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                                                                                                                           Tuesday 19 June 2018

            Innovation Summit: A.T.A. Presented “Tourism As A Catalyst For Innovation”

            ORANJESTAD  —  This  week
            took  place  an  Innova-
            tion  Summit  organized  by
            the    Aruban  government  /
            Ministry  of  General  affairs
            which  carries  the  topic  of
            ‘innovation’  on  a  govern-
            mental  level.  During  this
            conference  the  CEO  of
            A.T.A.  Ronella  Tjin  Asjoe-
            Croes,  was  one  of  the  in-
            vited  speakers  which  cov-
            ered  the  topic  of  “Tourism
            as  a  Catalyst  for  Innova-

            The  presentation  covered
            different  topics,  and  re-
            flected  among  others  on
            the importance of tourism,
            which is the main income of                                                                                         Examples  include  :    online
            Aruba’s economy, but also                                                                                           immigration  cards  which
            on how dynamic this indus-                                                                                          were launched December
            try is seeing quick changes                                                                                         2015,  also  the  MoU  that
            in the areas of variation in                                                                                        was  closed  with  Airbnb  in
            taste  and  consumer  pref-                                                                                         2016, where Aruba was the
            erence,  technology,  po-                                                                                           first one to do so. Here we
            litical and also economical                                                                                         stand  still  to  the  fact  that
            changes.  Agile  destina-                                                                                           A.T.A.  don’t  have  com-
            tions,  which  could  quickly                                                                                       plete  control  on  projects
            adjust  and  could  manage                                                                                          that  represent  innovation
            innovation  duly  would  for                                                                                        and  that  are  essential    to
            sure win in this area in the                                                                                        collaborate  with  other  en-
            dynamic  tourism  world.                                                                                            tities  and  that  innovation
            Underlined  was  the  impor-                                                                                        must  surely  carry  a  true
            tance of this taking in con-                                                                                        commitment of all involved
            sideration how competitive                                                                                          if it wants to be successful.
            this industry is ; the tourism                                                                                      In  the  case  of  the  online
            industry  is  one  of  the  big-                                                                                    immigration  card  and  the
            gest  industries  worldwide,                                                                                        MoU  with  Airbnb,  the  co-
            which is 10.4% of the global                                                                                        operation with governmen-
            GDP  which  sums  up  more                                                                                          tal departments was really
            than  313  million  employ-                                                                                         good,  but  in  the  case  of
            ment spots and that is one                                                                                          MoU  and  Airbnb,  the  final
            of  the  fastest  growing  in-  that  could  catalyze  inno-  tant  to  also  introduce  as-                        objective  wasn’t  reached,
            dustries.  It  is  no  surprise  to  vation. This without doubt is  pects that make sense with  In  this  context  Mrs.  Tijn  As-  which  was  being  the  first
            see more nations elevating  the case for Aruba, facing  the  tendencies  worldwide  joe-Croes indicated that a      in  the  Caribbean  to  have
            the  importance  of  tourism  the fact that for Aruba tour-  indicating  which  direction  lot  of  what  is  important  to   a  ‘partnership  agreement’
            as part of their economy. In  ism  is  the  biggest  industry.  tourism is moving in. It was  the actual visitor and future   with  Airbnb.  This  would
            Aruba,  the  contribution  of  If  innovative  activities  are  consequently  shown  in  a  visitors are aspects that our   make  sure  that  tax  pay-
            travel and tourism brings up  stimulated outside the tour-  video  that  the  top  10  ac-  community  also  indicated   ments from those that rent
            86.5% of our income (GDP)  ism industry this also should  tual tendencies that varies  that are important to them,   accommodations     under
            and forms 87% of the total  be  link  to  the  industry  as  from  the  ability  to  be  well  and this is beautiful to see!   the  Airbnb  cap  would  be
            employment  spots  on  our  cardinal  part  of  the  suc-  connected during a vaca-    Improvements  serve  both    covered  by  Airbnb.  Aruba
            island.                      cess of innovative products  tion  (technology)  but  also  the  industry  as  the  people   until  today  doesn’t  have
                                         /  services,  looking  at  the  the  desire  to  experience  that  live  here.  This  is  the   this, while others in the Ca-
            During  the  presentation  amount  of  potential  cus-    more  of  what  makes  the  most  important  for  A.T.A.   ribbean  do.  Even  though
            they shared how in general  tomers that this represents –  destination  authentic  (for  .  For  A.T.A.  innovation  is   they  are  many  challenges
            innovation  is  born  outside  almost 1.8 million visitors per  example it’s food), but also  key and presented various   along  the  way  true  com-
            of the tourism world, but in  year  that  Aruba  receives  the  importance  of  those  examples  of  projects  that   mitment  would  give  the
            general  this  industry  tests  adding up cruise ship tour-  that travel to admire what  A.T.A.  has  put  in  front  of   necessary  priority  to  this
            and  implements  various  ism and ‘stay-over’ tourism.   humanity has put on as en-    them to be the first one to   agreement and will for sure
            products or innovative ser-                               vironment  protection  and  introduce this in the Carib-  lead to the final goal.
            vices in short time. Tourism is  Tourism is so integral to the  protection  of  our  natural  bean and so be a innova-
            categorized as an industry  life in Aruba that it is impor-  resources.                tor in this region.                 Continued on Page 14
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