Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
local Saturday 10 September 2022
Plenipotentiary minister of Aruba in the Netherlands present at
bicentennial anniversary of Independence of Brazil
DEN HAAG – Alternate the bicentennial anniversa- the Government of Aruba de Castilhos França on this bonds between Brazil and
Plenipotentiary minister of ry of Independence of the congratulated the Brazilian special occasion. Aruba, among others, on
Aruba in the Netherlands, Republic of Brazil. ambassador for the King- the field of culture and
mr. Ady Thijsen was present dom of the Netherlands, The minister also empha- tourism.
at a reception celebrating Mr. Thijsen, in the name of Paulo Roberto Caminha sized on this occasion the
The reception provided
minister Thijsen with a great
opportunity to meet and
chat with other ambas-
sadors, like Suriname am-
bassador, Rajendre Khargi,
Uruguayan ambassador,
Alvaro Enrique Gonzalez
Otero, and Bolivia ambas-
sador, Roberto Calzadilla
Images are courtesy of
Minister of Nature met with animal farmers
ORANJESTAD – Aruban min- Market Halls Directorate) to come with concrete so-
ister of Nature, Transport, easier and more acces- lutions for this sector, which
Integrity and Older Persons sible. contributes to food security
Affairs, Mr. Ursell Arends in Aruba.”
last Wednesday met with “We are very happy to be
various animal farmers on able to sit down today with An agreement was made
Aruba. animal farmers in Aruba”, to continue meeting with
minister Arends started say- the group, and to deal with
During this encounter, the ing. “We thank them also their worries in coordination
farmers expressed their for organizing themselves in with DLVV (Santa Rosa) in
worries, discussing vari- order to bring forward their order to introduce structur-
ous topics like dogs on the worries, which give us an in- al solutions.
streets that attack their live- sight on the problems that
stock, problems with theft they are facing, and also The ministry of Nature com-
of livestock like goats, and to see where we can give mends every farmer who
how to make registration our cooperation. As a min- contributes to the primary this reason is willing to give sible, according to a press
at DLVV (Agriculture, Live- istry, we are sure that we sector of Aruba, and our the cooperation of the release.q
stock and Fisheries and will be do our utmost effort entire community, and for ministry wherever it is pos-