Page 52 - ttc jan 7,2016
P. 52
Thursday 7 January 2016
Together with the entire family:
Bernice MacQueen Celebrates Her Magical 80th Birthday on Aruba!
PALM BEACH - From 18 days have been coming to the
to 80 years old, the whole island for over 20 years and
MacQueen family came every year Bernice spends
together last week and this her birthday here on Aru-
week to celebrate the spe- ba enjoying our beautiful
cial occasion of Bernice beaches and warm hospi-
MacQueen’s 80th Birthday tality! Bernice and her late
on Aruba! husband Robert were even
Bernice and her family honored as Goodwill Am-
bassadors to Aruba 4 years
ago for visiting the island
for 20 consecutive years!
The family is once again
enjoying their stay at the
fabulous Marriott Ocean
Club, where their warm
breezy days and nights are
the total Caribbean expe-
Happy Birthday Bernice!
-Photos by Robert Arenz