atardi is not pos- ber and Minister Arends
sible without the efforts of showed immense gratitude
the nurses and volunteers to all the volunteers, nurses,
who work day and night and all involved with the
and provide guidance and fourth anniversary of the
care. That is why the Min- Hospice Atardi celebration.
ister thanked everyone for
their dedication to giving If you want to become a
the best available care as a volunteer, contact Hospice
volunteer. “This is emotion- Atardi, located at Noord
ally a very tough job which Cura Cabay 147, or call
can be very heavy on the 5840085.q