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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 24 Maart 2022

                               NATO: 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops dead in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  NATO  estimated  on  Secretary  of  State  Antony  Blinken  Mariupol officials said at least 2,300
            Wednesday  that  7,000  to  15,000  said. He cited evidence of indiscrimi-  people had died, but the true toll is
            Russian soldiers have been killed  nate or deliberate attacks against civil-  probably  much  higher.  Airstrikes  in
            in four weeks of war in Ukraine,  ians and the destruction of apartment  the past week destroyed a theater and
            where  fierce  fighting  by  the  buildings,  schools,  hospitals,  shop-  an  art  school  where  civilians  were
            country’s  fast-moving  defenders  ping centers and other sites.        sheltering.
            has denied Moscow the lightning
            victory it sought.                  Addressing    Japan’s   parliament,  In  the  besieged  northern  city  of
                                                Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel-  Chernihiv,  Russian  forces  bombed
            By  way  of  comparison,  Russia  lost  enskyy said thousands of his people  and destroyed a bridge that was used
            about 15,000 troops over 10 years in  have  been  killed,  including  at  least  for aid deliveries and civilian evacu-
            Afghanistan.                        121 children.                       ations,  regional  governor  Viacheslav  declined to provide estimates of Rus-
                                                                                    Chaus said.                         sian  or  Ukrainian  casualties,  saying
            A senior NATO military official said  Still,  major  Russian  objectives  re-                               available information is of question-
            the  alliance’s  estimate  was  based  on  main  unfulfilled.  The  capital,  Kyiv,  Kateryna Mytkevich, who arrived in  able reliability.
            information from Ukrainian authori-  has  been  bombarded  repeatedly  but  Poland after fleeing Chernihiv, wiped
            ties, what Russia has released — in-  is not even encircled.            away  tears  as  she  spoke  about  what  It  has  arrested  thousands  of  anti-
            tentionally or not — and intelligence                                   she  had  seen.  The  city  is  without  war protesters and cracked down on
            gathered from open sources. The of-  Near-constant  shelling  and  gun-  gas, electricity or running water, said  the media. Also, under a law passed
            ficial spoke on condition of anonym-  fire  shook  the  city  Wednesday,  with  Mytkevich, 39, and entire neighbor-  Wednesday,  troops  in  Ukraine  will
            ity under ground rules set by NATO.  plumes  of  black  smoke  rising  from  hoods have been destroyed.     get  the  same  benefits  as  veterans  of
                                                the western outskirts, where the two                                    previous  wars,  including  tax  breaks,
            When  Russia  unleashed  its  invasion  sides  battled  for  control  of  multiple  Despite  plenty  of  evidence  to  the  discounts on utilities and preferential
            Feb. 24 in Europe’s biggest offensive  suburbs. Mayor Vitali Klitschko said  contrary, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry  access to medical treatment.
            since World War II, a swift toppling  at least 264 civilians have been killed  Peskov insisted the military operation
            of  Ukraine’s  government  seemed  in the capital since the war broke out.  is going “strictly in accordance” with  In an apparent reflection of growing
            likely. But with Wednesday marking                                      plans.                              divisions  in  Russia’s  top  echelons,
            four full weeks of fighting, Moscow  In the south, the encircled port city                                  Anatoly  Chubais  has  resigned,  Pes-
            is bogged down in a grinding military  of Mariupol has seen the worst dev-  The most recent figure for Ukraine’s  kov  told  the  Interfax  news  agency.
            campaign.                           astation  of  the  war,  enduring  weeks  military losses came from Zelenskyy  Chubais,  the  architect  of  Russia’s
                                                of bombardment and, now, street-by-  on March 12, when he said that about  post-Soviet  privatization  campaign,
            With  its  ground  forces  slowed  or  street fighting. But Ukrainian forces  1,300 Ukrainian servicemen had been  had  served  in  a  variety  of  top  posts
            stopped  by  hit-and-run  Ukrainian  have  prevented  its  fall,  thwarting  killed in action.              over  three  decades.  His  latest  role
            units  armed  with  Western-supplied  an apparent bid by Moscow to fully                                    was as Putin’s envoy to international
            weapons, Russian President Vladimir  secure a land bridge from Russia to  The  NATO  official  said  30,000  to  organizations.
            Putin’s troops are bombarding targets  Crimea, seized from Ukraine in 2014.  40,000 Russian soldiers are estimated
            from afar, falling back on the tactics                                  to have been killed or wounded.     Western officials say Putin’s forces are
            they used in reducing cities to rubble  Zelenskyy  said  100,000  civilians  re-                            facing serious shortages of food, fuel
            in Syria and Chechnya.              main in a city that had 430,000 people  Russia  has  released  very  little  infor-  and cold weather gear, with soldiers
                                                before the war. Efforts to get desper-  mation on its casualties, saying March  suffering  frostbite,  while  Ukraine’s
            As U.S. President Joe Biden left for  ately needed food and other supplies  2  that  nearly  500  soldiers  had  been  defenders have been going more on
            Europe to meet with key allies about  to those trapped have often failed.  killed and almost 1,600 wounded.  the offensive.
            new  sanctions  against  Moscow  and
            more  military  aid  to  Ukraine,  he  Zelenskyy accused Russian forces of  Ukraine also claims to have killed six  Still,  Russia’s  far  stronger,  bigger
            warned there is a “real threat” Russia  seizing a humanitarian convoy. Dep-  Russian  generals.  Russia  acknowl-  military  has  many  Western  experts
            could use chemical weapons.         uty Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk  edges just one dead general.       warning    against   overconfidence
                                                said the Russians were holding cap-                                     in  Ukraine’s  long-term  odds.  The
            The U.S. government has also deter-  tive  11  bus  drivers  and  four  rescue  The  figures  from  NATO  represent  Kremlin’s  practice  in  past  wars  has
            mined that Russian troops have com-  workers along with their vehicles.  the alliance’s first public estimate of  been to grind down resistance by flat-
            mitted war crimes in Ukraine, and it                                    Russian casualties since the war be-  tening  cities,  killing  countless  civil-
            will work to prosecute the offenders,  In their last update, over a week ago,  gan. The U.S. government has largely  ians and sending millions fleeing.

