Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200703
P. 31

locAl           Friday 3 July 2020

            Aruba opens Dog Act Shelter

            ORANJESTAD  —  As  of  July  of crisis where there are al-
            1st, 2020, The prime minister  ready loads of preoccupa-
            announced that Aruba’s Kill  tions  to  attend  to  and  yet
            Cage  has  been  replaced  they  have  chosen  to  act
            by the Dog Act Shelter. The  upon the stray dog problem
            shelter will be open for stray  right now. According to the
            dogs that are caught in the  prime  minister  we’ve  had
            streets. They will be kept in  more and more comments
            the shelter to conform with  from tourists with regards to
            the  Dog  Act  that  was  ad-  the dogs in the streets.  Visi-
            opted June 15, 2015.         tors come mainly from the
                                         United  States  and  many
            Until  now,  The  Dog  Act  have  adopted  stray  dogs
            could  not  be  executed  and carry a warm heart to
            properly  because  of  the  the animals. Many of them
            lack  of  a  shelter,  among  are repeat visitors and be-
            other  things.  The  Dog  Act  cause  they  love  our  island
            Shelter, or Centro di Control  they  will  also  express  their
            di Cacho, which means lit-   discontent  in  matters  like
            erally  Dog  Control  Center,  the neglect of the animals.
            is supposed to fill in this gap.
            The idea is that dogs stay in  The Law
            the  shelter  until  the  owner  The  Dog  Act,  adopted
            picks  them  up.  They  will  unanimously by the Aruban
            have to pay a fee for stay.  Parliament,  went  into  ef-
            If  dogs  are  not  be  picked  fect on January 1, 2015.
            up they will be euthanized.  If  you  own  a  dog,  what
            Dogs that have microchips  does this mean for YOU?
            will  be  kept  in  the  shelter
            for ten days, whereas dogs  1.      YOU  must  always
            without a microchip will be  keep  your  dog  on  YOUR
            kept for three days.         property!  If  your  property
                                         is  not  completely  fenced,
            There  has  been  criticism  you  must  use  a  dog  run
            about the future operations  cable  (of  at  least  10  me-
            of the place because it will  ters long) or a dog run (of
            be  open  during  set  times  at least 2 meters high and
            only  and  therefore  there  7 m²) for free movement of
            is a risk that it will not offer  the dog.
            sufficient  accessibility.  Also
            it  has  been  mentioned,  2.       Outside  your  prop-
            that  the  place  could  turn  erty, your dog must be on a
            into an ‘animal dump’ just  leash.
            like  the  Kill  Cage,  which
            was  located  on  the  exact  3.    You  are  obligated
            same  spot  before  this  cur-  to provide proper care for
            rent  shelter  opened.  The  your dog. This means: daily
            Kill Cage put down animals  sufficient  and  balanced
            immediately causing turbu-   meals;  water  must  always
            lence  within  the  commu-   be  available;  shelter  from
            nity, because of the cruelty  sun,  rain,  and  wind;  and
            and there was no time left  medical care from a veteri-
            for worried owners that lost  narian when needed.
            their dogs to trace them.
            The stray dog problem has  4.       Animal  abuse,  in-
            been  an  issue  for  years  cluding  dog  fighting,  is
            already  on  the  island.  In  punishable as a criminal of-
            2019, 4,000 stray dogs were  fense.
            put  to  sleep.  The  police
            are  entitled  by  law  to  fine  Breaking this law can result
            owners  who  leave  their  in  a  fine,  incarceration  of
            dogs  on  the  streets,  but  in  the  owner,  and/or  confis-
            reality  this  does  not  hap-  cation  of  your  dog.  Maxi-
            pen often. Lately more and  mum  fine  is  Afl.  10,000  ($
            more dogs are seen in the  5.714).  Repeat  offenders
            streets due to owners leav-  will receive higher fines.
            ing gates open with all due  Read the law in full for de-
            consequences.                tailed  information:  https://
            The  government  explains
            that the Dog Act Shelter is     loads/2014/09/Dog-ordi-
            offering  a  solution  in  times  nance-dec-2012.pdf. q
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