Page 53 - ttc jan 7,2016
P. 53


LOCALThursday 7 January 2016

Hilton Aruba Sponsors Birdlife Conservation Calendar 2016

PALM BEACH - Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort &      They are on their way to Aruba and will soon      awareness and conservation in Aruba.
Casino is the new sponsor of Aruba Birdlife Con-  be made available to the many nature lovers       Photo from right to left: Jaap van Dam (Direc-
servation calendar 2016.Greg and Albert Peter-    in Aruba.                                         tor of Operations), Albert Peterson (Aruba Bird-
son received the first samples of the 2016 bird   Greg Peterson is very happy with the new spon-    life Conservation), Frances Archilla (Director of
calendar from General Manager Olivier Mau-        sor and the quality of the calendars. It is won-  F&B), Olivier Maumaire (General Manager) and
maire. The calendars are of a high end quality    derful to see the Hilton Aruba Caribbean step     Greg Peterson (Aruba Birdlife Conservation).q
and were printed in Miami.                        up to the plate to show their support for nature
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