Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-15 Sept 2020
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A30 world news
Diamars 15 september 2020
EU warns UK that Brexit deal breach will scuttle a new deal
international treaties. The likely to face strong opposi-
British government has ac- tion when it is debated in
knowledged it plans to breach Parliament next week. John-
international law with the son is due to speak to Con-
Internal Market Bill, which servative lawmakers later Fri-
would diminish the EU’s day in an attempt to forestall
oversight of trade between a potential rebellion.
mainland Britain and North- The EU has said it will
ern Ireland — a fraught issue take legal action if the U.K.
during Brexit negotiations — doesn't change course and
in the event the U.K. and the drop the controversial law by
EU can't reach agreement. the end of September.
But it says the breach is mi- Despite the chill in relations
nor, and denies trying to between London and Brus-
renege on the agreement, sels and the threat of legal
which commits both sides action, British officials insist
to ensuring there are no cus- talks on a future trade deal
toms posts or other obstacles aren’t on the verge of col-
on the Northern Ireland-Ire- lapse — and could continue
land border. An open border even if the EU sues the U.K.
underpins the peace agree- for violating the withdrawal
ment that ended decades of agreement.
violence in Northern Ireland. A senior U.K. negotiating
Britain says its law is intend- official, who spoke on con-
ed to ensure there are no bar- dition of anonymity to dis-
riers to trade between North- cuss the confidential meet-
ern Ireland and the rest of the ings, said a round of talks in
U.K. in the event that there is London this week was “more
no deal with the EU. constructive than you might
Johnson’s spokesman, James expect.”
Slack, said the bill provided The official said that the two
(AP) — The 27 European easy to negotiate our future nance ministers in Berlin, “a safety net that removes any sides were starting to have
Union nations presented a relations under these threat- all other comments made ambiguities and ensures that “discussions of substance on
firmly united front to the ening circumstances.” EU backed Le Maire's stance. the government can always some issues,” though they re-
U.K. on Friday after the Brit- leaders have expressed anger deliver on its commitments main far apart on the key out-
ish government said it plans and bafflement at the U.K's Ireland, which has the EU's to the people of Northern standing areas of state subsi-
to violate part of their Brexit announcement that it will only land border with the Ireland.” dies for businesses and EU
divorce agreement, warn- breach an international treaty U.K., stands to lose the most Business Minister Nadim boats’ access to U.K. fishing
ing London that there was with a bill that would dimin- in a breakdown of trade talks. Zahawi said the British gov- waters.
little chance of a new trade ish the EU’s oversight of Irish Finance Minister Pas- ernment was “absolutely Chief U.K. negotiator David
deal unless the U.K. reverses trade between mainland Brit- chal Donohoe welcomed committed” to upholding Frost plans to return to Brus-
course. ain and Northern Ireland. “solidarity and support” from the agreement, including the sels next week for more talks
The European Parliament's his colleagues in other EU parts relating to Northern with Barnier.
lead lawmaker on Brexit said “We have never in recent his- countries. Ireland. Both sides say that unless
that even if a free trade agree- tory -- or, maybe in ancient The spat spilled over into a “It’s not about if we imple- there is an agreement by next
ment is struck, the EU legis- history dealing with other U.K-French-German meet- ment the Withdrawal Agree- month, Britain is facing an
lature will refuse to ratify it countries -- seen such a re- ing on Iran on Thursday, ment and the Northern Irish economically disruptive no-
unless Britain drops a pro- negement on an agreement," where according to German protocol, it’s how we imple- deal exit on Jan. 1. Barnier
posal to override parts of the said Ireland's Europe minis- diplomats Foreign Minister ment it,” he said. said Thursday that “the EU
legally binding withdrawal ter, Thomas Byrne. Heiko Mass and his French But the admission that new is intensifying its prepared-
agreement. Leaders of the bloc vowed to colleague Jean-Yves Le Drian legislation will break inter- ness” for a possible no-deal
stand together as time runs impressed upon British For- national law has caused alarm outcome.
“Should the U.K. breach the short to find a smooth eco- eign Secretary Dominic Raab across the political spectrum,
withdrawal agreement, the nomic transition before Brit- the importance of abiding by even in Britain. The bill is
European Parliament won’t ain leaves the EU's economic
ratify a future agreement be- structures on Dec. 31.
tween the European Union A no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1
and the United Kingdom," would hit some EU nations,
said David McAllister, a Ger- including Ireland, France,
man politician who heads the Belgium and the Nether-
European Parliament’s U.K.- lands especially hard. But
EU coordination group. none were ready to make
McAllister said the British concessions to U.K. de-
bill was “a serious and unac- mands, which the EU views
ceptable breach of interna- as seeking free access to the
tional law.” EU market while refusing to
British Prime Minister Boris guarantee fair competition.
Johnson’s plan to alter provi- “We will never accept any
sions in the EU divorce deal kind of decision that might
has put already bogged-down weaken or jeopardize the Eu-
talks on a future trade deal ropean single market, French
into an even deeper rut. Finance Minister Bruno Le
“We are remaining firm, we Maire said.
are remaining calm,” McAl- “We have made very clear
lister told The Associated that all European countries
Press after a meeting of the remain united and strong,"
European Parliament's U.K. he added,
committee. “But it’s not At a meeting of eurozone fi-