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A28    u.s. news
                       Diahuebs 3 Juni 2021

                         Florida governor OKs limits on transgender student athletes

                                                                      she  was  identified  as  a  girl  lators,  and  it’s  insulting  that  According to a 2017 Associat-
                                                                      when she was born. It’s not  they’ve staged this morning’s  ed Press study, North Caro-
                                                                      clear  whether  athletes  must  photo-op on the first day of  lina stood to lose $3.8 billion
                                                                      show  their  birth  certificates,  Pride Month,” said state Sen.  over a dozen years because of
                                                                      or  only  those  whose  gender  Shevrin Jones. “At the end of  a  so-called  “bathroom  bill.”
                                                                      is  questioned.  The  proposal  the day, transgender kids are  Those  losses  were  averted
                                                                      allows another student to sue  just kids.”                when a 2019 settlement kept
                                                                      if a school allows a transgen-                            the state from barring trans-
                                                                      der girl or woman to play on  The  ban  was  tucked  at  the  gender  people  from  using
                                                                      a team intended for students  last minute of the legislative  bathrooms that conformed to
                                                                      identified as female at birth.  session into a measure allow-  their gender identity.
                                                                                                   ing  public  universities  and
                                                                      The  final  wording  of  the  colleges  to  sponsor  charter  “Let  me  say  very  clearly:  In
                                                                      “Fairness in Women’s Sports  schools  —  a  point  the  gov-  Florida,  we’re  going  to  do
                                                                      Act” stripped away some of its  ernor  did  not  mention  dur-  what’s  right  to  stand  up  to
                                                                      most  contentious  elements,  ing the bill signing. It was the  corporations,  they  are  not
                                                                      including a requirement that  transgender  athletes  provi-  going  to  dictate  the  policies
                                                                      transgender  athletes  in  high  sion that was front and center  in  this  state,”  DeSantis  said
                                                                      schools and colleges undergo  in Tuesday’s rhetoric.      while flanked by students at
                                                                      testosterone  or  genetic  test-                          the religious school. “We will
                                                                      ing  and  submit  to  having  “This  bill  is  very  simply  stand  up  to  groups  like  the
            (AP) — Florida’s Republi-    The NCAA, which oversees  their genitalia examined.       about making sure that wom-  NCAA  who  think  that  they
            can governor signed a bill  college  athletics,  has  said  it                         en  can  safely  compete,  have  should be able to dictate the
            Tuesday barring transgen-    has  “a  long-standing  policy  But  the  legislation  signed  opportunities  and  physically  policies  in  different  states.
            der girls and women from  that  provides  a  more  inclu-  by the governor advances an  be able to excel in a sport that  Not here, not ever.”
            playing  on  public  school  sive path for transgender par-  underlying principle asserted  they trained for, prepared for
            teams  intended  for  stu-   ticipation  in  college  sports.”  by supporters: Biological dif-  and work for,” said state Sen.  A  Connecticut  track  athlete,
            dent athletes identified as  The  NCAA  currently  re-    ferences  make  it  unfair  for  Kelli  Stargel,  a  Republican  Selina Soule, joined the Flor-
            girls at birth, plunging the  quires transgender women to  athletes identified as boys at  who championed the bill.  ida governor at the news con-
            state into the national cul-  get  treatment  to  lower  their  birth  to  compete  on  teams                       ference to talk about how she
            ture debate over transgen-   testosterone  levels  before  for girls and women. The law  “This  is  nothing  about  any-  failed to advance in competi-
            der rights.                  they  can  compete  in  wom-  would  not  bar  female  ath-  body  being  discriminated  tions  because  she  competed
                                         en’s sports.                 letes from playing on boys or  against,” she said. “It’s solely  against  transgender  athletes.
            “In Florida, girls are going to                           men’s teams.                 so  that  women  have  an  op-  She called it unfair.
            play girls sports and boys are  When  the  Florida  Legisla-                           portunity  to  compete  in
            going  to  play  boys  sports,”  ture  was  considering  the  Human  Rights  Campaign  women’s sports.”             That Soule was from out of
            Gov. Ron DeSantis said as he  measure in April, the NCAA  President  Alphonso  David                                state  was  not  lost  on  critics
            signed  the  bill  into  law  at  a  said it would commit cham-  said the new law would not  The  Florida  law  mirrors  an  who  contend  that  the  mat-
            private Christian academy in  pionship games to “locations  only harm transgender girls.  Idaho law, the first of its kind  ter was not an urgent one for
            Jacksonville  that  would  not  where  hosts  can  commit  to  “All  Floridians  will  have  to  when enacted last year, that is  Florida,  noting  that  just  11
            be subject to the law. “We’re  providing  an  environment  face the consequences of this  now mired in legal challeng-  athletes applied for screening
            going to make sure that that’s  that is safe, healthy and free  anti-transgender  legislation  es. GOP governors in Arkan-  by  the  Florida  High  School
            the reality.”                of discrimination.”          — including economic harm,  sas,  Mississippi  and  Tennes-  Athletic  Association  since
                                                                      expensive   taxpayer-funded  see  recently  signed  similar  adopting its transgender par-
            The new law, sure to be chal-  High-profile  athletic  events,  legal battles, and a tarnished  measures.           ticipation policy in 2013.
            lenged  as  unconstitutional,  such  as football bowl games  reputation.”
            inflames  an  already  conten-  and  basketball  tournaments,                          Efforts  by  conservatives  to  “This  is  not  out  of  need  or
            tious  discussion  unfolding  generate  millions  of  dollars  Democrats and LGBTQ ad-  restrict  rights  of  gay,  lesbian  necessity,”   said   Orlando
            nationally  as  Republican-  for local communities.       vocates  said  the  law  is  dis-  and transgender people have  Gonzales,  the  executive  di-
            controlled  states  move  to                              criminatory and will be chal-  spawned  numerous  battles  rector  of  SAVE,  a  South
            limit  the  rights  of  LGBTQ  The measure approved by the  lenged in court as unconsti-  in key arenas — not only in  Florida  gay  rights  advocacy
            people, whose advocates were  GOP-led Legislature takes ef-  tutional.                 legislatures  and  courtrooms  group, during a news confer-
            especially  frustrated  that  the  fect July 1. It says a transgen-                    but also across the economy,  ence.  “This  is  really  just  to
            legislation was signed on the  der student athlete can’t par-  “This  is  yet  another  hate-  and  critics  warned  of  loom-  throw red meat out there to
            first day of Pride Month.    ticipate  without  first  show-  driven  attack  from  the  gov-  ing consequences.    really rally the base of people
                                         ing  a  birth  certificate  saying  ernor  and  Republican  legis-                     who are anti-LGBT.”

