Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-15 Sept 2020
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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 15 september 2020

                         NFL reminds teams to follow sideline rules on face coverings

            (AP)-  The  NFL  on  Mon-                                                                                           communicate  at  times  with
            day  reminded  team  per-                                                                                           that mask. I just got to do a
            sonnel  on  the  sidelines                                                                                          better job. I got to do a better
            about    the    COVID-19                                                                                            job with that mask.”
            requirements  for  wear-                                                                                            The “Bench Area” under the
            ing face coverings, saying                                                                                          2020  league  protocols  is  the
            such  carelessness  or  dis-                                                                                        sideline  on  each  side  of  the
            regard could put the sea-                                                                                           field  and  is  delineated  with
            son  “at  risk.”  There  were                                                                                       a yellow dotted line between
            several  games  Sunday  in                                                                                          the 30-yard lines. Team per-
            which team members oth-                                                                                             sonnel  with  Bench  Area  ac-
            er than players did not use                                                                                         cess must stay within the 32-
            face coverings.                                                                                                     yard  lines,  which  are  delin-
                                                                                                                                eated with a white line.
            Troy  Vincent,  who  oversees
            the  league's  football  opera-                                                                                     “All  individuals  with  Bench
            tions,  sent  a  memo  to  the                                                                                      Area access, except for play-
            32  clubs.  He  stressed  that                                                                                      ers, shall be required to wear
            teams  "must  remain  vigilant                                                                                      masks at all times,” the rules
            and  disciplined  in  following                                                                                     say. “Coaches must wear ei-
            the  processes  and  protocols                                                                                      ther  a  mask,  neck  gaiter,
            put in place by not only the                                                                                        and/or  face  shield  to  satisfy
            league, union and clubs, but                                                                                        this  obligation.  Players  who
            also by state and local govern-  and  local  and  state  govern-  ing must be worn as designed  camera without a face cover-  are not substituting into the
            ments.”  After  congratulating  mental  regulations.  Those  so that it securely fits across  ing. He hardly was the only  game  are  strongly  encour-
            the  teams  for  overcoming  require  all  individuals  with  the wearer’s nose and mouth  coach or team member with a  aged  to  wear  masks  on  the
            coronavirus  challenges  and  bench  area  access,  including  to  prevent  the  transmission  bare face during the 13 games  sidelines, except for at games
            beginning the regular season  coaches and members of the  of the virus.” Punishment for  Sunday.  Raiders  coach  Jon  played in stadiums with state
            on  time,  Vincent  strongly  club  medical  staff,  to  wear  not adhering to the protocols  Gruden knew who the NFL  or local regulations that make
            cautioned  against  undoing  face coverings at all times.  has not been announced, but  was referring to.           the  wearing  of  masks  man-
            that work.                                                could include anything from                               datory. In such cases, players
            He referred to the game-day  “Failure to adhere to this re-  fines  to  ejection  from  the  “I’m  sure  they’re  directing  on  the  sidelines  must  wear
            protocols  developed  by  the  quirement  will  result  in  ac-  sideline.             that  at  me,"  he  said.  "I  got  masks.  “Becoming  careless
            league  and  the  NFL  Players  countability  measures  being  During  the  Sunday  night  to  do  a  better  job  keeping  or ignoring face covering and
            Association  that  reflect  the  imposed  against  offending  game between Dallas and Los  my mask on over my face. It  physical  distancing  require-
            advice  of  infectious  disease  individuals and/or clubs,” the  Angeles,  Rams  coach  Sean  was really hot, and you have  ments will put the 2020 sea-
            experts,  club  medical  staffs  memo said. “The face cover-  McVay  often  was  shown  on  a headset on and it’s hard to  son at risk,” Vincent said.

