Page 7 - aruba-today-20230126
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Thursday 26 January 2023

            Floral offering for Dia di Betico at Arubahuis

            THE  HAGUE  –Plenipoten-     tion  as  a  commonwealth  Betico  was  born  on  Janu-
            tiary minister of Aruba, mr.  within  the  Dutch  Kingdom  ary 25, 1938. Croes had four
            Ady  Thijsen  and  acting  and  Betico  is  honored  for  children:  two  sons—Glen-
            interim  director  of  Aruba-  this  outcome  since  1989  bert Croes and Gilberto Ju-
            huis,  drs.  Glenda  Hernan-  by  celebrating  the  Dia  di  nior Croes and two daugh-
            dez on the 24th of January  Betico.  The  official  holiday  ters—  Glendeline  Croes
            laid a wreath on the eve of  normally  features  perfor-  and Guisette Croes. Both of
            Dia di Betico at the bust of  mances,  sporting  events  Croes’ sons served as Min-
            Betico  Croes  to  remember  and games throughout the  isters  and  Glenbert  is  cur-
            the birth of Mr. Gilberto Fra-  island.                   rently in office as Minister of
            çoise  “Betico”  Croes,  Aru-  Croes himself was not able  Labor. Betico was also the
            ban  politician  and  states-  to  enjoy  the  results  of  his  uncle  of  Aruba’s  current
            man.                         ongoing  struggle;  he  was  Prime  Minister,  Mrs.  Evelyn  island.  During  the  Round  was  set  for  1986,  the  sec-
                                         involved  in  an  accident  Wever-Croes.                  table  Conference  of  1981,  ond  was  set  for  ten  years
            On  the  25th  of  January,  on  December  31,  1985,  The  father  of  the  Aruban  he  was  responsible  for  for-  later  and  enhanced  the
            Aruba  celebrates  our  na-  and  went  into  a  coma.  nation or the Liberator (Lib-  mally  setting  the  date  for  independence  from  the
            tional  hero,  Betico  Croes.  He  passed  away  on  No-  ertador) as he is called of-  Aruba’s   independency.  Netherlands.  However,  it
            Gilberto  Francois  (Betico)  vember  26,  1986.  For  the  ten, was an active man in  Betico also became leader  never  came  to  a  total  in-
            Croes. He helped the island  Aruban  people,  his  words  Caribbean     organizations  of  the  political  party  Mov-  dependence  of  Aruba  in
            attain  the  Status  Aparte  –  will never be forgotten. He  while  he  studied  in  the  imiento Electoral di Pueblo  1996;  it  was  dropped  in
            the  status  of  autonomous  told  his  people:  “Si  mi  cay  Netherlands.  Betico  was  a  (MEP), now the main party  1990.  The  Status  Aparte
            country within the kingdom  na  caminda,  gara  e  ban-   social  man,  participated  that forms the current gov-   within  the  Kingdom  of  the
            of  the  Netherlands,  sepa-  dera  y  sigui  cu  e  lucha”  in  sports  and  the  social  ernment  that  was  elected  Netherlands  was  to  be  a
            rate  from  the  other  islands  which means “If I fall along  and  cultural  community.  in September 2021.        permanent one.
            of the Antilles.             the way, grab the flag and  He  worked  as  a  teacher  There  were  two  stages  in
                                         continue the struggle.”      and  instituted  the  official  which  the  Independence  Images  of  the  wreath-lay-
            Aruba was allowed to func-                                seal, flag and hymn for the  was  formed:  the  first  one  ing courtesy of Arubahuis.q

            According to minister of Energy, Glenbert Croes:

            Meeting for possible purchase of HFO from PetroEcuador very positive

            ORANJESTAD  –  During  a  ity, this means that minister  is  currently  paying.  Conse-  ter travelled to Ecuador to  cooperate  with  Aruba’s
            press conference this week  Croes  did  his  utmost  effort  quently,  utilities  company  meet with the new minister  request  to  reach  a  direct
            by  the  minister  of  Labor,  and  he  feels  that  there  is  WEB  till  also  receive  a  dis-  of Energy, Fernando Santos  relationship  between  the
            Energy  and  Integration,  an  opportunity  to  reach  count which can be trans-       Alvite  and  vice-minister  Es-  national  companies  was
            Mr.  Glenbert  Croes,  he  in-  agreements that can ben-  lated  to  the  community  pin Zapata.                    expressed,  in  this  case,  for
            formed about his recent trip  efit the Aruban people.     through  the  reduction  of                               RdA and FMSA to purchase
            to Ecuador, where he held                                 the price for electricity and  They  were  accompanied  the fuel that WEB needs di-
            varios  meetings  with  the  Seeing  as  national  petro-  water,  according  to  the  by  General  Consul  of  the  rectly  from  PetroEcuadro
            minister of Energy and Min-  leum company of Ecuador,  minister.                       Netherlands in Ecuador, Di-  without intermediaries.
            ing, Dr. Fernando Santos Al-  PetroEcuador  has  been                                  ego Almeida
            vite, vice-minister of Hydro-  supplying  HFO  to  Aruba  According  to  a  press  re-  Guzman.  Croes  thanked  Additionally,  Croes  said
            carbons, Ruben Dario Espin  for  a  few  years  already,  lease,  the  government  is  the Dutch embassy for the  that  because  RdA  and
            Zapata,  and  executives  of  through  some  intermediar-  aware of the concerns with-  support  received  because  FMSA are 100% property of
            PetroEcuador.                ies, it was advised to search  in  the  community  regard-  for  Aruba,  the  diplomatic  Aruba,  he  urges  PetroEc-
                                         for  possibilities  to  eliminate  ing  the  cost  of  life  being  platform of the Dutch em-  uador  to  not  let  our  com-
            Croes  explained  that  last  the  intermediaries.  Doing  very  high.  For  this  reason,  bassy  is  instrumental  to  panies  take  part  in  a  ten-
            year he was in Ecuador to  this,  Aruba  can  through  efforts continue that could  open  doors  and  show  the  der  like  any  other  private
            meet  with  the  minister  in  the Refinery of Aruba (RdA)  lead to a reduction in price  seriousness  of  intentions  of  company,  but  rather  to
            charge  of  Energy  at  the  and Fuels Marketing & Sup-   for  water  and  electricity,  the  Government  of  Aruba  allow  negotiations  to  take
            time  with  the  intention  to  ply Aruba (FMSA) purchase  which  are  fundamental  to  for every country that they  place  directly  finding  fair
            search  for  possibilities  that  HFO  directly  from  PetroEc-  reducing the cost of life for  are  approaching,  in  this  and  balanced  terms  with
            could  result  in  a  reduction  uador.                   the entire community.        case Ecuador.                a win-win for Ecuador and
            of  the  price  of  water  and  Once it is no longer neces-                                                         Aruba.  Concluding,  the
            electricity  for  Aruba.  Con-  sary  to  pay  commission  to  It  is  for  this  reason  that  During  the  meeting,  the  minister  emphasized  that
            sidering that the goal of the  intermediaries,  FMSA  can  Croes  together  executives  willingness  of  the  govern-  the meetings went well and
            government of Aruba is to  obtain HFO with a discount  from RdA and the govern-        ment,  Ecuadorian  minis-    Aruba  was  well-received
            lower the price of electric-  compared  to  the  price  it  ment’s adviser on this mat-  ters  and  PetroEcuador  to  by Ecuador.q
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