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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 april 2020
              Census Day arrives with US almost paralyzed by coronavirus

              Continued from Front        raise awareness about the  Groups are switching to di-   dents,  the  center  survey  the  coronavirus  may  pre-
                                          2020 census.                gital efforts to get out the  found.                     sent a distorted picture of
              “We    are   laser-focused   Experts  say  connecting  word. On Wednesday, the  Most  of  the  census  takers  where people are living on
              on  the  statute’s  Dec.  31   with  trusted  community  activist group, Faith in Ac-  won’t be sent out until late  Census Day. Some people
              deadline  for  apportion-   leaders  in  person  is  the  tion, was holding a Twitter  May to knock on the doors  have  left  their  usual  resi-
              ment counts and popula-     best way to reach people  chat to encourage peop-        of  homes  where  people  dences  to  move  back  in
              tion  counts.  We  will  con-  in  hard-to-count  groups  le  to  fill  out  their  census  haven’t yet answered the  with parents or elderly rela-
              tinue  to  assess  all  of  our   that  may  be  wary  of  the  forms, and Census Bureau  questions online, by telep-  tives, escaped to vacation
              operations  to  see  if  there   federal government.    deputy  director  Ron  Jar-  hone or by mailing back a  homes or had to move be-
              are  any  changes  that     “There  is  the  issue  of  at-  min was heading to Reddit  paper  questionnaire.  Until  cause  they  couldn’t  pay
              need  to  be  made,”  Mi-   tention.  Certainly  when  to spread the word. Com-      then,  the  Census  Bureau  rent due to lost jobs during
              chael  Cook,  chief  of  the   folks are anxious about the  cast NBCUniversal and Te-  is  pushing  people  to  ans-  the pandemic, they said.
              Public  Information  Office   public  health  issue,  and  lemundo  on  Wednesday  wer  the  questions  so  they  Urban Institute researchers
              at the U.S. Census Bureau,   kids are away from school,  unveiled census public ser-  won’t have anyone knoc-    said  the  Census  Bureau
              said Tuesday.               and  they’re  being  away  vice announcements star-      king on their doors in late  needs  more  processing
              The  head  count  started   from  work,  it’s  a  concern  ring TV hosts Joy Reid and  spring and summer.        time  to  identify  duplicate
              in  late  January  in  rural,   that the census isn’t on top  Jose  Diaz-Balart,  and  said  As of Monday, more than  responses  and  offer  ad-
              native  villages  in  Alaska,   of  people’s  mind  as  you  it  was  providing  $2  million  36%  of  households  had  ditional  guidelines  about
              but the rest of the country   would want it to be,” said  in  grants  and  in-contribu-  already   answered   the  how  people  should  res-
              wasn’t  able  to  start  ans-  Thomas  Saenz,  president  tions  kind  to  community  questions, and the Census  pond when the traditional
              wering  the  questionnaire   of  the  Mexican  American  groups  in  hard-to-count  Bureau reported this week  recommendation  to  ans-
              until  the  second  week  of   Legal Defense and Educa-  areas.                      that   40,300   temporary  wer  where  you  are  living
              March  when  the  Census    tional Fund.                Two  surveys  by  the  Pew  workers were on the pay-     on April 1 is no longer clear
              Bureau’s      self-response   The  U.S.  Census  Bureau  is  Research  Center  suggest  roll as of mid-March.    for  some.  They’re  asking
              website  went  live  and    spending  $500  million  on  the  messaging  was  rea-                               that  the  Dec.  31  dead-
              people  received  notices   outreach efforts, including  ching  an  audience  —  at  The  2020  census  will  help  line  be  postponed,  which
              in the mail that they could   advertising,  and  it’s  rely-  least  before  the  corona-  determine how many con-  would  require  an  act  of
              start  answering  the  ques-  ing  on  more  than  300,000  virus  outbreak.  Pew  con-  gressional  seats  and  Elec-  Congress.
              tions.  But  that  was  only  a   nonprofits,  businesses,  lo-  ducted two surveys, one in  toral  College  votes  each  “There’s  no  way  reliable
              week before many gover-     cal  governments  and  ci-  early January and another  state  gets,  as  well  as  the  counts  are  going  to  be
              nors and mayors started is-  vic  groups  to  encourage  in late February and early  distribution  of  some  $1.5  generated  by  the  end  of
              suing  stay-at-home  orders   participation in their com-  March.  During  that  time,  trillion in federal spending.  December,”  said  Robert
              to  slow  the  virus’s  spread,   munities.  Those  outreach  those  who  had  seen  or  Researchers  at  the  Ur-  Santos,   vice   president
              greatly hindering in-person   efforts  have  been  ham-  heard  something  about  ban  Institute  worry  that  and  chief  methodologist
              rallies, meetings and door-  strung  by  the  nationwide  the census grew from half  changed    accommoda-       at the Urban Institute. “It’s
              knocking  by  activists  to   shutdown.                 to  two-thirds  of  respon-  tions made in response to  implausible.”q