                 Stephenson homers lifts                                   Match day: Champions League, English League

             Reds to 3-1 win over Pirates                                                              Cup resume

                                                                        (AP)-  A  look  at  what’s  without spectators, includ-  in  the  league  at  the  week-
                                                                        happening around Euro-      ing Dynamo using the cav-  end,  while  Villa  was  not
                                                                        pean soccer on Tuesday:     ernous  Olympic  Stadium  in  action.  English  teams
                                                                        CHAMPIONS LEAGUE  that  staged  the  2018  final.  playing  in  European  com-
                                                                        The  competition  re-       Real  Madrid  beat  Liver-  petition  enter  the  League
                                                                        sumes at the third qual-    pool 3-1. Winners on Tues-  Cup in round three, which
                                                                        ifying  round  stage  on  day advance to the two-leg  take  place  next  midweek.
                                                                        Tuesday,  and  Belgian  playoff round starting next  Rounds two, three and four
                                                                        league  runner-up  Gent  week  that  will  complete  are  all  being  played  early
                                                                        prepared by firing coach  the  32-team  group  stage  — and in successive weeks
                                                                        Laszlo  Boloni  on  Mon-    draw  being  made  Oct.  1.  —  rather  than  spread  out
                                                                        day.                        Five  more  third  qualifying  over the fist half of the sea-
            (AP) — Rookie Tyler Ste-     plate.                                                     round games are played on  son in a pandemic-induced
            phenson  hit  a  tiebreak-                                  Boloni  had  just  25  days  Wednesday.                change to a typical compe-
            ing  two-run  homer  in  Trevor  Bauer  and  Cincin-        and  three  games  in  charge                          tition schedule. There will
            the  seventh  inning,  lift-  nati  carried  a  1-0  lead  into   before  the  club  intervened  England           be no extra time in the first
            ing  the  Cincinnati  Reds  the  seventh,  but  Colin  Mo-  ahead of hosting Rapid Vi-  Premier League clubs enter  five rounds.
            to  a  3-1  victory  over  the  ran  led  off  with  his  eighth   enna  in  a  single-leg  elimi-  the English League Cup at  The  semifinals  in  January
            Pittsburgh  Pirates  in  the  homer. Bauer had retired 14   nation game.                the second-round stage for  will be played over one leg
            opener of a doubleheader  consecutive  batters  before      Three games are scheduled,  the  first  of  three  straight  instead of two.
            on Monday.                   Moran’s  towering  fly  ball   all featuring runners-up in  weeks of action early in the
                                         into the seats in right. Bauer,   their  domestic  leagues  last  remodelled domestic calen-  France
            With  two  out  and  the  bases  who was trying for his third   season: PAOK Thessaloniki  dar.                    Lyon  visits  Montpellier  in
            empty,  rookie  Jose  Garcia  seven-inning  shutout  of  the   hosts  group  stage  regular  Much focus will be on West  its  latest  catch-up  game  in
            singled  to  left  against  Sam  pandemic-shortened  season,   Benfica, and Dynamo Kyiv  Ham, which started the sea-  Ligue  1  after  starting  the
            Howard (2-2). Manager Da-    was pulled with one out and    is home to AZ Alkmaar.      son with a chastening home  season  late  because  of  the
            vid  Bell  then  sent  Stephen-  two on. Raisel Iglesias (3-3)   AZ  was  perhaps  the  un-  loss to Newcastle 2-0 in the  team's run to the semifinals
            son up to hit for Shogo Aki-  then  struck  out  pinch-hitter   luckiest  team  during  the  league on Saturday after an  of  the  Champions  League
            yama, and the young catcher  Gregory  Polanco  and  John    early  stages  of  the  pan-  offseason  when  the  club  last month.
            hit a drive to left for his sec-  Ryan Murphy.              demic, being edged for the  struggled  to  bring  in  any  It will be Lyon's third game
            ond  homer.The  24-year-old                                 Netherlands  title  on  goal  major signings. Newcastle,  of the league campaign — it
            Stephenson lifted his batting  Bauer  allowed  four  hits,   difference by Ajax when the  Aston Villa and Crystal Pal-  has a win and a draw so far
            helmet off his head with his  struck  out  12  and  walked   season was curtailed.      ace are also in action against  — and will bring Rudi Gar-
            left  hand  and  pumped  both  two. The right-hander is one   All  UEFA  competition  lower-league     opponents.  cia's side up to date in terms
            arms in the sir before being  of the top candidates for the   qualifiers  are  being  played  Newcastle and Palace won  of fixtures.
            swarmed by teammates at the  NL Cy Young Award.
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