                          Poland orders expulsion of 45 Russians suspected of spying

            (AP)  —  Poland  ordered                                                               given  five  days  to  leave  the  land ever having expelled so
            the  expulsion  of  45  Rus-  Poland’s  Internal  Security  Russian  Ambassador  Sergei  country,  with  the  exception  many  intelligence  agents  at
            sians  whom  the  govern-    Agency said it has asked the  Andreev  was  summoned  to  of  one  particularly  danger-  ones — a number that makes
            ment identified as intelli-  Foreign Ministry to urgently  the Foreign Ministry and giv-  ous man who must leave in  up about half of Russia’s dip-
            gence  officers  using  their  remove  the  Russians,  who  en  a  note  informing  him  of  48 hours.              lomatic staff in Poland.
            diplomatic status as cover  were  described  as  a  danger  the expulsion of 45 employ-
            to operate in the country,  to Poland’s security, from the  ees of the embassy and Rus-  He didn’t give a specific rea-  He  said  the  agency’s  work
            officials said Wednesday.    country.                     sia’s trade mission to Poland.  son for why the alleged spies  also showed that the Russian
                                                                                                   were being expelled but sug-  services  are  increasingly  on
                                                                      Andreev,  who  is  not  among  gested  that  they  pose  an  es-  the offensive and “are acting
                                                                      those  being  expelled,  lashed  pecially grave threat at a time  aggressively against Poland.”
                                                                      out  at  the  decision,  telling  that Poland is accepting large
                                                                      reporters  after  the  meeting  numbers  of  refugees  from  Zaryn said in a separate state-
                                                                      that  those  being  kicked  out  Ukraine.                 ment that the security agency
                                                                      of Poland “were carrying out                              found  that  the  activities  of
                                                                      normal diplomatic and trade  Zaryn,  the  state  security  the  45  Russians  have  served
                                                                      activity.”  He  said  Russia  has  spokesman, said the decision  “the  objectives  of  the  Rus-
                                                                      the right to respond on a re-  to expel them now was made  sian  undertakings  designed
                                                                      ciprocal basis.              “taking into account Russian  to undermine the stability of
                                                                                                   aggression against Ukraine.”  Poland and its allies in the in-
                                                                      Polish   Foreign   Ministry                               ternational arena and poses a
                                                                      spokesman  Lukasz  Jasina  He told The Associated Press  threat to the interests and se-
                                                                      said the Russians were being  that he was not aware of Po-  curity of our country.”
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