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Thursday 2 april 2020
The economy opportunity of the moment
By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert work and they can also spend time for house-
In these difficult times when we know that eco- hold tasks. There are many variations possible.
nomic hardships have to be countered and There is a hunger for foreign investment. Howev-
solutions need to be found, there are realistic er foreign investment also means that the prof-
opportunities. There is one development model its will go abroad. Investment is usually seen as
that may be the solution to contribute to three finance capital. It may be overlooked that lo-
needs that are important under the current and cations already do have their own capital, hu-
short-term circumstances: man capital. Without having the human capital
• a desperate need for income when em- available, foreign investment may not be pos-
ployment is not available sible. It may be wise to look at things more from
• a cornerstone for diversification of an econ- the human capital perspective. Not to ignore
omy that depending on the size and geography of
• rejuvenating or strengthening the middle a territory the cottage industry gives access a the raw materials and collecting the finished
class. rural labor force or a labor force that could not goods. This would all be part of a co-op activ-
It may come in two steps. The first step would fit into business employment models. It would ity. Don’t think low of cooperatives. Ding-ding.
be the development of ‘home industry’ or origi- also fit in the concept that employment should There are 2.6 million cooperatives in the world
nally called ‘cottage industry’ and sometimes preferably go to the local or native islanders. creating over 250 million jobs. Over one billion
mentioned as ‘domestic system’. In some forms bDepending on what the cottage industry in- people are members of a cooperative! The
it already existed in the 15th century. A cottage tends to be producing it may less depend on largest 300 coops in the world have a turnover
industry is an industry which includes people seasonal influences but rather focus on year- of USD 2.53 trillion. Ding-dong.
working from their homes producing individual round production activities. Cottage industries have always played a sig-
articles from raw materials. A cottage industry The second step would be to organize these nificant role in the economies of developing
should serve a market that seeks out original, cottage industry workers in a workers-coopera- countries and were an important source of em-
handcrafted products as opposed to mass- tive or co-op. A Co-op is an independent asso- ployment. In the current and developing fragile
produced, name brand products. These can ciation of persons who are voluntarily united to socio-economic situation, developed countries
include anything from clothing (maybe novel meet their common economic needs through will have to redevelop themselves almost as if
Caribbean summer fashion) items to crafts a jointly owned enterprise. Cooperative busi- they were developing countries. The model of
(e.g. souvenirs to be sold to tourists and visiting nesses are typically more economic resilient developing a cottage industry combined with
guests) or decorative home furnishings and art. than other forms of enterprise and have better a co-op organization is a feasible solution that
There as many possibilities as there is creativity, changes of success and survival than start-ups may be sustainable and have long-term ben-
ambition, and passion. There is an opportunity of individuals. Cooperatives often have social efits for an economy and its community. And
for recently unemployed persons to turn a hob- goals which they aim to accomplish by invest- now be the right time to pursue it, or at least to
by into a home business, or take a skill acquired ing a proportion of trading profits back into their be explored by governments in need of finding
from their previous job and go out on their own communities. solutions for the likely effects of recession. q
in a different setting and take self-control of A Cooperative is not just a union of the cottage
their path of life and income. workers but also of people with other skills that
One advantage of the cottage industry system are needed and who would be encouraged to About the author. Cdr. Bud Slabbaert is the
is that the workers can pursue their activity at join (e.g. administration/accounting, market- Chairman and Coordinator of the Caribbean
their own speed while at home. There is a simple ing/sales, purchasing). When the work is done at Aviation Meetup, an annual results and solution
motive for being more productive ; it generates home, the product would have to be brought oriented conference for stakeholders of ‘airlift’
more income. What is produced in the home, to a central place of business, or marketplace. in the Caribbean which will be held June 16-
can be done in cooperation with several fam- The products could be shipped to another mar- 18 on St.Maarten. Mr. Slabbaert’s background
ily members. It can be done while the baby is ket which could further export and inter-island is accentuated by aviation business develop-
sleeping, or grandma is watching the kids, or it trading in the region, which are also beneficial ment, strategic communication, and journal-
can even be done by a grandma who normal- to an island economy (export-import balance). ism. In accordance with his study of Economy in
ly would not be part of the workforce anyway. In a ‘domestic system’ travelling agents or trad- his younger years in Germany, he is authorized
The workers don’t have to travel from home to ers would tour the home-workshops, supplying to carry the title of ‘State Certified Economist’.
“In times of crisis people reach for meaning.” Positive Vibes
ORANJESTAD — Here is anoth- Sue Heron
er amazing project from our
MakerSpace Teacher, Pieter I wish everyone well. Aruba
Verduijn. is a little slice of heaven and
I can’t wait to return in July
Our 3d printers are currently (God willing).
working overtime, printing
headbands for protective
face shields that are being
used by the medical staff in
our main hospital and the
general medical practice.
Pieter is also preparing to 3d
print special valves that can
be used to turn snorkeling
masks into ventilators.
Bing Joosten from
ImSan thanks International the Netherlands
School of Aruba for donating wants to say HELLO
these selfmade protective and STAY SAFE to
masks with their 3-D printers. q sweet Mr. Roland.