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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 3 July 2020
            From big cities to backyards, July 4 not usual blowout bash

            Continued from Front                                                                                                large  area  events  cance-
                                                                                                                                led, and so many locals still
            Marching  bands  blaring                                                                                            furloughed or without work,
            tunes while kids wave their                                                                                         I  think  our  town  is  really
            handheld  flags  can’t  hap-                                                                                        looking forward to celebra-
            pen as usual with the virus                                                                                         ting  the  Fourth  this  week-
            refusing to let go of its grip                                                                                      end,”  Williams  said.  “It  will
            on some places and even                                                                                             be the first real chance for
            strengthening in others.                                                                                            this tight-knit community to
            So, no live Boston Pops per-                                                                                        get together — with social
            formance  on  the  Charles                                                                                          distancing of course — sin-
            River  Esplanade,  no  live                                                                                         ce March.”
            concert from the West lawn                                                                                          Some  places  won’t  have
            of  the  U.S.  Capitol  in  Wa-                                                                                     that option.
            shington, and no Navy Pier                                                                                          Beaches are closed in parts
            fireworks show in Chicago.                                                                                          of  Southern  California  and
            Even  personal  events  will                                                                                        South Florida, where many
            have a different look. Jason                                                                                        fireworks shows are cance-
            Wanzer has hosted a party                                                                                           led and everyone who at-
            in  Danbury,  Connecticut,                                                                                          tends the ones that remain
            for  more  than  a  decade,                                                                                         are  being  told  to  watch
            with a professional disc joc-                                                                                       them from inside their cars.
            key, organized games and                                                                                            Bars  aren’t  serving  alcohol
            fireworks.                   In this July 4, 2019 file photo, fireworks go off over the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Thursday,   there, either.
            He  trimmed  this  year’s    July 4, 2019.                                                         Associated Press   Beer  may  be  out  in  Miami
            guest  list  from  100  to  30,                                                                                     but hot dogs are still on the
            fearing    bringing   older  vised finale Saturday.       The  city’s  parade  is  can-  to  be  watched  on  TV  or  menu  in  New  York  —  pro-
            people  more  susceptible  By  not  announcing  the  lo-  celed  and  Muriel  Bowser  streaming  devices  —  and  bably  dozens  of  them  for
            to  the  disease  or  young  cations  and  keeping  the  reminded  those  conside-     some will be replays.        champion  chomper  Joey
            children  who  could  easily  performances to five minu-  ring the National Mall show  Bryan  Williams  is  ready  for  Chestnut.
            spread it. And the activities  tes, crowds can’t gather in  — held on federal grounds  either.                      The   Nathan’s     Famous
            he  spends  days  setting  up  large numbers like they usu-  and not under the city’s ju-  The  owner  of  the  Keller  Fourth  of  July  International
            are on a hiatus.             ally do along the riverfront.  risdiction — to “Ask yourself,  Feed  &  Wine  Company  in  Hot  Dog-Eating  Contest
            “This  year  is  basically  just  Crowds  are  being  welco-  do you need to be there?”  Cottonwood  Falls,  Kansas,  will  be  held  in  Coney  Is-
            the food,” he said.          med on the National Mall,  That was never a concern,  is  advertising  items  such  land, but without the usual
            But  whether  it’s  big  cities  where U.S. Secretary of the  when July 4 was a day for  as  ribs  and  pulled  pork  for  crowd of live spectators on
            or small towns bursting with  Interior  David  L.  Bernhardt  dressing  up  in  red,  white  people who want to order  the  boardwalk.  A  private
            pride,  there’s  a  desire  to  promised  a  fireworks  dis-  and  blue,  coming  out  to  catering  for  an  at-home  venue  will  stage  the  com-
            make sure some show goes  play  that  would  be  “the  salute military heroes, then  holiday  weekend.  But  with  petition,  which  will  feature
            on, no matter what it looks  largest in recent memory,”  staying  out  until  dark  to  the virus numbers low in his  five  eaters  in  the  men’s
            like.                        with  more  than  10,000  to  watch fireworks light up the  county even as they climb  and women’s competitions
            In  New  York,  the  Macy’s  be  launched  following  a  sky.                          elsewhere  in  the  state,  his  instead of the usual 15, al-
            annual  summer  spectacle  Defense  Department  air  This  year,  many  celebrati-     town’s fireworks are still on  lowing  for  more  social  dis-
            was  replaced  by  a  series  show.                       ons will be virtual. Outdoor  and  he  thinks  people  will  tancing.
            of  smaller,  surprise  shows.  But while President Donald  events  such  as  the  Boston  be eager to go.          For  Steve  Edenbo,  this
            They’ve been ringing out all  Trump  is  eager  for  excess,  Pops performance or Phila-  “Unfortunately  tourism  is  Fourth of July is the biggest
            week, leading into the tele-  Washington’s mayor is not.  delphia’s fireworks will have  down,  and  with  so  many  challenge of his career.q

            Florida felons seeking voting rights back face court setback

            By BOBBY CAINA CALVAN        ruling by U.S. District Judge  resenting  felons  seeking
            Associated Press             Robert  Hinkle  called  the  access  to  the  ballot  box
            TALLAHASSEE,  Fla.  (AP)  —  law a "pay-to-vote system."  under  Amendment  4,  a
            A  federal  appellate  court  But  Republican  Gov.  Ron  voter-approved    measure
            has  stayed  a  lower  court  DeSantis  immediately  ap-  that sought to return voting
            ruling  that  gave  impover-  pealed  that  ruling  to  the  rights to released felons.
            ished Florida felons the right  Atlanta-based  11th  U.S.  The governor's spokeswom-
            to  vote.  The  order  issued  Circuit  Court  of  Appeals,  an, Helen Ferre, said there
            Wednesday  disappointed  requesting a stay of Hinkle's  would be no comment on
            voting  rights  activists  and  ruling  and  a  review  of  the  the  litigation  until  it  is  set-
            could  have  national  impli-  case  by  the  full  appeals  tled.
            cations in November's pres-  court.  The appellate court,  Under  Amendment  4,  fel-
            idential election.           in  a  three-sentence  order  ons  who  have  completed
            In  May,  a  federal  judge  Wednesday,  granted  both  their sentences would have
            in  Tallahassee  ruled  that  requests.  The  court  gave  voting  rights  restored.  But   In  this  Thursday,  May  14,  2020,  file  photo,  Florida  Gov.  Ron
            Florida  law  can't  stop  an  no  timeline  as  to  when  it  the legal dispute arose af-  DeSantis speaks at a news conference in Doral, Fla.
            estimated  774,000  disen-   would hear the case.         ter state lawmakers moved                                             Associated Press
            franchised felons from vot-  "Today's  decision  is  a  set-  to  define  what  it  means
            ing because they can't pay  back," said Paul Smith, vice  to  complete  a  sentence.  all  legal  financial  obliga-  have  to  be  settled  before
            back  any  legal  fees  and  president  of  Campaign  In  addition  to  time  served,  tions, including unpaid fines  a felon could be eligible to
            restitution  they  owe.  The  Legal Center, which is rep-  lawmakers  stipulated  that  and  restitution,  would  also  vote. q
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