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A32    sports
                    Diahuebs 24 Maart 2022

                                 Gut punch for the A-T-L: Freeman, Ryan both depart

                                                                      Chipper Jones, faded into re-  the Braves no longer an op-  and  plenty  of  holes  to  fill,
                                                                      tirement.                    tion, the free agent agreed to  the  Falcons  bafflingly  made
                                                                                                   a six-year, $162 million con-  a  pitch  for  quarterback  De-
                                                                      Freeman was called up from  tract  with  the  Los  Angeles  shaun  Watson.  They  looked
                                                                      the minors in 2010 and was  Dodgers.                      like the favorite for the Geor-
                                                                      just  21  when  he  took  over                            gia native when he narrowed
                                                                      as  the  starting  first  baseman  It  was  clear  he  never  really  his choices to the Falcons and
                                                                      the  following  season.  He  expected to leave the Braves.  the rival New Orleans Saints,
                                                                      showed  his  commitment  to                               only  to  have  Watson  change
                                                                      the  organization  by  signing  “I  had  no  idea  that  was  go-  his mind and agree to a mam-
                                                                      an  eight-year  contract  right  ing to happen, anything like  moth deal with the Cleveland
                                                                      as the Braves were beginning  that,”  Freeman  said  while  Browns.
                                                                      a painful rebuilding job.    being introduced as the new-
                                                                                                   est member of the Dodgers.  Instead of getting Ryan’s suc-
                                                                      By 2018, with Freeman sur-   “When  I  got  told,  my  emo-  cessor, the Falcons wound up
            (AP) — It was a 1-2 punch                                 rounded  by  a  new  group  of  tions were all over the place.  looking downright foolish.
            to  the  gut  for  Atlanta’s  Ryan  spent  14  seasons  as  young stars, the Braves were  I  couldn’t  really  speak  for  a
            sports fans.                 the Falcons’ QB, a model of  back on top of the NL East.  couple of hours, trying to fig-  There was no way Matty Ice
                                         consistency  who  can  make                               ure out what was going on.”  was  staying  in  Atlanta  after
            In the space of an extraordi-  a  pretty  strong  case  as  the  Last  season,  they  won  their                    such a public humiliation, al-
            nary  week,  two  of  the  city’s  team’s greatest player ever.  first  World  Series  title  in  26  Even  without  Freeman,  the  lowing the Indianapolis Colts
            most  beloved  sports  figures                            years, with Freeman playing a  Braves  still  look  like  one  of  to pluck him away for a sin-
            —  Freddie  Freeman  and  He  certainly  came  along  at  starring role in the postseason  baseball’s top teams.    gle, second-day draft pick.
            Matt Ryan — were gone.       just the right time, the skinny  and,  appropriately  enough,
                                         kid  out  of  Boston  College  catching the final out of their  In  addition  to  locking  up  a  By Tuesday, he was already in
            Freeman  departed  first,  his  who steadied a franchise that  championship-clinching  vic-  worthy  replacement  at  first  Indy, holding up his blue No.
            hopes  of  playing  an  entire  had been rocked by Michael  tory in Houston.           base — Olson was an All-Star  2 jersey.
            career with the World Series  Vick’s  dogfighting  convic-                             who  belted  39  homers  with
            champion  Braves  dashed  by  tion  and  Bobby  Petrino’s  Freeman  made  it  clear  that  111 RBIs last season — they  Back  in  Atlanta,  the  Falcons
            contract  negotiations  that  abandonment  of  the  head  he  wanted  to  stay  with  the  signed  the  Dodgers’  long-  are  in  a  full-scale  rebuild-
            went awry.                   coaching  position  after  just  Braves,  which  made  it  all  time  closer,  Kenley  Jansen,  ing mode, having signed first
                                         13 games.                    the  more  jarring  last  week  and brought back postseason  rounder-turned-journeyman
            Then  came  Ryan,  traded  by                             when the team suddenly an-   hero Eddie Rosario.          Marcus Mariota as their new
            the  Falcons  on  Monday  for  The very first pass of Ryan’s  nounced a trade for another                           quarterback.
            a  piddling  third-round  draft  professional career was a 62-  first baseman.         The outlook for the Falcons
            pick  after  the  NFL  team’s  yard  touchdown  to  Michael                            in the post-Ryan era doesn’t  Still,  it  was  all  rather  hard
            clumsy attempt to line up his  Jenkins.  When  he  led  an  Atlanta  dealt  four  of  its  top  look nearly so promising.  to process. Ryan, a Philadel-
            successor at quarterback blew  improbable  comeback  vic-  prospects  to  the  Oakland                              phia native, put down serious
            up in its face.              tory over the Chicago Bears,  Athletics  for  Matt  Olson,  This team has never seemed  roots in Atlanta with his wife,
                                         it  was  clear  this  rookie  was  who  was  quickly  signed  to  to fully recover from blowing  Sarah,  and  their  twin  sons,
            A pair of MVPs with a com-   something special.           the  biggest  contract  in  fran-  a  28-3  lead  in  the  2017  Su-  nicknamed the “Ice Cubes.”
            bined  26  seasons  between                               chise history — an eight-year,  per  Bowl.  Even  with  Ryan,
            them will now take the field  Freeman  also  had  “it,”  step-  $168-million package.  they’ve endured four straight  A gut punch, indeed.
            against the A-T-L.           ping up to become the face of                             losing seasons.
                                         the Braves after the last link  By all accounts, Freeman was
            It will be strange, indeed.  to the franchise’s greatest era,  as  shocked  as  anyone.  With  With  huge  salary  cap  issues

