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                                                                                                           local Monday 21 noveMber 2022

            Aruba Dolphins delegation to participate in the XXXIX NACO Invitational

            ORANJESTAD  –  This  week,  categories  of  age  will  be   tian Danje, Braynsley Dirksz,  inson,  Kailani  Schwengle,
            from  24th  to  28th  of  No-  taking  part  in  the  NACO   Chloë-Nicole  Dirksz,  Aliyah  Jayla Stuut, Cianna Tromp,  The  board  of  Aruba  Dol-
            vember  2022,  Delfines  del  Invitational.  These  athletes   Estrada,  Arvid  Farro,  Liv  Enrique  van  den  Hengel,  phins,  the  entire  team  of
            NACO  is  organizing  their  have  been  training  rigor-  Farro, Bobby Gibson, Owen  Hugo Vroegop, Olav Vroe-      Aruba  Dolphins  and  the
            34th  Invitational  in  Santo  ously in order to reach their   Houtman,  Daan  Keetlaer,  gop,  Shandra  Vrolijk,  Amy  entire  family  of  Curason
            Domingo.                     goal  and  represent  Aruba   Elizabeth  Koolman,  Maria  Web,  Zayron  Werleman,  Blauw  (Blue  Heart)  wishes
                                         Dolphins in Santo Domingo.   Koolman,  Aletta  Pelger,  Jayrick Winterdal and Jay-     the athletes success in San-
            Team Aruba Dolphins had a                                 Anna  Pelger,  Celine  Rob-  than Winterdal.              to Domingo!q
            very successful year in 2022,  Accompanying  the  ath-
            winning  the  title  of  Cham-  letes during their trip will be
            pion of Stingray Challenge,  coach  Luz  Rodriguez  and
            the  Aruban  Championship  coach  Marellys  Robles  de      Cas Princesa thanks and
            as well as winning the title  Medina.
            of the Aruba Dolphins Invi-                                 congratulates its new queens
            tational.                    The  following  athletes  will
                                         be  participating  in  NACO    ORANJESTAD  –  Cas  Princesa  Aruba  re-  Runner-up: Elise Heronimo.
            A  delegation  consisting  of  2022:                        cently  held  its  beauty  pageant  2022  at  3) Pre-Teen:
            a total of 27 athletes of all  Enzo Croes, Zivah Croes, Tris-  Cas di Cultura, in front of the jury consist-  Winner: Maya Gordon;
                                                                        ing of Maritza Verstappen, Ann Arends,  Runner-up: Qiana Felomina.
                                                                        Rudyanne  Lejuez,  Mirto  Tromp,  Derrel
                                                                        Lampe and Rose Ann Croes.                Photogenic:
                                                                                                                 Leyni Boekhoudt;
                                                                        The MC was Addonsito Croes. A total of  Elise Heronimo;
                                                                        11  candidates  competed  in  the  three  Maya Gordon.
                                                                        pageants of Princess Beauty, Little Beau-
                                                                        ty and Pre Teen Beauty 2022.             Miss Popular: Leyni Boekhoudt;
                                                                        The show, titled Christmas Gala included  Best Hair:  Sharely Boekhoudt;
                                                                        great  performances  by  Carolyn  Kock,  Miss Social Media:  Mia McCollum;
                                                                        Dayenne Croes, Diamond Dancers and  Mini Miss Friendship: Thaheeli Geerman.
                                                                        Angelina Salazar.
                                                                        The results were as following:           The  three  outgoing  queens,  Keivy  Win-
                                                                        1) Princess Beauty:                      terdaal, Roshny Dairam and Jacy Croes
                                                                        Winner: Leyni Boekhoudt;                 thanked everyone for their support. Also
                                                                        Runner-up: Carly-Yenne Maduro.           the organizing team under the guidance
                                                                        2) Little Beauty:                        of Jessica Anthonij thanked everyone for
                                                                        Winner: Thaheeli Geerman;                supporting the event.q
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