            Coast Guard: Cruise ships must stay at sea with sick onboard

            By FREIDA FRISARO and        sued  in  a  March  29  safety                                                         Andrea  Anderson,  stuck
            ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON          bulletin  signed  by  Coast                                                            with  her  husband  Rob  on
            Associated Press             Guard  Rear  Admiral  E.C.                                                             the  Zaandam,  coughed
            FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)  Jones,  whose  district  in-                                                            her  way  through  a  phone
            —  The  U.S.  Coast  Guard  cludes  Florida,  Georgia,                                                              interview.  Asked  what  she
            has directed all cruise ships  South Carolina and Puerto                                                            would say to Florida's gov-
            to prepare to treat any sick  Rico.                                                                                 ernor, she said, “How would
            passengers  and  crew  on  Dozens  of  cruise  ships  are                                                           he  feel  if  his  mother  was
            board while being seques-    either  lined  up  at  Port  Mi-                                                       on  this  ship?  Would  he  still
            tered “indefinitely" offshore  ami  and  Port  Everglades                                                           be  saying,  'no  they  can't
            during   the    coronavirus  or  waiting  offshore  due  to                                                         dock?'”
            pandemic.                    the  coronavirus  pandem-    Cruise ships are docked at PortMiami, Tuesday, March 31, 2020,   Under  normal  conditions,
            The new rules require daily  ic.  Most  have  only  crew   in Miami.                                                when a passenger or crew
            updates  on  each  ship's  aboard, but Carnival Corp.,                        (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee) Associated Press  member become too ill for
            coronavirus  caseload  for  which owns nine cruise lines  is  coming,  too,  with  what  on  the  Zaandam's  coro-  the  ship's  medical  team
            vessels  in  U.S.  waters,  and  with a total of 105 ships, no-  that  ship's  medical  center  navirus   caseload.   “Just  to  care  for,  they  call  the
            come  with  a  stiff  warning:  tified the SEC Tuesday that  called  a  higher  than  nor-  to  drop  people  off  at  the  Coast  Guard  to  provide  a
            Any foreign-flagged vessels  it has more than 6,000 pas-  mal number of people with  place  where  we're  hav-      medical  evacuation  to  an
            “that loiter beyond U.S. ter-  sengers still at sea, on three  flu-like symptoms.      ing  the  highest  number  of  onshore hospital. Under the
            ritorial  seas"  should  try  first  ships  that  will  soon  arrive  Two  of  four  deaths  on  the  cases right now just doesn't  new  rules,  sick  passengers
            to medically evacuate the  in  Fort  Civitavecchia,  Italy,  Zaandam were blamed on  make a whole lot of sense,"  would  be  sequestered  in-
            very sick to those countries  and  Southampton,  Eng-     COVID-19 and nine people  DeSantis said.                  definitely on board.
            instead.                     land, as well as Fort Lauder-  have  tested  positive  for  President  Donald  Trump  For  most  people,  the  virus
            Many  of  South  Florida's  dale.                         the  novel  coronavirus,  the  said  later  that  he  would  causes  mild  or  moderate
            cruise  ships  are  registered  Federal,  state  and  local  company said. At least 190  speak  with  his  fellow  Re-  symptoms,  such  as  fever
            in the Bahamas, where hos-   officials  have  been  nego-  more  reported  symptoms.  publican. “They're dying on  and  cough,  that  clear  up
            pital capacity is limited and  tiating  over  whether  Car-  More  than  300  Americans  the  ship,”  Trump  said.  “I'm  in  two  to  three  weeks.  For
            people  are  still  recovering  nival's  Holland  America  are on Zaandam and Rot-     going  to  do  what's  right.  some,   especially   older
            from  last  year's  Hurricane  cruise  ships,  the  Zaandam  terdam.                   Not only for us, but for hu-  adults  and  people  with
            Dorian.                      and  Rotterdam,  would  be  Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSan-    manity.”                     existing health problems, it
            The  rules,  which  apply  to  allowed to dock at Port Ev-  tis  said  Tuesday  that  the  Passengers  expressed  their  can cause more severe ill-
            any  vessel  carrying  more  erglades this week. But the  state's  healthcare  system  frustrations  to  The  Associ-  ness, including pneumonia
            than  50  people,  were  is-  company's  Coral  Princess  is stretched too thin to take  ated Press on Wednesday.  and death.q
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