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A30    world news
                    Diahuebs 24 Maart 2022

                          Amid protests, Europe limited in curbing high energy prices

                                                                      households  and  small  busi-                             farmers paraded their tractors
                                                                      nesses.                      In the meantime, workers are  through  Madrid  on  Sunday.
                                                                                                   taking to the streets as gaso-  Outside government offices,
                                                                      Such measures “are sensible,  line across the EU’s 27 coun-  cattle  breeders  poured  out
                                                                      and  some  of  them,  such  as  tries  has  risen  40%  from  a  milk that they said costs them
                                                                      energy tax cuts, could be sus-  year ago, to an average of 2.02  more  to  produce  than  they
                                                                      tained indefinitely — even if  euros per liter — the equiva-  earn selling it.
                                                                      prices continue to increase,”  lent of $8.40 a gallon.
                                                                      said  Elisabetta  Cornago,  a                             With  the  country’s  logistics
                                                                      senior research fellow at the  Truckers around France, dis-  in  disarray  from  the  trucker
                                                                      Centre for European Reform  satisfied  with  aid  they  con-  protests,  Spain’s  national
                                                                      think tank who specializes in  sider  “insufficient,”  held  a  fishing federation said mem-
                                                                      EU energy policy.            day of action Monday, with a  bers  can’t  even  move  their
                                                                                                   group of independent drivers  catch  from  the  ports  to  the
                                                                      But  she  called  them  partial  in  Normandy  and  the  Eng-  markets further inland.
                                                                      solutions  that  “only  make  a  lish Channel region staging a
                                                                      small difference.”           blockade that prevented hun-  Italian truck drivers and fish-
            (AP)  —  Across  Europe,  tries  like  trucking  or  fishing                           dreds of trucks from moving.  ing  boat  owners  and  crews
            governments  are  slash-     who  are  staging  protests  to  Raising interest rates, the tool                      also  have  held  one-day  pro-
            ing  fuel  taxes  and  dol-  push politicians to ease their  wielded  by  central  banks  to  Collateral damage included a  tests over high fuel costs.
            ing out tens of billions to  financial  pain.  The  war  has  tame inflation, also would do  Paris gig by British hard rock
            help consumers, truckers,  exacerbated  a  monthslong  little to rein in energy prices  group Royal Blood. The band  Their  actions  come  even  as
            farmers  and  others  cope  energy  crunch  in  Europe,  —  which  European  Central  tweeted the cancellation of its  governments have spent bil-
            with spiking energy prices  which is dependent on Rus-    Bank  President  Christine  show Monday night because  lions  to  help  businesses  and
            made worse by Russia’s in-   sian oil and natural gas. Gov-  Lagarde  noted  last  month.  its gear was stuck at a service  households. France last week
            vasion of Ukraine.           ernments  have  limited  op-  That’s because “rising energy  station  near  Paris  and  “the  unveiled  a  multibillion-euro
                                         tions to provide lasting relief  prices are due to fundamen-  protesters will not allow the  economic  assistance  pack-
            But it’s not enough for some  as households and businesses  tal shifts in energy markets,”  (equipment) trucks to leave.”  age,  including  partial  subsi-
            whose  livelihoods  hinge  on  face  crippling  energy  bills,  Cornago said.                                       dies of fuel for fishing boats
            fuel.                        high prices at the pump and                               In Cyprus, hundreds of live-  and trucks over the next four
                                         other effects. Volatile energy  The energy crisis will be a hot  stock   breeders   protested  months,  and  3  billion  euros
            Miguel Ángel Rodriguez was  markets  control  natural  gas  topic at a European Council  Monday  outside  the  coun-  to help some companies pay
            one  of  200  concrete  truck  and oil prices that have soared  summit starting Thursday in  try’s  Presidential  Palace  and  soaring gas and electric bills.
            drivers  who  held  a  slow-  and fueled record inflation.  Brussels, where leaders from  demanded  compensation  to
            driving  protest  around  Ma-                             Spain,  Portugal,  Italy  and  offset  the  sharp  increase  in  Greece  is  giving  a  one-off
            drid this week. He said filling  Countries like Italy, the Neth-  Greece  will  call  for  an  ur-  animal feed prices because of  subsidy  to  taxi  drivers,  and
            up  used  to  cost  1,600  euros  erlands,  Belgium,  Greece,  gent,  coordinated  bloc-wide  higher transport costs tied to  Britain announced a package
            ($1,760)  a  month,  but  he’s  Sweden and Cyprus are do-  response.  EU  officials  on  fuel price hikes.          of tax cuts and support pay-
            been  forking  out  an  extra  ing  what  they  can,  passing  Wednesday  said  they  would                         ments  that  fell  far  short  of
            500  euros  since  the  start  of  temporary efforts to provide  seek  U.S.  help  on  a  plan  to  Spanish  truck  drivers  have  what consumer advocates de-
            the year because of the rising  immediate help: slashing fuel  top  up  natural  gas  storage  been   disrupting   delivery  manded as utility bills are set
            price of diesel.             taxes, rolling out heating and  facilities for next winter and  of  fresh  produce  and  other  to rise 54% in April because
                                         power  subsidies  or  rebates,  also want the bloc to jointly  goods  for  supermarkets  for  of soaring natural gas costs.
            He’s  among those  in indus-  and  capping  energy  bills  for  purchase gas.          more  than  a  week,  while

