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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Thursday 26 January 2023
            NRA sues over Illinois ban on semiautomatic weapons

                                                                      Two  individual  gun  own-   The 24 million AR-15 semiau-  ban on high-capacity am-
                                                                      ers from Benton, about 100  tomatic rifles in U.S. circula-  munition  cartridges  —  no
                                                                      miles (161 kilometers) south-  tion  far  outnumber  the  16  more  than  10  rounds  for
                                                                      east  of  St.  Louis,  are  lead  million Ford F-150 trucks, the  rifles  and  15  for  pistols  —
                                                                      plaintiffs  in  the  NRA  law-  nation’s top-selling vehicle,  and  a  long  list  of  attach-
                                                                      suit, the second to be filed  according to the lawsuit.   ments  and  other  accesso-
                                                                      in U.S. District Court for the  A similar constitutional chal-  ries,  is  just  as  problematic
                                                                      Southern District of Illinois.   lenge was filed last week in  because  the  weapons  in
                                                                      They  are  joined  by  two  the Benton-based Southern  question  can’t  operate
                                                                      southern Illinois gun dealers  District.  It  was  filed  by  gun  without  them,  so  the  add-
                                                                      and shooting range opera-    owners  and  gun-rights  ad-  ons are constitutionally pro-
                                                                      tors, as well as a Connect-  vocacy groups.               tected  “firearms”  by  infer-
                                                                      icut-based  shooting  sports  Other lawsuits, filed in south-  ence.
                                                                      trade association.           ern  Illinois  county  courts,  Pritzker and allies nationally
                                                                      The  NRA  pleading  notes  challenge  the  legislative  refer to the guns as “assault
            Assault  style  weapons  are  displayed  for  sale  at  Capitol  City   that  the  U.S.  Supreme  procedure to approve the  weapons.”
            Arms Supply on Jan. 16, 2013, in Springfield, Ill.
                                                     Associated Press   Court’s   landmark   2008  law.                         The pleading notes the tra-
                                                                      Heller  decision  refuses  to  Plaintiffs  in  all  the  lawsuits  dition of bearing arms and
            By JOHN O’CONNOR             on dozens of rapid-fire pis-  let stand any restriction on  are  likely  seeking  southern  includes a glossary of terms.
            AP Political Writer          tols and long guns, as well  “weapons that are in com-    Illinois courts because of a  It explains that the restrict-
            SPRINGFIELD,  Ill.  (AP)  —  Illi-  as  large-capacity  maga-  mon  use”  today  unless  —  stronger disposition toward  ed  semiautomatic  weap-
            nois’ two-week-old ban on  zines or attachments.          another  ruling  last  summer  Second Amendment rights.  ons are  not machine guns
            semiautomatic     weapons  Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritz-    found — there is evidence  Guns are viewed far more  —  the  expulsion  of  each
            outlaws  “ubiquitous”  fire-  ker signed the law Jan. 10  of  an  “enduring  American  favorably  in  central  and  round  requires  a  separate
            arms  in  “radical”  defiance  in  response  to  the  shoot-  tradition” of restriction.  southern Illinois where there  squeeze of the trigger.
            of  the  Constitution’s  Sec-  ing deaths of seven at the  The   Illinois   law   “takes  are  larger  populations  of  It  points  out  that  detach-
            ond Amendment, a federal  Fourth of July parade in the  the  radical  step  of  ban-   hunters and sport shooters,  able  magazines  date  to
            lawsuit filed by the National  Chicago  suburb  of  High-  ning  nearly  every  modern  compared to northern met-   the  Civil  War  and  semiau-
            Rifle  Association  Tuesday  land  Park,  where  30  were  semiautomatic  rifle  —  the  ropolitan areas, particularly  tomatic power is a century
            claims.                      also injured.                single-most  popular  type  Chicago,  which  continues  old.q
            The powerful NRA joined a  He  has  said  he  believes  of  rifle  in  the  country,  pos-  to  battle  deadly  handgun  Assault  style  weapons  are
            parade of gun-rights activ-  the law will withstand court  sessed by Americans in the  violence.                    displayed for sale at Capi-
            ists  seeking  to  toss  out  the  challenges about its consti-  tens of millions,” the docu-  The  NRA-backed  lawsuit  tol City Arms Supply on Jan.
            newly  minted  prohibition  tutionality.                  ment says.                   also  argues  that  the  law’s  16, 2013, in Springfield, Ill.q

            Prosecutors to Congress: Let state prisons jam cellphones

            By MEG KINNARD                                                                                                      “If  inmates  were  blocked
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from using contraband cell
            COLUMBIA,  S.C.  (AP)  —                                                                                            phones, we  could  prevent
            Top state prosecutors from                                                                                          serious  levels  of  drug  traf-
            across  the  country  are                                                                                           ficking,  deadly  riots,  and
            again  urging  Congress  to                                                                                         other crimes from happen-
            pass  legislation  allowing                                                                                         ing,” the prosecutors wrote.
            state prisons to jam the sig-                                                                                       To  be  able  to  render  the
            nals  of  cellphones  smug-                                                                                         phones  —  smuggled  in-
            gled  to  inmates,  devices                                                                                         side hollowed-out footballs,
            the  attorneys  argue  allow                                                                                        whisked  in  by  corrupt  em-
            prisoners  to  plot  violence                                                                                       ployees  and  sometimes
            and carry out crimes.                                                                                               even dropped by drone —
            “Simply,  we  need  Con-                                                                                            worthless,  prosecutors  are
            gress  to  pass  legislation                                                                                        calling  for  a  change  in  a
            giving  states  the  authority                                                                                      nearly  century-old  federal
            to implement a cell phone                                                                                           communications  law  that
            jamming system to protect                                                                                           currently  prevents  state
            inmates,  guards,  and  the                                                                                         prisons from using jamming
            public  at  large,”  the  22                                                                                        technology  to  nullify  illicit
            prosecutors  —  all  Repub-                                                                                         cell signals.
            licans,  led  by  South  Caro-                                                                                      The  push  to  clamp  down
            lina Attorney General Alan   Prison staff work at Lee Correctional Institution, in Bishopville, S.C.. April 10, 2019.   on illicit cellphones in state
            Wilson  —  wrote  in  a  letter                                                                    Associated Press   prisons  has  been  ongoing
            sent  Wednesday  to  House                                                                                          for years, with South Caroli-
            Speaker  Kevin  McCarthy  The letter, provided to The  and  a  double  homicide  described  bodies  “literally  na Corrections Director Bry-
            and Senate Majority Lead-    Associated  Press,  cites  a  hit  ordered  by  an  Indiana  stacked  on  top  of  each  an  Stirling  at  the  forefront
            er Chuck Schumer.            handful  of  criminal  inci-  inmate.  They  also  cited  a  other,  like  some  macabre  of  an  effort  by  corrections
            Wilson’s  office  said  there  dents  the  attorneys  say  2018  gang-related  siege  woodpile.”  Corrections  of-  directors across the country
            are  plans  to  reach  out  to  were  orchestrated  by  in-  that  raged  for  more  than  ficials  blamed  the  orches-  to call for the ability to use
            Democratic state prosecu-    mates  using  contraband  seven  hours  at  a  South  trated violence — the worst  more  technology  to  crack
            tors,  arguing  the  issue  isn’t  cellphones,  including  a  Carolina  prison,  killing  sev-  U.S. prison riot in 25 years —  down  on  the  contraband
            a partisan one.              Tennessee drug conspiracy  en  inmates.  One  inmate  in part on illegal cellphones.  phones.q
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