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WORLD NEWS Thursday 2 april 2020
Too little too late? Experts decry Mexico virus policy delay
By MARÍA VERZA and been testing everybody.” our last opportunity to do it,
CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN Dr. Joseph Eisenberg, chair and do it now.”
Associated Press of the Epidemiology De- Still, despite some tough-
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex- partment at the Univer- er measures by Mexican
ico has started taking sity of Michigan's School states that have imposed
tougher measures against of Public Health, agreed. quarantines enforced by
the coronavirus after weeks “Testing is really our eyes, police, the federal call to
of its president hugging fol- otherwise we’re kind of stay home remains volun-
lowers and saying religious blind,” he said. tary with no talk of penal-
medals would protect him. “The only way you can re- ties.
Some experts warn the ally understand where the And although Mexico and
sprawling country of 129 disease is and where you the U.S. agreed earlier this
million is acting too late really need to focus your month to restrict traffic at
and testing too little to pre- energies with respect to their shared border, the
vent the type of crisis un- Commuters wear masks as they ride a bus, to prevent the spread control is to be able to ban applies only to people
of the new coronavirus in Mexico City, Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
folding across the border in Mexico's government has broadened its shutdown of "non know where the infections who cross for tourism, recre-
the United States. essential activities," and prohibited gatherings of more than 50 are. And the only way to ation or other non-essential
Last week Mexico banned people as a way to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. The know that is through test- activity. Mexican border
non-essential government one-month emergency measures will be in effect from March ing.” communities have com-
work as confirmed cases 30 to April 30. The Mexican government plained that Mexico was
climbed, but took until late (AP Photo / Eduardo Verdugo) Associated Press has defended its policies, not restricting anyone from
Monday to extend that to disease may be far more not value scientific evi- saying that its robust health entering, and residents in
other business sectors and advanced in Mexico than dence. Why? Because surveillance system gives it one city even blocked the
to bar gatherings of more the limited testing shows — it takes decision-making a good idea of how the ep- border crossing with their
than 50 people. three state governors have away from the politicians," idemic is evolving and that vehicles to try to stop traffic
By Tuesday, Mexico had already tested positive for Ramsey said. health experts are charting from the U.S.
reported more than 1,200 coronavirus. “For most of us, especially the country's fight against President Andrés Manuel
confirmed cases and at “Politics is very, very much those of us who work with the virus. It's focus now, it López Obrador has main-
least 29 deaths. involved in the decision- infectious pathogens, there says, is keeping people tained a relaxed public at-
Experts say those figures making going on right is absolutely no excuse not at home to avoid a rapid titude despite the increas-
greatly understate the now," said Janine Ramsey, to test because you cannot spread that would quickly ing alarm sounded by his
true number of infections. an infectious disease ex- predict a) the response, b) overwhelm the health care health officials. He flew
Mexico has done far less pert who works for Mexico's the velocity of transmis- system. commercial to the western
testing than many other National Public Health In- sion, or c) the vulnerability “We’re making an energet- state of Sinaloa on Sunday,
countries — around 10,000 stitute, a federal research of people" to becoming in- ic, emphatic, unmistakable where he shook hands with
tests. New York state alone agency, and has spent 35 fected or to infecting oth- call: Stay at home,’’ said residents, including the
had performed more than years of her public health ers, she said. Hugo López-Gatell, the mother of convicted drug
205,000 tests by Tuesday. career in Mexico. "February and March is government’s coronavirus lord Joaquín “El Chapo”
There were also signs the “Mexico, politically, does when we should have spokesman. “It’s urgent, it’s Guzmán Loera.q
Not so funny: Edinburgh festivals canceled for first time
By PAN PYLAS over 5,000 events involv- right one,” Scottish First Min-
Associated Press ing over 25,000 artists, writ- ister Nicola Sturgeon told
LONDON (AP) — Every Au- ers and performers from lawmakers in Edinburgh.
gust, the Scottish capital 70 countries, according Sturgeon said the Scottish
of Edinburgh plays host to to organizers. Collectively, government was looking
some of the funniest and the festivals are billed as at redistributing support
most talented — not to for- the second-biggest cultur- given to the festivals to en-
get strangest — performers al event in the world after sure artists and freelancers
from the U.K. and the wider the Olympic Games, which are paid. She also pledged
world. Not this year. Orga- were set to take place in help from the government
nizers canceled the city's Tokyo before the pandem- to make sure the festivals
collection of late summer ic forced a postponement return “even stronger.”
festivals Wednesday as a last week. “The safety of The organizers are already
result of the coronavirus participants, audiences, planning for the return of
pandemic. The decision local residents and indeed the festivals next year. A bronze theatre mask on Edinburgh's Royal Mile, in Edinburgh,
marks the first cancellation everyone connected to our “Work begins straight away Scotland, Wednesday April 1, 2020. Every August, the Scottish
since the Edinburgh Inter- festivals will always come on a 2021 festival season capital of Edinburgh plays host to some of the funniest and
national Festival launched first," said Shona McCarthy, that will boost both our spir- talented — not to forget the strangest — artists from the U.K. and
in 1947 in the aftermath chief executive of the Ed- its and our economy,” said the wider world. Not this year, as organizers made the decision
of World War II as an at- inburgh Festival Fringe So- Fergus Linehan, festival di- Wednesday to cancel the city's festivals as a result of the
tempt to reconcile people ciety. As well as represent- rector for the Edinburgh In- coronavirus pandemic.
(Jane Barlow/PA via AP) Associated Press
and nations through the ing a big financial hit to the ternational Festival.
performing arts. Now num- city, up to 1 billion pounds Ellie Gibson and Helen sad” about the cancella- together to find solutions
bering five, including the ($1.2 billion) according to Thorn, better known as the tion as the atmosphere in to some of the issues that
wildly popular Fringe lineup some estimates, the can- Scummy Mummies com- the city during the festivals have been ongoing in pre-
of both obscure and main- cellation is a huge blow for edy act that sold out a is “brilliant.” They relayed vious years, such as how
stream acts, Edinburgh's many in the arts across the 25-night run in Edinburgh their hope that the break expensive it is for perform-
annual August festivals U.K. “This is a heartbreaking last year, told The Associ- might give organizers and ers to put on a show, pro-
draw 4.4 million people to decision, but absolutely the ated Press they were “very artists the "chance to work hibitively in many cases."q