                             California firefighters had job dispute before fatal attack

              (AP)  —  A  Los  Angeles  County  officials said.                     torso, authorities said. He had three  than a week after a man opened fire
              firefighter  appeared  to  have  a                                    daughters and had been with the de-  with  three  handguns  at  the  Santa
              longstanding job-related dispute  Preliminary  interviews  with  other  partment for more than 20 years.  Clara Valley Transportation Author-
              with  the  colleague  he  shot  and  employees at Fire Station 81 indicate                               ity bus and rail yard in San Jose, kill-
              killed  at  their  small,  rural  fire  the shooter and the firefighter who  Property  records  show  that  fire-  ing nine of his co-workers and then
              station in what became Califor-    was  killed  had  “some  workplace  fighter Jonathan Tatone owned the  himself  as  law  enforcement  closed
              nia’s  second  deadly  workplace  beef,”  said  Los  Angeles  County  home  that  burned  in  the  commu-  in. He had rigged his home to burn
              shooting in less than a week, au-  sheriff’s Lt. Brandon Dean, who is  nity  of  Acton,  about  10  miles  (16  down  before  heading  to  his  long-
              thorities said Wednesday.          overseeing  the  homicide  investiga-  kilometers) from the fire station. He  time workplace last Wednesday.
                                                 tion.                              bought  it  last  July.  Tatone  is  listed
              The  gunman  also  wounded  a  fire                                   as a county firefighter since at least  A new FBI report found that Cali-
              captain at the station about 45 miles  The coroner’s office on Wednesday  2012,  according  to  public  payroll  fornia had the most mass shooting
              (72  kilometers)  north  of  Los  An-  identified  the  firefighter  who  died  and pension records kept by Trans-  incidents in the last 20 years, align-
              geles on Tuesday before setting his  as Tory Carlon. The 44-year-old fire  parent California.            ing with the fact that it’s the nation’s
              house on fire in a nearby commu-   specialist  who  drove  the  firetruck                                most populous state.
              nity and apparently killing himself,  was shot several times in the upper  Tuesday’s  shooting  occurred  less
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