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A30     world news
                       Diahuebs 3 Juni 2021

                           Herzog, scion of prominent Israeli family, elected president

                                                                      of Israel’s Labor Party and op-  political  establishment.  He  cessor. “I have no doubt that
                                                                      position  leader  who  unsuc-  will  hold  office  for  a  single  you will bear them superbly.”
                                                                      cessfully  ran  against  Prime  seven-year term starting July
                                                                      Minister Benjamin Netanya-   9.                           Peretz   immigrated   from
                                                                      hu in the 2015 parliamentary                              Morocco  as  a  child  and  has
                                                                      elections.                   The president is tasked with  worked  as  a  teacher,  educa-
                                                                                                   tapping a political party lead-  tor and lecturer on Judaism,
                                                                      He comes from a prominent  er  to  form  governing  coali-  Zionism  and  grief.  Two  of
                                                                      Zionist  family.  His  father,  tions  after  parliamentary  her sons died serving in the
                                                                      Chaim  Herzog,  was  Israel’s  elections. Israel has held four  Israeli  military.  In  2018  she
                                                                      ambassador  to  the  United  national elections in the past  was awarded the Israel Prize,
                                                                      Nations before being elected  two  years  amid  a  protracted  the  country’s  top  award,  for
                                                                      president.  His  uncle,  Abba  political crisis.          lifetime achievement.
                                                                      Eban,  was  Israel’s  first  for-
                                                                      eign minister and ambassador  Netanyahu’s     opponents  She would have been the first
                                                                      to  the  United  Nations  and  faced  a  midnight  deadline  woman and the first settler to
                                                                      United  States.  His  grandfa-  Wednesday to put together a  hold the office.
                                                                      ther  was  the  country’s  first  new coalition government. If
                                                                      chief rabbi.                 they  fail,  the  country  could  She  and  her  family  lived  in
                                                                                                   be plunged into another elec-  one of Israel’s settlements in
            (AP)  —  Isaac  Herzog,  a  Reuven  Rivlin,  who  leaves  Herzog defeated Miriam Per-  tion campaign.               the  Sinai  Peninsula  until  a
            veteran politician and the  office next month at the end  etz, 67, an educator who was                              peace treaty was struck with
            scion  of  a  prominent  Is-  of a seven-year term.       seen as a down-to-earth out-  The  president  also  has  the  Egypt in 1979 and the territo-
            raeli  family,  was  elected                              sider  close  to  the  country’s  power  to  grant  pardons  —  ry was returned. Peretz then
            president Tuesday, a large-  “I intend to be the president  dominant  conservative  and  creating  a  potentially  sensi-  moved  to  the  settlement  of
            ly  ceremonial  role  that  is  of everyone,” Herzog said af-  nationalist political camp.  tive  situation  as  Netanyahu  Givat  Zeev,  in  the  occupied
            meant to serve as the na-    ter the votes were tallied. “We                           stands trial for a series of cor-  West Bank just north of Jeru-
            tion’s moral compass and  must defend Israel’s interna-   Herzog  has  served  as  head  ruption charges.           salem.
            promote unity.               tional status and its good rep-  of the Jewish Agency, a non-
                                         utation  in  the  family  of  na-  profit that works closely with  “The  title  of  ‘first  citizen’  Most  of  the  world  consid-
            Herzog  is  set  to  become  Is-  tions, fight antisemitism and  the  government  to  promote  and the task of guarding the  ers Israel’s West Bank settle-
            rael’s  11th  president  after  hatred of Israel, and preserve  immigration to Israel, for the  character  of  the  state  of  Is-  ments  illegal  under  interna-
            securing 87 votes in a secret  the pillars of our democracy.  past three years since resign-  rael, particularly at this point  tional law and an obstacle to
            ballot among  the  120  mem-  ”                           ing from parliament. He was  in  time,  are  heavy  responsi-  peace  with  the  Palestinians,
            bers  of  the  Knesset,  or  par-                         widely  seen  as  the  favorite  bilities,” Rivlin said in a state-  who seek the territory as part
            liament.  He  will  succeed  Herzog, 60, is a former head  because of his deep ties to the  ment congratulating his suc-  of a future state.

