Page 14 - MIN ON SEPT 11, 2015
P. 14
LOCALFriday 11 September 2015
Continued from Page 13 Leadership Summits at the son, Micheline Bury and at the UA. She represented ing up with her academic
UA. The other nominee was Sayenne Kelly. her classmates and stu- work. The other nominees
Maggy Hazel of the CATC Prociano Nurse. Winner of the Student dents in general by voicing were Master of Ceremony
accountancy and tax Xiavier Semileer won the Award for the SW&D pro- their concerns regarding for the night, Dahariana
advisors firm CATC is an Student Award for the FDR, gram of the FAS was Keyla courses and school-relat- Evertsz, Vandanna Geer-
UA alumnus, just like L. de the oldest faculty at the UA. Rojas who has been part of ed matters, organized ac- man, Emmeline Webb and
Cuba, representative of Other nominees were the student board for the tivities to give back to the Tirzlyn Kolfin.
ENNIA Insurances. Jeannette Baars Richard- majority of her four years community, all while keep- Winner of the Student
The nominees of the institu- Award for the Math pro-
tion of some 700 students, gram of the FAS was Kay-
not only represent the best leigh Pawironadi, who on
of their faculties but dis- top of helping other stu-
played leadership and hu- dents, gave birth in March
man qualities in the interest of this year, yet did not miss
of their fellow students, the a beat and had the top
university and community scores in the finals. Jill Mat-
in general. thew, Laura Morales and
Winner of the Student Gustave Lopez were the
Award for the FEF was other nominees.
Christopher Habibe who Jonathan Henriquez won
had an admirable aca- the Student Award for
demic performance and the OGM program of the
on top of it, outperformed FAS. Henriquez according
many in extracurricular to the faculty is an excel-
activities including his ac- lent role model for other
tive membership in Kiwanis students. He gave up his
Circle K International and job to dedicate himself
the Debate Club. He is also completely to his studies,
the current President of and his commitment paid
the University of Aruba Stu- off. Henriquez not only ex-
dent Association. The other celled with his grades, but
nominees were Ogieny also in his extracurricular
Sahron van der Linden, activities, including the De-
Dianmary Almary and Nina bate Club, assisting the UA
Terletskaya. Summer School and by be-
Master of Ceremony of ing a commendable team
the evening Carl Quant player. The other nominees
was called forth to receive were Kimberley van Loon,
his Student Award for the Nurianne Helder and Ghis-
FHTMS. According to the laine Nicolas.
faculty, Quant showed The event was closed off by
leadership qualities from Acting Rector and Dean of
day one. He became the FAS Luciano Milliard
Class President, attended who honored the student
faculty meeting, guided organizations working to
his class mates through improve the general well
full load of study work and being at the university and
motivated them when for the community, namely
they lacked energy at the Kiwanis Circle K Interna-
end of each semester. In tional and the University
addition Quant also joined of Aruba Student Associa-
the ranks of active Kiwan- tion, SUA. They were rep-
is Circle K International resented by Christopher
members, allowing him to Habibe and Joshua Arrin-
organize among others, dell, respectively.q