Page 21 - ATA
P. 21
Tuesday 19 June 2018
Innovation Summit: A.T.A. Presented “Tourism As A Catalyst For Innovation”
all marketing efforts of our ‘Cu Mira Pa Futuro’ which
destination have been mean ‘With Future in Sight’
transferred to digital/online and also A.T.A strategic
channels since 2011/2012 plans for 2018-2021. This
which also isn’t usual to was all shown during the
others in the Caribbean. presentation.
Also the new website www. and the fact A.T.A. from their side will
that A.T.A. is installing dif- keep focusing on innova-
ferent ‘beacons’ on our is- tion on both international
land. markets as on the develop-
ment of our product tour-
Concrete innovative key ism. We thank the orga-
actions for Aruba’s tour- nization for enlarging our
ism has been already de- knowledge on this impor-
fined, and include the plan tant topic of ‘innovation’.q
Aiaiaai, Que Pasa is in
a Mexican mood!
Continued on Page 14 where that Aruba was the watches TV at a certain
first destination in the Ca- time of day and make sure
There were given many ribbean to adapt the ‘Pro- that they see promotion for
examples of innovation grammatic TV Advertising’ Aruba and not something
under the management in United States, a way/ else non related to the seg-
of A.T.A. in the internation- system that permits you to ments in which Aruba leads
al markets. One of these choose the audience that itself. Furthermore, 60% of
ORANJESTAD ―Que Pasa fold: buaracheeses with a
in the Wilhelminastraat is Mexican topping, a sweet
spreading her wings these potato filled with shrimp,
days. Now she is winking at avocado and corn and
Mexico, in particular Mexi- a tortilla wrap with steak,
can cuisine. On Wednes- gratinated cheese and
day, June 20 it is time guacamole.
for lots of aiaiaiaas and A lovely, sweet mango
whooping, as the menu for mousse with chocolate
this event is truly amazing. ice cream is for dessert.
A Mexican bean soup with If this will not make you
sour cream and nachos is break out in soulful ma-
the appetizer of the eve- riachi songs about heart-
ning. break and sorrow, we don’t
The main course is three- know....q