                           Netanyahu's opponents race deadline on unity government

            (AP)  —  Prime  Minister  Both  Shaked  and  Bennett  election,  but  he  was  unable  an politician and the scion of  ther  was  the  country’s  first
            Benjamin      Netanyahu’s  have come under heavy pres-    to  form  a  majority  with  his  a prominent Israeli family, as  chief rabbi.
            opponents raced the clock  sure from Netanyahu and the  traditional  religious  and  na-  the country’s next president.
            to finalize a coalition gov-  country’s right wing base not  tionalist allies.                                      He defeated challenger Miri-
            ernment  that  would  end  to  join  his  opponents.  The                              The  presidency  is  a  largely  am Peretz by a margin of 87-
            his  12-year  rule  ahead  of  Knesset,  or  parliament,  has  Crucially, a far-right party al-  ceremonial role that is meant  26. Peretz, 67, is a prominent
            a  deadline  at  midnight  assigned  additional  security  lied with Netanyahu refused  to serve as the nation’s moral  educator and lecturer who is
            Wednesday.                   guards to both in recent days  to  join  forces  with  a  small  compass and promote unity.  well known because she lost
                                         because of death threats and  Arab  party  that  emerged  as                           two sons in battle during their
            Centrist  Yair  Lapid  and  ul-  online incitement.       one of the kingmakers in the  “I  intend  to  be  the  presi-  military service. In 2018 she
            tranationalist Naftali Bennett                            race.                        dent  of  everyone,”  Herzog,  was awarded the Israel Prize,
            have joined forces and agreed  By  Wednesday  night,  with                             whose  late  father  held  the  the  country’s  top  award,  for
            to rotate the premiership be-  under three hours before the  Netanyahu had hoped to ex-  same  position,  said  after  the  lifetime achievement.
            tween  them,  with  Bennett  deadline  at  midnight  (2100  tend his long rule and battle  votes were tallied. “We must
            going first. But they were still  GMT;  5  p.m.  EDT),  there  the corruption charges from  defend  Israel’s  international  Herzog  is  set  to  take  office
            working  to  cobble  together  was still no sign of progress.  the  prime  minister’s  office.  status and its good reputation  next month and could play a
            a ruling coalition that would                             He has emerged as a deeply  in the family of nations, fight  role  in  Israeli  politics  down
            include  parties  from  across  Lapid  must  inform  Israel’s  polarizing  force  in  recent  antisemitism  and  hatred  of  the road.
            the political spectrum.      largely ceremonial president,  years, leaving Israel in a pro-  Israel, and preserve the pillars  The  president’s  responsi-
                                         Reuven  Rivlin,  by  midnight  longed state of political limbo  of our democracy. ”    bilities  include  choosing  the
            Israeli  media  reported  some  that he has formed a majority  through a series of inconclu-  Herzog, 60, is a former head  party leader in parliament he
            lingering disagreements over  coalition  of  at  least  61  seats  sive elections.     of  Israel’s  Labor  Party  and  believes  has  the  best  chance
            lower-level political appoint-  in the Knesset. The assembly                           opposition  leader  who  un-  of  forming  a  coalition  after
            ments.  According  to  the  re-  would  then  have  a  week  to  An  emergency  government  successfully  ran  against  Ne-  each election. If the country
            ports,  Ayelet  Shaked,  Ben-  hold a vote of confidence.  formed  last  year  between  tanyahu  in  the  2015  parlia-  is  forced  into  another  vote,
            nett’s deputy, was demanding                              Netanyahu and former mili-   mentary elections.           Herzog could help determine
            a  place  on  a  committee  that  If Lapid misses the deadline,  tary  chief  Benny  Gantz  to                      who  becomes  prime  minis-
            chooses the nation’s judges.  the  country  will  almost  cer-  battle  the  coronavirus  pan-  He comes from a prominent  ter.
                                         tainly have a fifth election in  demic quickly became mired  Zionist  family.  His  father,
            But  Shaked,  a  prominent  just over two years, and Ne-  in political bickering and col-  Chaim  Herzog,  was  Israel’s  The  president  also  has  the
            voice  in  Israel’s  hard-line  tanyahu  would  have  yet  an-  lapsed  in  December.  That  ambassador  to  the  United  authority to grant pardons —
            right  wing,  has  expressed  other chance to hold onto his  government remains in place  Nations before being elected  making Herzog a potentially
            misgivings  about  joining  position as he stands trial for  as caretaker.             president.  His  uncle,  Abba  key player if Netanyahu, who
            forces with the dovish mem-  corruption.                                               Eban,  was  Israel’s  first  for-  is  on  trial  for  multiple  cor-
            bers  of  the  emerging  coali-                           Amid  the  political  deadlock,  eign minister and ambassador  ruption charges, is eventually
            tion.                        Netanyahu’s  Likud  won  the  parliament  on  Wednesday  to  the  United  Nations  and  convicted.
                                         most  seats  in  the  March  23  elected Isaac Herzog, a veter-  United  States.  His  grandfa-
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