Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-15 Sept 2020
P. 28

A28    u.s. news
                Diamars 15 september 2020

                                Rochester police chief out in fallout over Prude death

                                                                      stay  on  through  the  end  of  life support.            happened along the way, in-
                                                                      the month.                   His death has sparked nearly  cluding  my  own,”  Warren
                                                                      Instead, Warren said at a news  two  weeks  of  nightly  pro-  said. “As mayor, I own these
                                                                      conference that she had per-  tests  and  calls  for  Warren's  failures.”
                                                                      manently relieved him while  resignation after his relatives  Prude’s  family  has  filed  a
                                                                      suspending     Corporation  released  police  body  camera  federal  lawsuit  alleging  the
                                                                      Counsel  Tim  Curtin  and  video  and  written  reports  police  department  sought  to
                                                                      Communications     Director  they obtained through a pub-  cover  up  the  true  nature  of
                                                                      Justin  Roj  without  pay  for  lic  records  request.  Warren  Prude’s  death,  starting  with
                                                                      30  days  following  a  cursory  said the review had produced  what Warren said was Single-
                                                                      management  review  of  the  eight  recommendations,  in-  tary reporting to her early on
                                                                      city's role in Prude's death.  cluding that the city’s Office  that  Prude  had  an  apparent
                                                                      “This initial look has shown  of Public Integrity investigate  drug  overdose.  In  announc-
                                                                      what so many have suspect-   whether she or any other em-  ing his retirement Sept. 8, the
                                                                      ed, that we have a pervasive  ployees violated city policies  outgoing chief accused critics
                                                                      problem  in  the  Rochester  or ethical standards. The re-  of trying to “destroy my char-
                                                                      Police  Department,”  Warren  view by Deputy Mayor James  acter and integrity.”
                                                                      said. “One that views every-  Smith  also  recommended  Roj said he accepted his sus-
                                                                      thing through the eyes of the  that the U.S. Justice Depart-  pension, but claimed he was
                                                                      badge  and  not  the  citizens  ment  conduct  a  review  of  not aware of what happened
                                                                      we  serve.  It  shows  that  Mr.  the Rochester Police Depart-  to  Prude  until  Aug.  4.  He
                                                                      Prude’s death was not taken  ment,  including  a  review  of  said Singletary told him in an
                                                                      as seriously as it should have  all  body-worn  camera  foot-  email  of  an  ongoing  crimi-
                                                                      been  by  those  who  reviewd  age  for  use-of-force  arrests  nal investigation and that the
                                                                      the case throughout city gov-  over the past three years.  mayor was already informed.
                                                                      ernment at every level.”     Warren said she would move
                                                                                                   forward  with  those  and  the  “In hindsight, I agree I should
                                                                      Officers  found  Prude  run-  other   recommendations,  have  questioned  the  Chief
                                                                      ning naked down the street in  which include having outside  further and/or taken the op-
            (AP)  —  Rochester  Mayor  Prude.                         March,  handcuffed  him  and  agencies review police train-  portunity to discuss his email
            Lovely  Warren  fired  the  po-                           put a hood over his head to  ing manuals and Freedom of  with the Mayor,” Roj said in a
            lice chief and suspended her  Chief   Le’Ron   Singletary  stop him from spitting, then  Information Law procedures.  statement posted on Twitter.
            top  lawyer  and  communica-  announced  his  retirement  held  him  down  for  about                               Curtin could not be reached
            tions director Monday in the  last  week  as  part  of  a  major  two minutes until he stopped  “I  have  apologized  to  the  by phone to comment on his
            continuing upheaval over the  shakeup  of  the  city’s  police  breathing.  He  died  a  week  Prude  family  and  this  com-  suspension.
            suffocation  death  of  Daniel  leadership but said he would  later  after  he  was  taken  off  munity  for  the  failures  that

                             Texas officer charged with assault in fatal 2019 shooting

              (AP)  —  A  Texas  police  officer  has  pregnant.” Moments later, something  shooting.                   asked in a statement for the commu-
            been charged with assault for fatally  flashes as she reaches her arm out to-                               nity to maintain trust in the legal pro-
            shooting  a  woman  after  a  struggle  ward the officer. Suddenly, Delacruz  The  charge  against  Delacruz  comes  cess and its police as the case proceeds
            over the officer's stun gun last year,  pulls  away  and  fires  five  gunshots.  after months of protests over racism  . He did not answer questions about
            prosecutors announced Monday.       Police in the Houston suburb said the  and  police  violence  in  cities  across  Delacruz's employment status or the
            A  Harris  County  grand  jury  indict-  Hispanic  officer  shot  Turner  during  the  country  following  the  death  of  internal affairs investigation into the
            ed  Baytown  Officer  Juan  Delacruz  an attempted arrest after she shocked  George  Floyd  in  May.  Floyd,  who  shooting.
            Monday for shooting Pamela Turner  him  with  his  Taser.  Court  records  was Black and grew up in Houston,  Delacruz,  who  has  been  with  the
            in  the  parking  lot  of  an  apartment  showed  three  outstanding  misde-  died after a white Minneapolis police  Baytown  police  department  since
            complex  where  they  both  lived  in  meanor  warrants  against  Turner  at  officer  pressed  his  knee  on  Floyd’s  2008, did not face any disciplinary ac-
            May 2019.                           the time.                           neck for several minutes while he was  tion after the shooting, Cagle said.
            Delacruz was charged with aggravat-                                     handcuffed on the ground.           Jacob said the department returning
            ed assault by a public servant, a felony  Delacruz  was  defending  himself                                 Delacruz to duty was an act of “delib-
            that could lead to a sentence of five  when he shot Turner, Cagle said.  Baytown  police  Lt.  Steve  Dorris  erate indifference.”
            years to life in prison if he's convict-  “When  someone  takes  a  police  of-
            ed. Prosecutors said he'll be given the  ficer’s  taser  and  then  uses  it  against
            chance to turn himself in.          them, the officer is left with no op-
                                                tions other than deadly force. That’s
            Harris County District Attorney Kim  how the officers are trained,” he said.
            Ogg,  on  Monday  called  Turner’s  Ben  Crump,  a  lawyer  for  Turner's
            death a tragedy.                    family, said last year that she was not
            “It is important to acknowledge that  pregnant  but  had  been  diagnosed
            her family and the community are in  with paranoid schizophrenia. He said
            pain,” said Ogg, who is up for reelec-  Delacruz knew his neighbor suffered
            tion in November. Greg Cagle, Dela-  from mental illness and shot her from
            cruz's  attorney,  said  he  believed  the  a “safe distance” away.
            case against his client was being mo-  Devon  Jacob,  another  lawyer  for
            tivated by politics. “There’s no facts  Turner’s  family,  said  “the  force  that
            that  would  justify  a  criminal  charge  Delacruz  used  was  not  objectively
            against the officer,” he said. Delacruz  reasonable.”  Delacruz  returned  to
            shot Turner after a struggle with the  work  less  than  two  weeks  after  the
            44-year-old Black woman that a by-  shooting,  but  the  department  said
            stander captured on video. The foot-  he'd be on administrative duty while
            age  showed  Delacruz  standing  over  the Texas Rangers and the civil rights
            Turner and reaching down to try to  division  of  the  Harris  County  dis-
            grab her arms. Turner then yells, “I’m  trict attorney’s office investigated the
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