                          Taliban break promise on higher education for Afghan girls

            (AP) — Afghanistan’s Tal-    in parts of the Afghan capital  a right to education, adding,  of uncertainty” about the fu-  U.N.  special  representative
            iban  rulers  unexpectedly  of Kabul and elsewhere in the  “For the sake of the country’s  ture, she said. It said that in  Deborah  Lyons  will  try  to
            decided against reopening  country. Some girls in higher  future  and  its  relations  with  some areas, teachers said they  meet Thursday with the Tal-
            schools Wednesday to girls  grades  returned  to  schools,  the international community,  would continue to hold class-  iban  to  ask  them  to  reverse
            above the sixth grade, re-   only to be told to go home.  I  would  urge  the  Taliban  to  es for the girls until the Tal-  their decision, U.N. spokes-
            neging  on  a  promise  and                               live up to their commitments  iban issued an official order.  person  Stephane  Dujarric
            opting  to  appease  their  Aid  organizations  said  the  to their people.”                                        said.
            hard-line  base  at  the  ex-  move exacerbated the uncer-                             Waheedullah Hashmi, exter-
            pense  of  further  alienat-  tainty  surrounding  Afghani-  The Norwegian Relief Com-  nal relations and donor rep-  Earlier  in  the  week,  a  state-
            ing the international com-   stan’s  future  as  the  Taliban  mittee,  which  spends  about  resentative with the Taliban-  ment by the Education Min-
            munity.                      leadership  seems  to  struggle  $20 million annually to sup-  led administration, told The  istry had urged “all students”
                                         to get on the same page as it  port  primary  education  in  Associated Press the decision  to  return  when  classes  re-
            The surprising decision, con-  shifts  from  fighting  to  gov-  Afghanistan,  was  still  wait-  was made late Tuesday night.  sumed Wednesday.
            firmed  by  a  Taliban  official,  erning.                ing  for  official  word  from
            is bound to disrupt efforts by                            the  Taliban  about  canceling
            the  Taliban  to  win  recogni-  It also came as the leadership  the classes for girls above the
            tion  from  potential  interna-  was  convening  in  Kandahar  sixth grade.
            tional donors at a time when  amid  reports  of  a  possible
            the  country  is  mired  in  a  Cabinet shuffle.          Berenice Van Dan Driessche,
            worsening humanitarian cri-                               advocacy  manager  for  the
            sis.  The  international  com-  U.S.  Special  Representative  committee,  said  their  rep-
            munity  has  urged  Taliban  Thomas  West  tweeted  his  resentatives  had  not  gotten
            leaders to reopen schools and  “shock and deep disappoint-  official  word  of  the  change
            give  women  their  right  to  ment”  about  the  decision,  as  of  Wednesday  night,  and
            public space.                calling it “a betrayal of public  that girls in the 11 provinces
                                         commitments to the Afghan  where they work had gone to
            The  reversal  was  so  sudden  people  and  the  international  school but were sent home.
            that  the  Education  Minis-  community.”
            try  was  caught  off  guard  on                          The committee’s staff in the
            Wednesday,  the  start  of  the  He said the Taliban had made  provinces  “reported  a  lot  of
            school  year,  as  were  schools  it clear that all Afghans have  disappointment and also a lot
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