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A30     world news
                        Dialuna 11 Juli 2022

                    Successors to Johnson seek to stand out in crowded UK field

            (AP)  —  Potential  suc-     That  triggered  the  internal                                                         with even some Conservative
            cessors  to  British  Prime  Conservative Party contest to                                                          politicians  worried  that  he
            Minister  Boris  Johnson  pick a new party leader. Un-                                                              could  do  mischief  even  as  a
            rushed  to  differentiate  der  Britain’s  parliamentary                                                            caretaker prime minister.
            themselves  from  an  in-    government,  the  next  party
            creasingly  crowded  field  leader will automatically be-                                                           As politicians took to the air-
            on Sunday as the govern-     come prime minister without                                                            waves  to  endorse  candidates
            ing  Conservative  Party  the  need  for  a  general  elec-                                                         on  Sunday,  many  sought  to
            was expected to set a tight  tion.                                                                                  distance  their  favorites  from
            timetable for the election.                                                                                         the  turmoil  of  the  Johnson
                                         International  Trade  Minis-                                                           years by stressing traits such
            Candidates  released  slick  ter Penny Mordaunt was the                                                             as “integrity’’ and “honesty.”
            campaign  videos  on  social  latest  to  announce  her  bid
            media and appeared on Sun-   on  Sunday,  saying  the  U.K.                                                         Karan  Bilimoria,  the  former
            day  morning  political  talk  “needs to become a little less                                                       president  of  the  Confedera-
            shows to make their cases to  about  the  leader  and  a  lot                                                       tion of British Industry, said
            the public. Several promised  more  about  the  ship.”  For-                                                        the decision should be made
            tax  cuts,  appealing  to  rank-  mer  health  secretaries  Sa-  race.                 day,  with  news  reports  sug-  as quickly as possible because
            and-file  Conservative  party  jid  Javid  and  Jeremy  Hunt                           gesting  that  Conservative  businesses that are still strug-
            members for whom low tax-    joined one of the most open  The  race  comes  after  John-  lawmakers  will  narrow  the  gling to overcome the impact
            es are a mantra.             leadership races in recent his-  son, 58, was brought down by  field  to  two  before  Parlia-  of the pandemic and are now
                                         tory late Saturday.          a series of scandals, the most  ment  breaks  for  its  summer  facing the growing possibility
            Johnson  announced  his  res-                             recent involving his decision  recess on July 21. Party mem-  of a recession need help now.
            ignation  on  Thursday  after  Other  contenders  include  to promote a lawmaker who  bers around the country will  “We have got to get through
            more than 50 members of his  frontrunner Rishi Sunak, the  had  been  accused  of  sexual  then vote on the final choice  this period as quickly as pos-
            Cabinet  and  lower  level  of-  former  Treasury  chief,  and  misconduct to a senior posi-  before the end of August, the  sible  and  find  a  good  leader
            ficials resigned from his gov-  Nadim  Zahawi,  who  took  tion in his government.     Times of London reported.    who can then rebuild trust,’’
            ernment,  many  citing  con-  Sunak’s  job  as  chancellor                                                          he  told  Times  Radio.  “It  is
            cerns  that  his  ethical  lapses  of  the  exchequer  last  week.  An  influential  Conservative  Johnson has said he will re-  rebuilding the trust with the
            had undermined the govern-   Foreign  Secretary  Liz  Truss  party  committee  is  expected  main  prime  minister  until  country as well. The country
            ment’s credibility.          hasn’t  formally  announced  to  lay  out  the  rules  for  the  his  successor  is  chosen.  But  has  lost  that  trust  and  busi-
                                         but  is  expected  to  join  the  leadership  contest  on  Mon-  many  want  him  to  go  now,  ness is very worried.”

