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                 Monday 21 noveMber 2022

            Mothers of LGBTQ children join forces in Latin America

            By DANIEL POLITI                                                                                                    censor  information  about
            Associated Press                                                                                                    LGBTQ  people.  In  Brazil,  at
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           the  federal  and  state  lev-
            (AP) — Fabu Olmedo is so                                                                                            el  there  are  bills  and  laws
            nervous  about  clubs  and                                                                                          that  either  ban,  or  would
            restaurants  in  Paraguay                                                                                           ban,  information  about
            that  before  a  night  out                                                                                         sexual orientation and gen-
            she  often  contacts  one  to                                                                                       der  identity,  said  Cristian
            make sure that she'll be let                                                                                        González  Cabrera,  LGBT-
            in  and  won't  be  attacked                                                                                        rights  researcher  for  Latin
            or harassed.                                                                                                        America and the Caribbe-
            Olmedo doesn't know if she                                                                                          an at Human Rights Watch.
            can go out in public safely                                                                                         And  laws  often  fail  to  tell
            becauses  daily  life  is  hard                                                                                     the full story.
            for  transgender  people  in                                                                                        "Irrespective  of  what  legal
            the capital, Asunción. Now,                                                                                         regime a youth finds them-
            a new group of allies in Lat-                                                                                       selves  in,  prejudice  and
            in America is trying to make                                                                                        discrimination in the region
            life  better  by  changing                                                                                          continue  to  be  common-
            minds  in  this  socially  con-                                                                                     place,"  González  Cabrera
            servative  and  often  highly                                                                                       said.
            religious region.                                                                                                   Vitinia  Varela  Mora  said
            Founded in 2017, the Latin   Members of the Latin American Movement of Mothers of LGTB+ Children pose for a group photo   that  her  daughter,  Ana
            American  Movement  of       during a march in Buenos Aires Argentina, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022.                      María, decided to hide her
            Mothers  of  LGTB+  Children                                                                       Associated Press  lesbian  identity  after  see-
            lobbies  governments  to  uel came out 11 years ago  annual  massive  gay  pride  faith  also  often  preaches  ing other gay students bul-
            eliminate  prejudical  laws  and suffered so much bully-  march on Nov. 5.             against  same-sex  relation-  lied at her school in Tilarán,
            and better enforce existing  ing at school that he spent  "Our main battle is to make  ships.There  are  stark  differ-  Costa Rica, which is about
            bans  on  violence  and  dis-  recesses with the teachers.  sure our children enjoy the  ences  in  the  acceptance  124  miles  (200km)  from
            crimination.                 "He's  constantly  at  risk  of  same  rights  in  all  of  Latin  of  sexual  minorities  across  the  capital,  San  José.  She
            It's  a  difficult  fight  that  will  being yelled at or worse in  America,"   said   Patricia  Latin  America.  Argentina  came out to her mother at
            require  patience  and  a  the  street  because  of  his  Gambetta, 49, the head of  and  Uruguay  have  been  21.
            years of effort but the moth-  sexuality," she said.      the  Latin  American  Move-  regional  pioneers  in  mar-  In some countries, mothers
            ers are working together to  Olmedo,  28,  said  that  in  ment  of  Mothers  of  LGTB+  riage  equality  and  trans-  who  try  to  help  their  chil-
            help others in their position,  July  she  was  barred  from  Children,  which  has  mem-  gender rights. Other coun-  dren  deal  with  discrimina-
            and  function  as  a  refuge  an Asunción nightclub with  bers in 14 countries and the  tries in the region have yet  tion  suddenly  find  them-
            for  LGBTQ  children  whose  her friends.                 goal  of  expanding  to  all  to  institute  protections  for  selves  the  subject  of  scru-
            families are not as support-  "Many times they let you in  the countries in the region.  the LGBTQ population.      tiny.
            ive.                         but  there  are  violent  peo-  The  work  of  the  mothers  Marriage equality became  Claudia Delfín tried to seek
            "It's  all  about  recognizing  ple inside," Olmedo said.  is  often  made  more  com-  law in all of Mexico's states  help in government offices
            the  strength  and  power  The  Latin  American  Move-    plicated  by  the  endur-    last  month.  Honduras  and  for  her  transgender  twins,
            that we have as mothers to  ment  of  Mothers  of  LGTB+  ing  power  of  the  Catholic  Paraguay both ban same-    who  were  facing  bullying
            accompany  our  kids  and  Children  held  its  first  in-  Church, which teaches that  sex marriage. In Guatema-   and  discrimination  in  their
            help  other  families,"  said  person  meeting  in  early  gay  acts  are  "intrinsically  la, a conservative congress  school in Santa Cruz de la
            Alejandra  Muñoz,  62,  of  November in Buenos Aires,  disordered."  The  increas-     has  repeatedly  tried  to  Sierra,  Bolivia,  when  they
            Mexico City. Her son Man-    where  they  attended  the  ingly  popular  evangelical  pass  legislation  that  would  were 16.q

                                                                      Brazilian economist will lead regional

                                                                      development bank

                                                                      of the previous president.   He denied the allegation.    inflation  and  rising  interest
                                                                      Governors  from  the  Inter-  The  Inter-American  Devel-  rates in the U.S. and Europe.
                                                                      American     Development  opment Bank is the biggest  Last month, the IMF slashed
                                                                      Bank's  48  members  select-  multilateral  lender  to  Latin  its  forecast  for  growth
                                                                      ed  Goldfajn  to  lead  the  America,  disbursing  last  across the region to 1.7% in
                                                                      Washington-based multilat-   year  a  record  $23  billion  2023 — down from an esti-
                                                                      eral  lender  from  a  slate  of  to  alleviate  poverty  made  mate of 2% made in July.
                                                                      five candidates nominated  worse  by  the  coronavirus  Gaspard  Estrada,  director
                                                                      by  Argentina,  Brazil,  Chile,  pandemic  in  the  region.  of  the  Political  Observa-
                                                                      Mexico  and  Trinidad  &  To-  The U.S. is the largest share-  tory  of  Latin  America  and
                                                                      bago.                        holder,  with  30%  of  voting  the Caribbean at Sciences
             Brazil Central Bank Governor Ilan Goldfajn speaks at the forum
             Flexible Inflation Targeting: Advancing the Frontiers of Monetary   It  follows  the  firing  in  Sep-  rights.    Po  in  Paris,  said  that  the
             Policy at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings on April 18, 2018,   tember of Mauricio Claver-  The  new  president  will  return of a Latin American
             in Washington.                                           Carone, who had been the  be  tasked  with  bolstering  to  the  helm  of  the  bank
                                                     Associated Press   first  American  to  lead  the  economies that were hit by  should help reduce the po-
                                                                      bank  in  its  63-year  history.  the  coronavirus  pandem-  larization  that  surrounded
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Latin  to  lead  the  region's  larg-  He  was  removed  after  an  ic  are  now  suffering  from  Claver-Carone's   election
            American governments on  est  development  bank  in  ethics probe found he likely  weakening  currencies,  in-      and  make  the  task  of  se-
            Sunday  selected  Brazilian  the wake of a misconduct  carried on an intimate rela-    creasing  foreign  debt  and  curing additional resources
            economist  Ilan  Goldfajn  probe that led to the firing  tionship with a subordinate.  capital  flight  spurred  by  easier.q
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