Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
LOCAL Saturday 10 September 2022
Army unit exercises with Caribbean Military (CARMIL) on Aruba
During the period of 12 up
to and including Septem-
ber 22nd, the 40th. Rotation
of the Company in the West
(CidW), the army unit which
is temporarily placed on
a rotation basis with the
Dutch Naval Forces in the
Caribbean region, will be
training together with Ca-
ribbean Military (CARMIL)
on Aruba.
During these exercises dif-
ferent movements will take
place on the island. This
is both on foot and with
(army) vehicles. Their base
of operations will be the
Marine barracks at Sava-
neta and they will be most-
ly seen on the East-side of this exercise include recon-
the island. naissance exercises (co- The CidW is an army com-
vertly mapping or monitor- pany, stationed in Cura-
The aim of this training is ing an area or object), fur- çao, which is alternated
to get to know the coun- ther developing one’s own every four months by a
try with its geography and specialist skills and improv- next unit. CidW-40 comes
population better, but also ing general fitness. Since from the Operational Sup-
to practice one’s own tac- the Caribbean military per- port Command Land, one
tics and techniques under sonnel simultaneously carry of the four brigades of the
aggravated climatic con- out a training program, Royal Netherlands Army.
ditions. The facilities of the there will also be coopera- This company has been
marine barracks and ex- tion and knowledge ex- reinforced with, amongst
tensive nature reserves of change. This improves the others, members of the
Aruba lend themselves par- bond between both units construction engineering
ticularly well to this. Parts of active in the Caribbean. and the medical service.
In this way, the company
has a great diversity of spe-
cialties in the Caribbean
region. The unit is also used
to provide emergency aid
or after a request for assis-
tance from the local Gov-
ernment. The unit is brought
in by the support vessel Zr.
Ms. Pelikaan. They return
by air transport, as the ship
will then be deployed else-
where because of the hur-
ricane exercise ‘Windward
Express’ on the Windward