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                     Thursday 2 april 2020
            UK's Johnson under fire for low number of COVID-19 tests

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     tests, for the delay in ramp-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing up testing.
            LONDON  (AP)  —  When                                                                                               “There  is  a  massive  de-
            Prime Minister Boris Johnson                                                                                        mand  for  raw  materials
            developed  a  cough  and                                                                                            and  commercial  kits  --  this
            fever, he got a test for the                                                                                        is  not  unique  to  the  U.K.  --
            new coronavirus. Most oth-                                                                                          and  many  places  no  lon-
            er Britons won’t be offered                                                                                         ger have stock of essential
            one.                                                                                                                reagents,”  said  Stephen
            Johnson’s     Conservative                                                                                          Baker, professor of molecu-
            government was under fire                                                                                           lar microbiology at the Uni-
            Wednesday  for  failing  to                                                                                         versity of Cambridge.
            keep its promise to increase                                                                                        The  United  States  has  also
            the  amount  of  testing  be-                                                                                       struggled to boost its testing
            ing  done  for  COVID-19,                                                                                           capacity. A test produced
            even as the country saw its                                                                                         by the Centers for Disease
            biggest day-to-day rise yet                                                                                         Control  suffered  early  reli-
            in  deaths  among  people                                                                                           ability  problems  and  there
            with the virus, to 2,352.                                                                                           were  delays  in  engaging
            The  issue  has  become  an                                                                                         the private sector to ramp
            incipient  political  crisis  for                                                                                   up  testing  capacity.  U.S.
            Johnson,  who  has  mild                                                                                            testing is now growing rap-
            symptoms  and  is  working   National Health Service staff wait in their cars to take a coronavirus test at a drive through centre in   idly, but varies widely from
            from  isolation  in  the  prime   north London, Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms   state to state.
            minister’s  Downing  Street   for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it   Public health experts have
            apartment.                   can cause more severe illness or death.                                                estimated  the  U.S.  should
            Richard  Horton,  editor  of                                               (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Associated Press  be testing between 100,000
            medical  journal  The  Lan-  Many  scientists  say  wid-  the government said 9,793  ing  front-line  health  care  and  150,000  patients  daily
            cet,  said  Britain’s  handling  er  testing  --  especially  of  tests  had  been  performed  workers is a priority — how-  to track and contain the vi-
            of  the  COVID-19  crisis  was  health  care  staff  --  would  in the previous 24 hours, the  ever only 2,000 have been  rus. Health and Human Ser-
            “the  most  serious  science  allow  medics  who  are  off  highest daily total yet.   tested so far, from a Nation-  vices  Secretary  Alex  Azar
            policy  failure  in  a  genera-  work  with  symptoms  to  re-  Critics  contrast  the  U.K.  al Health Service workforce  said  Monday  that  the  U.S.
            tion.”                       turn  if  they  are  negative,  with  Germany,  which  re-  of more than 1 million.    is  testing  “nearly  100,000
            In  a  tweet,  he  noted  that  and  would  give  a  better  acted quickly as reports of  Yvonne  Doyle,  medical  samples per day" and had
            England’s   deputy    chief  picture  of  how  the  virus  the  new  respiratory  virus  director  of  Public  Health  now  tested  more  than
            medical  officer  said  last  spreads.                    emerged from China at the  England,  said  authorities  1  million  samples  for  the
            week that “’there comes a  Communities        Secretary  end  of  last  year.  It  began  were  setting  up  five  drive-  coronavirus. It wasn’t clear
            point in a pandemic where  Robert  Jenrick  conceded  producing  a  test  for  CO-     through  testing  centers  for  if  that  figure  represented
            that (testing) is not an ap-  Wednesday  that  “we  do  VID-19  in  January,  weeks  medical staff.                 actual patients or samples
            propriate intervention.”     need to go further and we  before  the  U.K.  Germany  “The  intention  here  is  to  processed.
            “Now (testing is) a priority,”  need to do that faster.”  now  has  the  capacity  to  get from thousands to hun-   British  officials  defend  their
            Horton  said.  "Public  mes-  The  U.K.  initially  performed  do 500,000 tests a week.  dreds  of  thousands  in  the  record  at  developing  and
            sage: utter confusion.”      about 5,000 tests a day, but  Jenrick  said  the  U.K.’s  test  coming weeks," she said at  deploying  a  test  for  CO-
            Like  some  other  countries,  the  government  promised  tally should hit 15,000 a day  a news conference.         VID-19.  They  also  say  that
            the U.K. has restricted test-  to  increase  that  number  “within  a  couple  of  days”  British officials blame short-  while  too  little  testing  is  a
            ing to hospitalized patients,  to 10,000 by the end of last  and 25,000 a day in a cou-  ages  of  swabs  to  take  weakness,  so  is  too  much,
            leaving people with milder  week and to 25,000 by mid-    ple  of  weeks.  But  progress  samples  and  of  chemicals  because testing vast num-
            symptoms  unsure  whether  April.  The  target  has  been  has been agonizingly slow.  known  as  reagents,  which  bers  of  healthy  people
            they  have  had  the  virus.  elusive.  On  Wednesday,  The  government  says  test-   are needed to perform the  would be wasteful.q

            Reporting for duty: Airline crew sign up to help hospitals

                                                                      By DAVID KEYTON              and    hospitals   currently  front line of the pandemic.
                                                                      Associated Press             overwhelmed by a surging  Palmgren  says  he  signed
                                                                      STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  Filip  number  of  patients  and  ill  up  out  of  civic  duty  when
                                                                      Palmgren  had  wanted  to  medical staff.                 he got the offer from his for-
                                                                      work  on  planes  since  he  Scandinavian       Airlines,  mer employer.
                                                                      was a child. Now, after just  known  also  as  SAS,  an-  “I  immediately  replied  to
                                                                      two years as a flight atten-  nounced in mid-March the  the  email,”  he  said.  "I  felt
                                                                      dant,  the  21-year  old  has  temporary  layoff  of  up  to  this was a very huge oppor-
                                                                      lost his job because of the  10,000  employees,  90%  of  tunity for me to help and to
                                                                      coronavirus  crisis  and  will  its  workforce  amid  a  drop  contribute  to  society  and
            Former  Scandinavian  Airlines  flight  attendant,  Mathilda  Malm   be  soon  heading  to  work  in  demand  for  internation-  help the healthcare, which
            tests her hands for bacteria as she learns basic skills on to assist   in a hospital instead to help  al  travel  as  governments  I  think  is  very  important  in
            in nursing homes and hospitals due to the coronavirus outbreak,   save patients.       clamped  down  on  public  these times.”
            in Stockholm, Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The airline announced in   He  is  part  of  a  first  group  events to contain the virus  In  the  U.K.,  budget  carrier
            mid-March the temporary layoff of up to 10,000 employees, 90%
            of its workforce amid a drop in demand for international travel   of 30 laid-off employees of  outbreak.            easyJet  and  Virgin  Atlan-
            as governments clamped down on public events to contain the   Scandinavian  Airlines  who  With the help of a founda-  tic have asked their laid-off
            virus outbreak. With the help of a foundation, it is one of several   have  started  training  this  tion, it is one of several air-  staff  to  do  the  same,  with
            airlines offering former staff the chance to work on the front line   week  to  learn  basic  skills  lines  offering  former  staff  the  support  of  the  British
            of the pandemic. (AP Photo/David Keyton  Associated Press  to  assist  in  nursing  homes  the chance to work on the  government.q
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