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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 3 July 2020
            New mass grave unearthed in Iraq's north from brutal IS rule

            By FARID ABDULWAHED and                                                                                             "But  we  will  not  make  any
            SAMYA KULLAB                                                                                                        excavations or exhume the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    bodies due to the corona-
            MOSUL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  A  hu-                                                                                       virus situation in Mosul and
            man  skull,  a  pair  of  worn                                                                                      Iraq."    At  least  2,160  Iraqis
            trousers  and  a  shoe  were                                                                                        have  died  among  over
            among  the  remains  un-                                                                                            53,000  confirmed  cases  of
            earthed from a mass grave                                                                                           the  virus  across  Iraq.  The
            discovered  this  week  in                                                                                          country  has  seen  an  ex-
            northern Iraq, a remnant of                                                                                         ponential  increase  in  virus
            the brutal rule of the Islamic                                                                                      cases in recent weeks.
            State  group,  Iraqi  officials                                                                                     Raouf  estimates  there  are
            said Thursday.                                                                                                      over  100  bodies  buried  in
            The  new  mass  grave  was                                                                                          the  site,  "but  it  could  be
            discovered  on  Monday  in                                                                                          much more."
            the  village  of  Humeydat                                                                                          "We have a large database
            near  the  Badoush  area                                                                                            that contains samples from
            west of the city of Mosul, six                                                                                      the  relatives  of  those  miss-
            years after the IS group —                                                                                          ing  and  hopefully  we  will
            at the height of its power —                                                                                        be  able  to  identify  these
            declared  a  caliphate  that                                                                                        bodies," he said.
            stretched  across  eastern                                                                                          Prior  to  the  virus  outbreak,
            Syria and much of northern                                                                                          Iraq  faced  challenges  in
            and western Iraq.            People visit a mass grave for the victims of the Islamic State group in Mosul, Iraq on Thursday, July   properly  examining  mass
            Dozens  of  bodies  were     1, 2020.                                                              Associated Press   graves. A specialized direc-
            found  buried  in  a  trench                                                                                        torate  in  the  government
            stretching hundreds of me-   legedly killed up to 600 in-  territory  in  Iraq,  remnants  with hands."             tasked  with  opening  and
            ters  (yards)  long.  Forensics  mates in the prison, most of  of the group are still active  He had tried in vain to give  inspecting mass grave sites
            experts  have  carried  out  them  Shiite  detainees.  Ac-  and  routinely  carry  out  at-  the victims a proper burial.  is  understaffed  and  lacks
            an  initial  investigation  but  cording to an investigation  tacks  against  Iraqi  security  Once,  al-Nesr  had  offered  space to store and identify
            the  spread  of  the  novel  by Human Rights Watch at  forces. But memories of the  a  young  man  passing  by  human remains, according
            coronavirus  has  impeded  the  time,  based  on  eye-    group's  brutal  reign  per-  in  a  truck  200,000  Iraq  di-  to a U.N. report in Novem-
            excavations,  medical  of-   witness  accounts,  at  least  sist,  years  after  the  military  nars and a can of diesel to  ber 2018.
            ficials in Mosul told The As-  1,500  inmates  were  round-  campaign  to  root  them  bury the bodies. He initially  According  to  the  report,
            sociated Press.              ed  up  and  transported  to  out.  Hussein al-Nesr, a resi-  agreed,  but  was  never  meetings with officials from
            While  an  investigation  is  a  stretch  of  desert.  There,  dent of the Badoush area,  heard from again.         the  Iraqi  mass  graves  di-
            needed  to  identify  the  Sunni  and  Shiite  inmates  is sorrowful the newly found  The Mosul Martyrs Founda-     rectorate  revealed  that  its
            bodies, many believe they  were  separated  and  the  remains could not be given  tion,  a  government  institu-    staff  of  43  covers  the  en-
            were  Shiite  convicts  taken  latter killed.             a proper burial.             tion  caring  for  the  families  tire country — not enough
            from the local Badoush pris-  Iraqi security forces with as-  "These are all filled with hu-  of  those  killed  under  IS,  to  address  the  scale  of
            on  by  IS  and  killed  by  the  sistance  from  the  U.S.-led  mans,"  he  said,  pointing  examined  the  area  ini-  new  discoveries.  It  also
            militants,  shortly  after  they  coalition  defeated  IS  and  to  the  site  where  IS  is  be-  tially, explained Dr. Hassan  said there was not enough
            seized Mosul in June 2014.   reclaimed  northern  Iraq  in  lieved  to  have  committed  Raouf,  head  of  Mosul's  fo-  equipment  at  the  disposal
            Iraqi forces recaptured the  a  2016  military  campaign.  the massacre. "There are so  rensics department, affiliat-  of  the  government  to  ex-
            prison in March 2017. IS al-  Though  IS  no  longer  holds  many, you can't bury them  ed with the Health Ministry.  cavate graves.q

            EU leaders seek ‘dialogue’ with China over Hong Kong law

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Two  of  the  took  over  the  EU's  rotating  "That  means,  I  don't  cur-
            European     Union's   most  six-month  presidency  this  rently see that we need to
            powerful  individuals  said  week.                        do anything beyond that,"
            Thursday that the 27-nation  Stressing that ties with Chi-  she  said.  European  Com-
            bloc will continue to discuss  na are of "strategic impor-  mission  President  Von  der
            human  rights  and  the  rule  tance"  to  the  European  Leyen, whose arm of the EU
            of law with China after Bei-  Union,  the  German  leader  represents the entire bloc in
            jing imposed a new security  said  it  was  important  to  trade talks with Beijing, said
            law on Hong Kong.            have "a relationship of trust  it was in both sides' interests
            But  Ursula  von  der  Leyen,  where one can openly say  to maintain the special sta-
            who  heads  the  EU's  ex-   one's opinions to each oth-  tus of Hong Kong.
            ecutive  commission,  and  er with mutual respect."       "One-sixth  of  Chinese  ex-
            German  Chancellor  An-      "And  there  will  be  differ-  ports  of  goods  go  to  Eu-
            gela  Merkel  stopped  short  ences  of  opinion,  but  I  rope, and China sells goods   President  of  the  European  Commission  Ursula  von  der  Leyen,
            of  threatening  sanctions  hope also common results,"  worth 320 billion euros ($359   left  rear,  addresses  a  joint  press  conference  with  German
            against  China  or  offering  Merkel added.               billion) to Europe alone ev-  Chancellor Angela Merkel, attending by video conference on
                                                                                                   screen right, at the start of the six month German Presidency of
            asylum to Hong Kong dissi-   Asked  whether  Germany  ery year," she told reporters    the EU at EU Headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, July 2, 2020.
            dents, as others in the West  would  consider  offering  in Brussels and Berlin.                                                Associated Press
            have done.                   asylum  to  Hong  Kong  dis-  "Hong Kong is still the most
            "We  will  continue  to  seek  sidents,  the  chancellor  re-  important  hub  for  China's  tus  and  the  stability  and  have  a  strong  interest  in
            dialogue  and  conversa-     plied  that  German  asylum  economic  exchange  with  the  cosmopolitanism  that  ensuring  that  this  level  of
            tion with China about this,"  law "is there for people ev-  Europe,  not  least  because  this  city  has,"  von  der  Ley-  cooperation  at  least  con-
            said Merkel, whose country  erywhere."                    of the city's (...) special sta-  en  said.  "Both  sides  should  tinues." q
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