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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Dialuna 11 Juli 2022

                                                                   Average US gasoline price falls 19 cents to

                                                                                             $4.86 per gallon

                                                              (AP)  —  The  average  U.S.
                                                              price  of  regular-grade  gaso-
                                                              line  plunged  19  cents  over
              “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,                the  past  two  weeks  to  $4.86
              maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi    per gallon.
              ta banda di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke
              Señor ta hasi”                                  Industry  analyst  Trilby  Lund-
                                                Salmo 33      berg  of  the  Lundberg  Survey
                                                              said Sunday that the continued
              Cu dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu       decline comes as crude oil costs
              boluntad di Dios, nos ta participa fayecimento   also fall.
              di nos ser stima:
                                                              "Assuming  oil  prices  do  not
                                                              shoot  up  from  here,  motorists
                                                              may see prices drop another 10-
                                                              20 cents as the oil price cuts con-
                                                              tinue making their way to street
                                                              level," Lundberg said in a state-
                                                              ment.                                                          siana, at $4.19 per gallon.
                                                                                             Nationwide, the highest average
                                                              The  average  price  at  the  pump  price  for  regular-grade  gas  was  According to the survey, the av-
                                                              is  down  24  cents  over  the  past  in the San Francisco Bay Area, at  erage price of diesel dropped 13
                                                              month, but it's $1.66 higher than  $6.14 per gallon. The lowest av-  cents  since  June  24  to  $5.76  a
                                                              it was one year ago.           erage was in Baton Rouge, Loui-  gallon.

              Sra.vda. Angelica Hernandez-Dirkz
                  Cariñosamente yama “Machi of Antin”           Biden defends pending visit to Saudi Arabia in
                       *05-06-1932 - †08-06-2022

              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                                         opinion piece

                                                               (AP) — President Joe Biden,
                                                               preparing for a trip to Saudi
                                                               Arabia amid criticism of its
                                                               poor  human  rights  record,
                                                               defended  his  decision  in  a
                                                               newspaper  opinion  piece,
                                                               insisting  that  he  had  long
                                                               supported     reforms    and
                                                               sought to "reorient but not
                                                               rupture"  relations  with  a
                                                               longstanding strategic part-
              “Si un hende muri,  e por bolbe biba?            ner.
              Lo mi keda warda tur e dianan ku mi ta obliga
              di warda, te ora mi liberashon yega. Lo bo       In the article posted online Sat-
              yama, i lo mi kontestabo; bo ta anhela pa mira   urday  night  by  The  Washing-
              obra di bo man”                                  ton Post, Biden pointed to de-
              Job 14:14,15                                     velopments in the Middle East
                                                               that  he  contended  had  made
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia          the region more stable and se-
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:                    cure  than  when  the  Trump
                                                               administration  ended,  among
                                                               them  intense  diplomacy  as
                                                               well  as  military  action  against
                                                               state-sponsored attacks. But his
                                                               framing of the Saudi relation-  holding  true  to  fundamental  in 2018.
                                                               ship in particular appeared de-  American values."
                                                               fensive, especially with some in                             On  that  issue,  Biden  con-
                                                               the U.S. demanding that he not  "I  know  that  there  are  many  tended he had responded with
                                                               lend legitimacy to the govern-  who disagree with my decision  sanctions  against  the  Saudi
                                                               ment with a visit.             to travel to Saudi Arabia," Biden  forces  involved  in  the  killing
                                                                                              wrote.  "My  views  on  human  and  issued  scores  of  visa  bans
                                                               Biden linked U.S. strength and  rights are clear and long-stand-  for  anyone  found  harassing
                                                               security to countering Russian  ing, and fundamental freedoms  dissidents  abroad.  The  presi-
                                                               aggression  and  competition  are always on the agenda when  dent also noted that he released
                                                               from  China,  then  argued  that  I travel abroad, as they will be  a  U.S.  intelligence  report  that
                                                               engaging  directly  with  coun-  during this trip, just as they will  asserted Saudi Arabia's Crown
                                                               tries  like  Saudi  Arabia  could  be in Israel and the West Bank."  Prince Mohammed bin Salman
                                                               help  promote  those  efforts.                               had approved of the operation
                                                               The president said he aimed to  It  was  notable  that  Biden's  that led to Khashoggi's murder.
                                                                                              op-ed appeared in the Sunday
                     Elsa Maria Tromp                          strengthen  a  U.S.-Saudi  part-
                                                               nership  "going  forward  that's  opinion  section  of  the  Post,  Biden is expected to meet with
                       *24-03-1941 - †08-07-2022               based on mutual interests and  whose writer Jamal Khashoggi  the  crown  prince  during  his
                                                               responsibilities,   while   also  was murdered by Saudi agents  trip.
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
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