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A32 sports
Diahuebs 3 Juni 2021
Ancelotti ready to give Bale another chance at Madrid
(AP) — Carlo Ancelotti is The 61-year-old Ancelotti is Ancelotti faces several chal-
ready to give Gareth Bale back at Madrid after he se- lenges. Ronaldo is long gone
another opportunity at cured his release from Ever- and the many of the team's
Real Madrid. ton. He replaces Zidane after most important players are
the club failed to win a title entering the twilight of their
During his presentation to last season. careers. Luka Modric and
start his second stint as Ma- Sergio Ramos are 35, Karim
drid's coach on Wednesday, When Ancelotti first ar- Benzema and Marcelo 33,
Ancelotti said that he expect- rived in Madrid in 2013, he and Toni Kroos is 31.
ed Bale to return —- and play had the mission of restoring
well — from his loan at Tot- some calm to a club that had The immediate future of Ra-
tenham. been through three tension- mos is in doubt. The team
wrought campaigns under captain has yet to sign a new
"Gareth hasn't played much Mourinho. contract with his current deal
in the Premier League, but up at the end of the month.
he did score goals," Ance- Under Ancelotti' hand, the
lotti said. "He was effective club overcame its 12-year Eden Hazard, the club's most
in the final games of the sea- wait to conquer a 10th Euro- expensive signing, has also
son when he played consis- pean Cup. But with no titles been a bust in his two seasons
tently. I know him well. If he the subsequent campaign, in Spain.
is motivated to play, he can club president Florentino
have a great season. I have no Pérez fired Ancelotti. "Hazard is a top talent who
doubt." has been hurt by injuries,"
After a brief stint under Rafa Ancelotti said. "I believe this
Ancelotti mentioned Bale Benítez, Zidane took over season he can show his true
three times during the news Madrid." son. In London he had injury and led the club to three talent."
conference following his problems early in the season more Champions League ti-
signing of a three-year deal Bale played his best for Ma- and did not win the confi- tles and other trophies. Ancelotti insisted that he has
with Madrid. Ancelotti drid during Ancelotti's first dence of Jose Mourinho. He yet to speak with the club
counted him among a group season in charge in 2013- improved in the second half Zidane announced he would about the makeup of the
of veterans he said he "had 14, when the Wales winger of the season, scoring 10 of not finish out his contract last squad. But he did guarantee
strong affection for" from his scored goals in the finals of his 11 Premier League goals week and a few days later said that his side would produce
first spell with the Spanish the Champions League and from the end of February. in a open letter that the club attractive, attacking soccer
powerhouse. the Copa del Rey to help win didn't fully value his work. that would compete for tro-
both titles. Bale said in March that his Zidane hinted that the club phies.
He said that he expects Bale intention was to go back to leaked information to the
and other players like Isco But Bale, once the most ex- Madrid. Ancelotti could ease media to undermine him. "I am going to give it my all
Alarcón and Marcelo, who pensive signing in the history his return to a club whose to achieve what we did be-
had lost their starting roles of the club, later fell out of fans had fallen out with Bale So, once again, the apparent- fore," Ancelotti said. "I have a
under Zidane, "to practice favor with Zinedine Zidane for his inconsistent perfor- ly easygoing Italian has more very good memory of my two
hard so as to show their coach and was eventually sent back mances. than enough work to do. years here and I think we are
that they want to play for Real to Tottenham on loan last sea- going to repeat that success."
Tito Ortiz bails from post as California city council member
(AP) — Former mixed Ortiz did not specify what without required face masks. safety becomes a matter, I'm local celebrity, was elected in
martial arts fighter Tito media reports he considered a father and I'm going to pro- November 2020. His tenure
Ortiz has quit his post on attacks, but his two sons re- "As of recent, the attacks tect my children." was rocky after he refused to
the City Council of Hun- cently made national news against me have moved into wear a mask at city events and
tington Beach, California when they were sent home involving my family," Ortiz Ortiz, the former UFC light referred to coronavirus safety
after spending about six from school after arriving said. "When my children's heavyweight champion and a measures as a conspiracy.
months in politics for the
first time — and attract- Then in February, Ortiz filed
ing harsh criticism for his an unemployment claim
anti-mask views and for against the city with the Cali-
filing for unemployment fornia Employment Devel-
benefits while serving on opment Department — de-
the council. spite the fact he continued to
earn his council member sti-
Ortiz, who was the city's pend and expense allowance.
mayor pro tem, announced The unemployment filing
his resignation Tuesday night became public in April.
during the first in-person
council meeting held this Ortiz has denied that his un-
year, the Orange County employment claim was im-
Register reported. proper, saying the allegations
were politically motivated.
"This job isn't working for
me," Ortiz said. In his parting comments,
Ortiz said he thought he was
He said he made the deci- "was up to this job."
sion on behalf of his family
after being subjected to what "I'm sorry to let down many
he labeled as "attacks" by the of my supportive constitu-
media, the newspaper said. ents and I pray they'll under-
stand," he added.