                             Ukrainian governor: Russia raising ‘true hell’ in the east

            (AP)  —  Russian  forces  were  pressing  toward  the  racks used by the Russians.     people were under the debris.  a 12-year-old girl, authorities
            are  raising  “true  hell”  in  border with the Donetsk re-  Ukraine’s   deputy   prime                             said.
            Ukraine’s  eastern  indus-   gion.                        minister,  Iryna  Vereshchuk,  Russian  missiles  also  killed
            trial heartland, despite as-  “We are trying to contain the  appealed to residents of Rus-  two  people  and  wounded  “An  Iskander  ballistic  mis-
            sessments  they  were  tak-  Russians’  armed  formations  sian-held  territories  in  the  three  others  Saturday  in  the  sile  was  probably  used,”  the
            ing  an  operational  pause,  along  the  entire  front  line,”  south to evacuate quickly so  southern city of Kryvyi Rih,  Kharkiv regional prosecutor’s
            a  regional  governor  said  Haidai wrote on Telegram.    the  occupying  forces  could  according to regional author-  office said. “One of the mis-
            Saturday,  while  another                                 not  use  them  as  human  ities.                         siles hit a two-story building,
            Ukrainian  official  urged  Last  week,  Russia  captured  shields  during  a  Ukrainian  “They  deliberately  targeted  which led to its destruction.
            people  in  Russian-occu-    the  last  major  stronghold  of  counteroffensive.       residential  areas,”  Valentyn  Neighboring  houses  were
            pied  southern  areas  to  Ukrainian  resistance  in  Lu-                              Reznichenko,  governor  of  damaged.”
            evacuate  quickly  “by  all  hansk, the city of Lysychansk.  “You need to search for a way  the  eastern  Dnipropetrovsk
            possible  means”  before  a  Analysts predicted Moscow’s  to  leave,  because  our  armed  region,  said  on  Telegram.  The  city  has  been  targeted
            Ukrainian  counteroffen-     troops likely would take some  forces  are  coming  to  de-oc-  Kryvyi  Rih’s  mayor,  Olek-  throughout  the  war,  includ-
            sive.                        time to rearm and regroup.   cupy,”  she  said.  “There  will  sandr  Vilkul,  asserted  on  ing several times in the past
                                         But “so far there has been no  be a massive fight.”       Facebook  that  cluster  mu-  week.  As  survivor  Valentina
            Deadly Russian shelling was  operational pause announced                               nitions  had  been  used  and  Mirgorodksaya  dabbed  at  a
            reported  in  Ukraine’s  east  by the enemy. He is still at-  Speaking  at  a  news  confer-  urged  residents  not  to  ap-  cut  on  her  cheek,  first  re-
            and south.                   tacking  and  shelling  our  ence  late  Friday,  Vereshchuk  proach  unfamiliar  objects  in  sponders  warily  inspected
                                         lands with the same intensity  said a civilian evacuation ef-  the  streets.  More  explosions  the building shattered in Sat-
            The  governor  of  the  east-  as  before,”  Haidai  said.  He  fort  was  underway  for  parts  were reported Saturday eve-  urday’s strike.
            ern  Luhansk  region,  Serhyi  later  said  the  Russian  bom-  of  the  Kherson  and  Zapori-  ning. Kryvyi Rih is the home-
            Haidai, said Russia launched  bardment  of  Luhansk  was  zhzhia regions. She declined  town of Ukrainian President  Mykolaiv  Mayor  Oleksandr
            more than 20 artillery, mortar  suspended  because  Ukrai-  to give details, citing safety.  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy,  who  Senkevych reported on Tele-
            and rocket strikes on the re-  nian  forces  had  destroyed                            visited  Friday  to  meet  with  gram that six Russian missiles
            gion overnight and its forces  ammunition depots and bar-  It  was  not  clear  how  civil-  Vilkul and the brigadier gen-  were fired at his city in south-
                                                                      ians  were  expected  to  safely  eral  who  commands  troops  ern  Ukraine  near  the  Black
                                                                      leave  Russian-controlled  ar-  in  the  region.  Zelenskyy’s  Sea, but caused no casualties.
                                                                      eas while missile strikes and  office said he was briefed on  “On  this  day  alone,  Russia
                                                                      artillery shelling continue in  the  “construction  of  defen-  hit Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Krivyi
                                                                      surrounding  areas,  whether  sive  structures,”  the  support  Rih, villages in the Zaporizh-
                                                                      they would be allowed to de-  of  the  troops,  the  supply  of  zhia  region,”  Zelenskyy  said
                                                                      part or even hear the govern-  food and medicine to the city  in his nightly video address.
                                                                      ment’s appeal.               and  the  help  given  people  “It  hit  residential  areas,  ab-
                                                                                                   who  had  fled  to  Kryvyi  Rih  solutely  consciously  and  on
                                                                      In  the  city  of  Sloviansk,  after being driven out of their  purpose. ... For days on end,
                                                                      named as a likely next target  homes elsewhere in Ukraine.  the  brutal  strikes  of  Rus-
                                                                      of  Russia’s  offensive,  rescu-  In northeast Ukraine, a Rus-  sian  artillery  …  don’t  stop.
                                                                      ers pulled a 40-year-old man  sian rocket strike on Saturday  Such  terrorist  action  can  be
                                                                      from the rubble of a building  hit  the  center  of  Ukraine’s  stopped  only  with  weapons
                                                                      destroyed Saturday by shell-  second-largest  city,  Kharkiv,  —  modern  and  powerful
                                                                      ing. Kyrylenko said multiple  injuring six people, including  ones.”
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