Page 13 - HOH
P. 13

Saturday 10 September 2022 locAl

            Exhibition The Lens Of My Eyes organized by Leo Vrolijk

            Oranjestad - On Press Day,  nized  yearly  by  photogra-
            the National Library of Aru-  pher and cameraman An-
            ba  opened  the  exhibition  selmo  Leo  Vrolijk  and  his
            The Lens Of My Eyes, orga-   team.

                                                                      The  exhibit  consists  of  a  munity  to  visit  this  exhibit  The Minister of Culture Xio-
                                                                      selection  of  photographs  at  the  National  Library  in  mara  Maduro  congratu-
                                                                      captured last year through  Oranjestad, which includes  lates Mr. Leo Vrolijk and his
                                                                      the  eyes  of  15  press  pho-  150  photographs.  This  col-  team for the beautiful exhi-
                                                                      tographers.                  lection is on display for the  bition and those who con-
                                                                                                   entire month of September.   tributed  and  cooperated
                                                                      It  is  for  the  15th  year  that                        to make it a reality.q
                                                                      Mr.  Vrolijk  organizes  this
                                                                      exhibition.  This  year  it  was
                                                                      dedicated  to  Mr.  Rudolph
                                                                      Haseth  and  Mr.  Jason  In-

                                                                      The Rookie of the Year, Mr.
                                                                      Andrew  Vrolijk,  received
                                                                      the Djiespie's Award.

                                                                      The library invites the com-

            The Tax Department registered 3.129 new taxpayers in the first half of 2022

            OrANjEsTAD – The Tax De-     the  budget  of  the  country  income for which they are  may  seem  simple  but  is  continuously  make  in  the
            partment  (DIMP)  is  a  gov-  of Aruba but also for other  subject to tax. It is a routine  more complex as it requires  compliance   concerning
            ernment  department  with  government  entities  such  job  of  the  tax  authorities.  strict control of the informa-  the various types of taxes.
            the  task  of  guaranteeing  as ATA. TPEF, AZV, SVB, DI-  In the first half of 2022, the  tion  received.  The  depart-
            tax  revenues  and  facilitat-  MAS and DIP.              DIMP  registered  3,129  new  ment  checks  the  docu-    The  DIMP  receives  a  lot  of
            ing  taxpayers  in  meeting                               taxpayers.                   ments and proof of identity  information  for  new  regis-
            tax obligations.             Before levying any tax, it is                             before  being  able  to  reg-  trations daily. They often re-
                                         imperative  to  identify  and  registration department    ister  the  data  in  its  digital  ceive  it  from  individuals  or
            It  is  a  task  with  enormous  register  individuals  and/  or  The  DIMP  has  its  Registra-  system. The DIMP must work  companies  but  also  other
            responsibility,  not  only  for  companies  that  generate  tion Department in charge  closely with the Civil Regis-  sources. The DIMP may re-
                                                                      of the registration of private  try  Office  (Censo),  Cham-  ceive anonymous informa-
                                                                      individuals and companies.  ber  of  Commerce,  DOW,  tion  about  individuals  or
                                                                      This department must con-    DIP,  Land  Registry  and  companies  that  clandes-
                                                                      tinuously  optimize  its  regis-  Mapping  Agency,  DIMAS,  tinely  receive  income  that
                                                                      ter to keep it up-to-date.   SVB, and ATA to verify the  is not subject to tax. An in-
                                                                                                   data. These figures indicate  vestigation will start with the
                                                                      This  registration  process  what efforts the DIMP must  help  of,  for  example,  the
                                                                                                                                FIOT,  to  eventually  register
                                                                                                                                those  who  do  not  comply
                                                                                                                                with their tax liability.

                                                                                                                                Once  the  person  or  com-
                                                                                                                                pany is registered, it has the
                                                                                                                                responsibility  to  meet  the
                                                                                                                                tax  obligations  and  must
                                                                                                                                file  tax  returns  and  make
                                                                                                                                the  corresponding  pay-
                                                                                                                                ments  on  time.  This  way,
                                                                                                                                they contribute to the land
                                                                                                                                treasury and the well-being
                                                                                                                                of the country of Aruba. q
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