Page 13 - MIN ON SEPT 11, 2015
P. 13

                                                                                                                 Friday 11 September 2015

University of Aruba Honors its Top Students of 2014-2015

ORANJESTAD - A total of        Management (OGM) and        partners of the business     number is seven, however      cheline Bury of FDR; Van-
seven prizes for in depth      Mathematics.                community who are the        one represents the out-       danna Geerman of the
theses and six outstanding     The celebratory program     annuals sponsors of the      standing thesis of SW&D       SW&D at the FAS; Jill Mat-
student awards. That was       included musical intro-     event gave out the certifi-  of the previous academic      thew of the Mathematics
the tally of this week’s cer-  duction and intermezzos     cates as well a monetary     year. Alumnus Emmeline        program of the FAS; and
emony at the University of     presented by the Gucci      reward to the graduates      Webb, whose day of dis-       Kimberley van Loon of the
Aruba, UA, during which
the academic institution
with the support of mem-
bers of the business com-
munity recognized a num-
ber of students who stood
out during the past aca-
demic year.
The Student Award Night
took place in the aula of
the UA, and was opened
by Rector Glenn Thode.
Nominees for the student
awards, Dahariana Evertsz,
student at the UA and Carl
Quant, an UA alumnus
were the Masters of Cere-
mony and they welcomed
Minister of Education Mi-
chelle Hooyboer Winklaar
who also addressed the
students, representatives
of the businesses that an-
nual support the award
ceremony and faculties’
staff all who gathered in
the solemn, stained glass
adorned former Chapel,
now Aula of the UA.
The UA has four faculties,
the Faculty of Law, (FDR)

Faculty of Financial Eco-      Dancers (one of the danc-   whose investigations re-     sertation coincided with      OGM program of the FAS.
nomic Studies(FEF), Faculty    ers is UA alumnus Consuela  sulted in clear summations,  that year’s award ceremo-     It was a moment of pride
of Hospitality and Tour-       Cameron). But the most      therefore earning the rec-   ny and it was decided to      for the UA to welcome rep-
ism Management Studies         compelling moments were     ognition for having written  recognize it the following    resentatives of two of the
(FHTMS) and the Faculty of     definitely the minute pre-  the best theses.             year. That was the case this  sponsors of the event to
Arts (FAS) that runs three     sentation of the winning    Every year, the UA along     week. The 2014-2015 win-      hand over the certificates
bachelor programs, name-       theses, as they gave the    with its commercial part-    ning theses were written      and prizes.
ly Social Works and Devel-     essence of the investiga-   ners selects the outstand-   by Ogieny Sahron van der
opment (SW&D); Organi-         tions students conducted.   ing theses in the various    LInden of the FEF; Prociano        Continued on Page 14
zation, Governance and         Representatives of the      programs. This year that     Nurse of the FHTMS; Mi-
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