Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200703
P. 26
Friday 3 July 2020
Appeals court lifts restraint against Trump book publisher
By LARRY NEUMEISTER "As all know, there are well-
Associated Press established precedents
NEW YORK (AP) — A New against prior restraint and
York appeals court cleared pre-publication injunctions,
the way Wednesday for and we remain confident
a publisher to distribute a that the preliminary injunc-
tell-all book by President tion will be denied."
Donald Trump's niece over Mary Trump's lawyer, Theo-
the objections of the presi- dore Boutrous Jr., said in a
dent's brother. statement it was "very good
The New York State Su- news that the prior restraint
preme Court Appellate against Simon & Schuster
Division said it was lifting has been vacated." He
a temporary restraint that added that he believed a
a judge put on Simon & similar finding was neces-
Schuster a day earlier that sary for Mary Trump, "based
sought to block distribution on the First Amendment
of "Too Much and Never and basic contract law."
Enough: How My Family In ruling, Scheinkman said
Created the World's Most people are free to negoti-
Dangerous Man." ate away their First Amend-
Although the book was ment rights, especially if
scheduled to be published they are compensated
on July 28, Simon & Schuster In this Nov. 3, 1999 file photo, Robert Trump, left, joins real estate developer and presidential well, which Robert Trump
said thousands of copies hopeful Donald Trump at an event in New York. maintains that she was.
of the 75,000-copy first run Associated Press But he noted that "while
of the book had already parties are free to enter
been sent to bookstores to contain an "insider's per- Trump and any agent of In court papers, the pub- into confidentiality agree-
and others. The appeals spective" of "countless holi- hers from distributing the lisher said it was not aware ments, courts are not nec-
ruling, written by Judge day meals," "family interac- book, but the court made of an agreement between essarily obligated to specifi-
Alan D. Scheinkman, left tions" and "family events." clear it was not consider- Mary Trump and her rela- cally enforce them."
in place restraints against An email seeking comment ing the publisher to be an tives until she was sued. In The judge wrote that
Mary Trump, the book's was sent to Robert Trump's agent, though that issue a statement, Simon and "whatever legitimate pub-
author and the president's lawyer Wednesday. The could be decided in further Schuster said it was grati- lic interest there may have
niece, after the president's appeals court noted it was proceedings at the lower fied with the ruling, which it been in the family disputes
brother, Robert Trump, ruling after hearing oral ar- court. "The evidence sub- said would let Mary Trump of a real estate developer
said she agreed with fam- guments from lawyers for mitted is insufficient for this tell her story. The publisher and his relatives may be
ily members not to write Mary Trump and Simon & Court to determine wheth- said the book was of "great considerably heightened
about their relationships Schuster and before law- er the plaintiff is likely to suc- interest and importance to by that real estate devel-
without permission. yers for Robert Trump sub- ceed in establishing that the national discourse that oper now being President
Robert Trump had sued mitted opposition papers. claim," the appeals court fully deserves to be pub- of the United States and
Mary Trump to block publi- Scheinkman left in place a said in an opinion written by lished for the benefit of the a current candidate for
cation of a book promoted restraint that blocked Mary Judge Alan D. Scheinkman. American public." It added: reelection."q
3 cities pilot South Africa-style truth, reconciliation push
BOSTON (AP) — District attorneys in Boston, able. This isn't a bug in the system, but a fea- announcing its formation. McCray, an author
Philadelphia and San Francisco are teaming ture," they said in a statement. and activist, is Black; the mayor is white.
up on a pilot effort patterned after South Af- The three district attorneys said they will be It's the latest in a trend of progressive prosecu-
rica's post-apartheid truth and reconciliation working out details over the summer and plan tors eschewing traditionally cozy relationships
commission to confront racism in the criminal to formally launch the commission in the fall. with police departments and pressing instead
justice system. The Grassroots Law Project, an organization led for criminal justice reforms to better hold police
Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins, Philadelphia by activist Shaun King and civil rights attorney accountable for wrongdoing.
DA Larry Krasner and San Francisco DA Chesa Lee Merritt, said Rollins, Krasner and Boudin "will Rollins, Boston's first woman and Black district
Boudin announced the initiative Wednesday lead community-centered, localized efforts to attorney, said the entire system — not just po-
in partnership with the Grassroots Law Project, address the harms of unaccountable, unjust lice — needs to change to ensure people of
which is leading the effort. It will tackle racial and racist policing and prosecution." Addi- color are not victimized. "Our efforts at reform
inequities and police violence and miscon- tional cities will be announced later this year, cannot only focus on police. Your district at-
duct. it said. torneys, state's attorneys, and top prosecutors
"We need to confront our ugly past to create Separately, New York City took the lead last are failing you too," she tweeted Wednesday.
a more just and equitable future," said Rollins, month when Mayor Bill de Blasio announced In the 1990s, South Africa's own Truth and Rec-
whose jurisdiction includes Boston. the city would form its own commission to ex- onciliation Commission took the nation on a
Organizers said the Truth, Justice and Recon- amine its history of racial discrimination. painful path to air injustices perpetrated dur-
ciliation Commission will "process and address The city's new Racial Justice and Reconcilia- ing more than 40 years of apartheid rule that
the injustices of the past that simply were not tion Commission will give New Yorkers a plat- included the torture, beatings and bombings
given the time, attention and dignity that they form to discuss their experiences with racism, of Blacks. Rather than hunt down and try peo-
deserved." examine possible discrimination in public poli- ple accused of atrocities, Nuremberg-style,
"When marginalized people have needed to cy and recommend changes such as remov- the country's approach helped talk through
finally rely on this system for justice, it has rou- ing symbols of racism from public spaces, de grievances and heal divisions between Blacks
tinely failed them in the worst ways imagin- Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, said in and whites.q