Page 55 - ttc jan 7,2016
P. 55


LOCALThursday 7 January 2016

Support Aramis and Friends at the Donkey Sanctuary Aruba!

ORANJESTAD - We would          donkeys at the sanctuary      customers for the sanctu-      adopt a donkey, who buy       3. Entry is free of charge
like to introduce Aramis to    have a lot of friends with    ary.                           something at the donkey       and one can enjoy a soft
you, one of the donkeys        whom they can play all        The volunteers are trying      shop or who make a dona-      drink, a cup of coffee or a
that has found a home at       day long. And they love       to cover the various costs     tion. Thus they help support  refreshing ice cream.
the Aruba Donkey Sanctu-       living there: they are well-  with all kinds of activities   us. Everyone is welcome to    The volunteers of the sanc-
ary. We have never seen a      cared for, they are fed and   and the sale of great don-     visit the sanctuary, which    tuary are hoping that
donkey that was so easily      watered and when they         key memorabilia in the         has opening hours from 9      somebody will adopt this
accepted by the herd as        are sick the vet is called.   shop. Fortunately, there       am until 4 pm and in the      friendly, lovely donkey.
Aramis. Normally it takes      Yes, they are expensive       are also visitors who wish to  weekend from 10 am until      Of course the donkey will
quite a while before the                                                                                                  keep on living at the sanc-
herd accepts a newco-                                                                                                     tuary; you only need to
mer, but with Aramis and                                                                                                  pay AWG. 30,-- per month
his friend Ninja it went wit-                                                                                             for the donkey’s keep.
hout a hitch. We only sepa-                                                                                               With this amount you help
rated them for one night,                                                                                                 support the sanctuary as
but one noticed that the                                                                                                  well as your own donkey.
herd was not opposed to                                                                                                   And you will receive a
this gorgeous, dark grey                                                                                                  beautiful certificate and
donkey.                                                                                                                   a super T-shirt and your
So put into the herd, and                                                                                                 name and photo will be
loving every moment at                                                                                                    posted on our website. So
the Aruba Donkey Sanc-                                                                                                    please call the sanctuary
tuary. Aramis can look                                                                                                    at 593-2933; you can also
forward to staying a long,                                                                                                register via the website
long time with us, as he is                                                                                     
just four years old.                                                                                                      or donate money on bank
This beautiful donkey has                                                                                                 account number 40.03.025
been provided with a chip,                                                                                                at the Aruba Bank! Just do
just like all the other don-                                                                                              it! Would you like to follow
keys. On the chip is infor-                                                                                               the donkeys on Facebook:
mation about the donkey                                                                                                   surf to Donkey Sanctuary
and its medical history. The                                                                                              Aruba please.q
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