Page 9 - aruba-today-20230126
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 26 January 2023
Aruba to me
and having a child of my
own to realize how spe-
cial my Aruban heritage is.
My grandmother came to
Aruba from Anguilla at the
age of 12 and my grand-
father came from Saba to
work for Standard Oil.
When I visit Aruba with my
husband and son I get to
visit family. I get to hear the
stories of my mother's child-
hood and see the church
where my grandfather was
ordained in 1975 as a priest.
I get to watch my son play
at the beaches his great-
grandparents enjoyed. I
get to hear the stories my
mom and uncle have of
growing up on the island. It's
amazing to watch my son
experience Aruba and en-
joy it so much! I love hear-
ing stories from my mother's
memory of the hospital she
ORANJESTAD — You are as names, likeness, etc. for was born in and the first
back and we would like to promotional purposes with- "high rise" being built.
portrait you! By inviting you out compensation.
to send us your favorite va- The perfect weather,
cation picture while enjoy- Last but not least: check friendly people, amazing
ing our Happy Island. out our website, Instagram food, and relaxed island
and Facebook page! atmosphere are just added
Complete the sentence: Thank you for supporting benefits to visiting such a
Aruba to me is ……. Send our free newspaper, we special island. I'm thankful
your picture with that text strive to make you a happy for the museum of industry
(including your name and reader every day again. in San Nicolaas for teach-
where you are from) to: ing the rich history of the For today we received a island. I'm thankful and
and we will publish your lovely message from Court- proud of my Aruban heri-
vacation memory. Isn’t ney Margazano (Heyliger- tage and thankful my son is
that a special way to keep Webb). learning and appreciating
your best moments alive? it too!”
Please do note: By submit- She wrote to us saying;
ting photos, text or any oth- “Aruba to me is going back In the photo: Her husband
er materials, you give per- to my roots. I grew up in Matthew and her son Nigel.
mission to The Aruba Today Maryland always hearing
Newspaper, Caribbean people marvel and get Thank you for sending us this
Speed Printers and any of excited when my mom beautiful message sharing
its affiliated companies to said she was from Aruba. It what Aruba means to you
use said materials, as well took me hitting adulthood with us and our readers!q