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                         Friday 3 July 2020
            Landslide at Myanmar jade mine kills at least 162 people

            By ZAW MOE HTET and                                                                                                 passes that of a November
            PYAE SONE WIN                                                                                                       2015 accident that left 113
            Associated Press                                                                                                    dead  and  was  previously
            HPAKANT,  Myanmar  (AP)                                                                                             considered  the  country's
            — At least 162 people were                                                                                          worst. In that case, the vic-
            killed Thursday in a landslide                                                                                      tims died when a 60-meter
            at a jade mine in northern                                                                                          (200-foot)  -high  mountain
            Myanmar,  the  worst  in  a                                                                                         of  earth  and  waste  dis-
            series  of  deadly  accidents                                                                                       carded  by  several  mines
            at such sites in recent years                                                                                       tumbled  in  the  middle  of
            that  critics  blame  on  the                                                                                       the  night,  covering  more
            government's    failure   to                                                                                        than  70  huts  where  miners
            take action against unsafe                                                                                          slept.
            conditions.                                                                                                         Those  killed  in  such  acci-
            The  Myanmar  Fire  Service                                                                                         dents are usually freelance
            Department,  which  coor-                                                                                           miners who settle near giant
            dinates  rescues  and  other                                                                                        mounds of discarded earth
            emergency  services,  an-                                                                                           that  has  been  excavated
            nounced  about  12  hours                                                                                           by  heavy  machinery.  The
            after  the  morning  disaster                                                                                       freelancers  who  scavenge
            that  162  bodies  were  re-                                                                                        for bits of jade usually work
            covered from the landslide                                                                                          and  live  in  abandoned
            in  Hpakant,  the  center  of                                                                                       mining  pits  at  the  base  of
            the  world's  biggest  and                                                                                          the mounds of earth, which
            most lucrative jade mining                                                                                          become particularly unsta-
            industry.                                                                                                           ble during the rainy season.
            The most detailed estimate   In this photo released from Myanmar Fire Service Department, rescuers carry a recovered body   Most  scavengers  are  un-
                                         of a victim in a landslide from a jade mining area in Hpakant, Kachin state, northern Myanmar
            of Myanmar's jade industry   Thursday, July 2, 2020.                                                                registered  migrants  from
            said it generated about $31                                                                        Associated Press   other areas, making it hard
            billion in 2014. Hpakant is a                                                                                       to  determine  exactly  how
            rough  and  remote  area  in  included the army and oth-  At the site of the tragedy, a  ment of already very weak  many  people  are  actu-
            Kachin state, 950 kilometers  er government units and lo-  crowd gathered in the rain  regulations in the jade min-  ally  missing  after  such  ac-
            (600  miles)  north  of  Myan-  cal volunteers.           around  corpses  shrouded  ing industry.                  cidents and in many cases
            mar's biggest city, Yangon.   The London-based environ-   in  blue  and  red  plastic  "The multi-billion dollar sec-  leaving the relatives of the
            "The  jade  miners  were  mental  watchdog  Global  sheets placed in a row on  tor  is  dominated  by  pow-         dead in their home villages
            smothered  by  a  wave  of  Witness  said  the  accident  the ground.                  erful  military-linked  com-  unaware of their fate.
            mud," the Fire Service said.  "is a damning indictment of  Emergency workers had to  panies, armed groups and  Global  Witness,  which  in-
            It  said  54  injured  people  the government"s failure to  slog through heavy mud to  cronies  that  have  been  vestigates  misuse  of  rev-
            were taken to hospitals. The  curb reckless and irrespon-  retrieve  bodies  by  wrap-  allowed  to  operate  with-  enues from natural resourc-
            tolls  announced  by  other  sible  mining  practices  in  ping  them  in  the  plastic  out  effective  social  and  es,  documented  the  $31
            state  agencies  and  me-    Kachin state's jade mines."  sheets,  which  were  then  environmental  controls  for  billion  estimate  for  Myan-
            dia lagged behind the fire  "The government should im-    hung  on  crossed  wooden  years," Global Witness said.  mar's jade industry in a 2015
            agency,  which  was  most  mediately  suspend  large-     poles shouldered by the re-  Although  the  military  is  no  report that said most of the
            closely  involved.  An  un-  scale,  illegal  and  danger-  covery teams.              longer  directly  in  power  in  wealth  went  to  individu-
            known  number  of  people  ous mining in Hpakant and  Social  activists  have  com-    Myanmar,  it  is  still  a  major  als and companies tied to
            are feared missing.          ensure companies that en-    plained  that  the  profitabil-  force  in  government  and  the  country's  former  mili-
            Those taking part in the re-  gage in these practices are  ity  of  jade  mining  has  led  exercises  authority  in  re-  tary rulers. More recent reli-
            covery  operations,  which  no longer able to operate,"  businesses and the govern-    mote regions.                able figures are not readily
            were suspended after dark,  it said in a statement.       ment  to  neglect  enforce-  Thursday's  death  toll  sur-  available.q

            24 shot to death in attack on drug rehab center in Mexico

                                                                      Police  in  the  north-central  state has become the most  in  the  past.  It  was  one  of
                                                                      state  of  Guanajuato  said  violent in Mexico.           the deadliest attacks on a
                                                                      the attack occurred in the  No motive was given in the  rehab center since 19 peo-
                                                                      city  of  Irapuato.  Three  of  attack, but Gov. Diego Sin-  ple  were  killed  in  2010  in
                                                                      the  seven  wounded  were  hue  Rodríguez  Vallejo  said  Chihuahua city in northern
                                                                      reported  in  serious  condi-  drug  gangs  appeared  to  Mexico. More than a dozen
                                                                      tion.                        have been involved.          attacks  on  such  facilities
                                                                      Apparently  the  attackers  "I  deeply  regret  and  con-  have occurred since then.
                                                                      shot everyone at the rehab  demn the events in Irapua-    Mexico has long had prob-
                                                                      center.  State  police  said  to this afternoon," the gov-  lems  with  rehab  centers
                                                                      nobody  was  abducted.  ernor  wrote.  "The  violence  because most are privately
                                                                      Photos  purporting  to  show  generated  by  organized  run,  underfunded  and  of-
            Relatives comfort a woman crying outside an unregistered drug   the scene suggest those at  crime  not  only  takes  the  ten commit abuses against
            rehabilitation  center  in  Irapuato,  Mexico,  Wednesday,  July  1,   the center were lying down  lives  of  the  young,  but  it  recovering  addicts.  The
            2020, after gunmen burst into the facility and opened fire.   when  they  were  sprayed  takes the peace from fami-  government  spends  rela-
                                                     Associated Press   with bullets.              lies in Guanajuato."         tively little money on reha-

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Gun-      and  opened  fire  Wednes-   Guanajuato  is  the  scene  Mexican drug gangs have  bilitation, often making the
            men  burst  into  an  unreg-  day,  killing  24  people  and  of a bloody turf battle be-  killed suspected street-level  unregistered  centers  the
            istered  drug  rehabilitation  wounding  seven,  authori-  tween  the  Jalisco  cartel  dealers  from  rival  gangs  only  option  available  for
            center  in  central  Mexico  ties said.                   and a local gang, and the  sheltering  at  such  facilities  poor families.q
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