                          Man gets life in prison for murder of NBA’s Lorenzen Wright

            (AP)  —  A  jury  on  Mon-   told  his  mother,  Deborah  covered.
            day convicted a Tennessee  Marion,  that  the  trial  might
            man in the slaying of for-   not bring her closure but to  Turner  had  already  pleaded
            mer  NBA  player  Loren-     “celebrate  the  good”  about  guilty  to  possessing  a  weap-
            zen Wright, whose bullet-    her son.                     on  as  a  convicted  felon  af-
            riddled body was found in                                 ter  he  was  found  with  two
            a field nearly 12 years ago  Outside   the   courtroom,  guns  when  he  was  arrested
            in his hometown of Mem-      Marion  told  reporters  she  in  Wright’s  killing  in  2017.
            phis.                        was  elated  with  the  verdict.  Turner  is  serving  a  16-year
                                         She said she would visit her  prison sentence on the sepa-
            The  12-person  jury  delib-  son’s grave Monday night.   rate gun charge.
            erated  for  about  two  hours
            before  it  found  Billy  Ray  “It’ll  never  be  closure,  be-  Prosecutors  allege  Wright’s
            Turner  guilty  of  first-degree  cause  I’ll  never  see  my  son  ex-wife, Sherra Wright, mas-
            murder,  attempted  murder  again,” Marion said. “This is  terminded  a  plan  to  kill  her
            and  conspiracy  in  the  death  just some satisfaction for me  ex-husband  and  recruited
            of  Wright,  a  6-foot,  11-inch  and my family.”         Turner and her cousin, Jim-
            center who played 13 seasons                              mie Martin, to help her.
            in the NBA before he retired  The  slaying  is  one  of  the
            after  the  2008-2009  season.  most highly publicized mur-  Turner  and  Sherra  Wright
            Judge  Lee  Coffee  sentenced  der cases in Memphis history.  were  indicted  in  Decem-
            Turner,  51,  to  life  in  prison  Wright’s  decomposing  body  ber  2017,  more  than  seven
            for  the  murder  conviction.  was found riddled with bul-  years after the killing. Sherra
            He will be sentenced for the  let wounds in a swampy field  Wright  entered  a  surprise
            other charges at a later date.  in east Memphis on July 28,  guilty  plea  to  facilitation  of
                                         2010. The 34-year-old father  murder in July 2019 and was
            Coffee  called  Wright  “a  sa-  of  six  had  been  missing  for  sentenced to 30 years in pris-
            cred  son”  of  Memphis  and  days before his body was dis-  on.
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