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local Monday 21 noveMber 2022
Aruba once again host of the German-Caribbean Energy Conference
ORANJESTAD – For the impact of climate change
fourth consecutive year, completely, according to
Aruba was the host coun- a press release.
try for the annual confer-
ence German-Caribbean The prime minister indicat-
Energy Conference” which ed that Aruba, like other
took place on the 15th of SIDS, recognizes its depen-
November 2022. dence on fossil fuels, which
are known to fluctuate in
During this conference, price constantly, carry un-
prime minister of Aruba, certainty regarding cost of
Evelyn Wever-Croes had living and economic de-
the oportunity to give a velopment. This resulted in
speech extending a warm Aruba beginning to walk
welcome to those partici- the path to reduce carbon
pating, as well as thanking emissions.
the organizers for choosing
the island of Aruba once This process began before
again to host this confer- 2009, when the Govern-
ence. ment together with Utilities
companies came together
During her speech, the with a strategic plan with of the United Nations. For and nations stand togeth-
prime minister explained the goal of reducing the use the energy sector this is also “Aruba is commited to con- er can we win the battle
that renewable energy and of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) and important seeing that ener- tinue working against the against climate change”,
effcicient energy are very carbon emissions. Regreta- gy plays an important role effects of climate change. the prime minister ex-
important topics for islands bly, this plan was not real- regarding cost of living for All change begins from the pressed in her speech.q
in the Caribbean, including ized, however, when there the citizens of Aruba. inside, but only if all islands
Aruba. Worldwide, these was a change in mandate
topics are also receiving a in the government, stake-
lot of attention in the con- holders approached the
text of climate change. government and urged it
For the Small Island Devel- to come with a more real-
oping States (SIDS) around istic plan. According to the
the world, climate change press release, the Wever-
is extremely important see- Croes Cabinet has as a
ing the damage that it priority to reevaluate the
can cause, particularly on investments done until now
islands in the Caribbean and reform the energetic
that depend on the tourism vision for Aruba.
sector, are vulnerable to
climate change – because For Aruba it is important
a hurricane can deplete that during the energetic
more than the annual GDP transition a focus is given
of a country like Aruba. For to the human being and to
this reason, the best option align with the Sustainable
is to avoid the negative Development Goals (SDGs)