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                                                                                                           local Saturday 10 September 2022
            Lack of funds an obstacle for completing projects in San Nicolas

            ORANJESTAD  –  During  a                                                                                            project is in the ‘option’ pro-
            meeting  in  Parliament  to                                                                                         cess, and during this, it must
            discuss  the  Najaarsnota                                                                                           meet certain requirements.
            2022 (Autumn note), prime                                                                                           These  developments  are
            minister   Evelyn   Wever-                                                                                          being  closely  followed  to
            Croes  gave  information                                                                                            ensure it becomes a beau-
            and  answered  questions                                                                                            tiful and successful project.
            regarding  the  develop-
            ments in San Nicolas.                                                                                               Carnaval Village
                                                                                                                                Another  topic  on  which
            Lighting in San Nicolas                                                                                             the prime minister received
            The  situation  with  lack  of                                                                                      questions  was  Carnival  Vil-
            lighting  in  San  Nicolas  is  a                                                                                   lage.  Regarding  this,  pre-
            problem that so far has not                                                                                         mier Wever-Croes asked for
            been easy to fix, the prime                                                                                         the plans that were made
            minister  explained.  It  was                                                                                       back  when  Carnival  Vil-
            possible to ‘here and there’                                                                                        lage was designed in order
            fix the existing problem, but                                                                                       to  see  what  the  intentions
            right  now  the  issue  will  be                                                                                    were,  to  share  with  Parlia-
            handed  over  to  Utilities  so                                                                                     ment  and  see  where  im-
            that  (electricity  company)                                                                                        provement  can  be  made
            Elmar can take care of it.   in  investment.  Prime  minis-  Hotel San Nicolas         again  because  of  certain  so that it serves its purpose.
            According  to  the  prime  ter Wever-Croes explained  Regarding the hotel Secrets  planning, and so they had  The  intention  is  to  build  a
            minister,  one  of  the  chal-  that  Elmar  promised  that  Baby Beach Aruba, premier  to wait for another period.  wide  podium  on  Carnival
            lenges  is  the  lack  of  funds  they are finalizing the busi-  Wever-Croes   explained  She  understands  that  right  Village but this hasn’t taken
            to  achieve  a  lasting  solu-  ness model in order to take  that  the  developers  had  now they are back to work-  place yet because of lack
            tion, because currently the  the  problem  over.  Elmar  to stop the construction of  ing  on  the  steel  structure  of funds.
            government has to reduce  will begin with the areas of  the steel structure that was  once again in order to con-   Prime  minister  Evelyn  Wev-
            its operational costs.       Bernhardstraat  and  Main-   going because of a case in  tinue with the job.           er-Croes  finished  saying
            It is important for the com-  street,  installing  light  posts  court.  However,  after  the  Regarding the hotel at ex-  that these projects, as well
            munity  to  realize  that  the  that  they  can  work  with  last verdict of the judge al-  Esso  Club,  her  colleague  as  all  other  ongoing  proj-
            reduction  in  operational  themselves.                   lowing  them  to  continue,  minister  of  Tourism,  Dangui  ects  in  San  Nicolas,  Have
            costs  means  a  reduction                                they  could  not  just  restart  Oduber indicated that the  her attention. q

            Prime minister and minister of Transport met with Aruba Aviation Department
            All-female team is on the island to carry out an assessment

            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday  systems in Aruba in order to
            morning,    September    9,  get  an  understanding  on
            prime minister of Aruba, Ev-  how well Aruba is prepared
            elyn Wever-Croes together  for an audit in the Future. It
            with her colleague minister  is  a  great  honor  for  Aruba
            of  Transport,  Integrity,  Na-  that  the  team  that  came
            ture and Older Persons Af-   over  for  the  assessment  in
            fairs,  Ursell  Arends,  held  a  Aruba is a team of experts
            meeting  with  Aruba  Avia-  in the field of aviation, and
            tion  Department  (Directie  is an all-female team from
            Luchtvaart  Aruba,  DLA).  Curaçao,  Honduras  and
            Director  of  Civil  Aviation  Mexico.
            Aruba, Mr. Edwin Kelly was
            present during the meeting.  “This  morning  I  had  the
                                         honor of meeting this team
            These days, Aruba together  of  ladies  and  to  talk  with
            with  International  Civil  Avi-  them. They explained to us
            ation  Organization  (ICAO)  how  the  assessment  is  go-
            are going over all aviation  ing  and  they  informed  us

                                                                      that they are very proud of  that  the  Government  of  of  Aruba  Aviation  Depart-
                                                                      everything  that  Aruba  has  Aruba, not only in the name  ment also, which has many
                                                                      in  place.  Of  course  there  of  minister  Ursell  Arends  female professionals, for all
                                                                      are things that need to be  who  is  in  charge  of  Trans-  the work that they are do-
                                                                      improved in order to guar-   port,  but  also  the  entire  ing.  It  was  nice  to  speak
                                                                      antee aviation safety even  Council  of  Ministers,  gave  with  this  group  of  profes-
                                                                      more,  but  they  are  happy  the commitment that they  sionals  who  are  breaking
                                                                      and  satisfied  with  what  will support Aruba Aviation  barriers.  Women  who  are
                                                                      they’re  seeing  right  now”,  Department in this evalua-  breaking  barriers  in  every
                                                                      the  prime  minister  com-   tion  in  order  to  guarantee  sector and position in order
                                                                      mented.                      safety in aviation.          to  create  a  better  world”,
                                                                                                                                prime minister Evelyn Wev-
                                                                      Wever-Croes      expressed  “I thank the amazing team  er-Croes expressed.q
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