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                                                                 BUSINESS/TECHNOLOGY Thursday 2 april 2020
             Stocks skid worldwide as coronavirus infections keep soaring

            By STAN CHOE, DAMIAN J.  closed out its worst quarter  cording  to  Rhea  Thomas,  can cause more severe ill-       for 2020 so far to nearly 73%.
            TROISE and ALEX VEIGA        since 2008 with a 20% loss.  senior  economist  at  Wilm-  ness, including pneumonia,  So much of the company's
            AP Business Writer           “The  challenge  for  inves-  ington Trust. Small business-  and death.                market value has vanished
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  tors is you don't know how  es  are  seeing  the  sharpest  Stocks  had  cut  some  of  that  it's  getting  removed
            stocks  joined  a  worldwide  deep  and  how  wide  this  declines  in  employment,  their  severe  losses  in  re-  from  the  S&P  500  index  of
            downdraft  Wednesday  as  downturn  may  be,"  said  and some closed firms may  cent weeks as Washington  big  U.S.  companies.  S&P
            more  signs  piled  up  of  the  Rob Haworth, senior invest-  not  be  responding  to  the  swooped in with aid for the  Dow  Jones  Indices  is  skip-
            economic  and  physical  ment strategist at U.S. Bank  survey.                         economy and markets.         ping  its  index  of  medium-
            pain  being  caused  by  the  Wealth  Management.  “It's  The  government's  week-     The S&P 500 jumped nearly  sized  stocks  and  placing
            coronavirus outbreak.        very hard, for us at least, to  ly  jobless  claims  report  18%  in  just  three  days  last  Macy's into its index of small
            The  S&P  500  was  down  have  a  view  of  what  and  may  offer  a  better  view.  week as Congress struck a  stocks,  the  S&P  600,  effec-
            more than 3.5% in early af-  where  the  value  is  being  The  next  batch  of  num-  deal on a $2.2 trillion rescue  tive on Monday.
            ternoon trading after Presi-  created.”                   bers  comes  Thursday,  and  package for the economy  The market's hardest-hit ar-
            dent Donald Trump warned  “Yes,  there  should  be  an  Thomas  said  it  could  blow  and  the  Federal  Reserve  eas included banks, utilities
            Americans  to  brace  for  economic  rebound,  and  past last week's total of 3.3  promised  to  buy  as  many  and other dividend payers.
            “one  of  the  roughest  two  there  should  be  winners,”  million  initial  claims,  which  Treasurys as it takes to get  “There  are  more  worries
            or three weeks we’ve ever  he  said.  “The  hardest  part  itself was quintuple the prior  lending  markets  running  now  about  this  rippling
            had  in  our  country."  The  of  that  is,  in  doing  that,  record.                 smoothly.                    through   dividend    pay-
            White  House  is  project-   you're  trying  to  leap  over  Another report on Wednes-  House  Democrats  are  al-  ments and cutting back on
            ing that 100,000 to 240,000  a canyon of undetermined  day  showed  that  U.S.  ready  collecting  ideas  for  the  income  investors  are
            people in the U.S. could die  width and depth. It ends up  manufacturing     activity  a  possible  fourth  round  of  getting,” said Jeffrey Klein-
            from COVID-19.               being  a  true  leap  of  faith  contracted  in  March,  re-  aid  for  the  economy,  and  top,  chief  global  invest-
            Japanese stocks took some  that  the  forecast  and  the  versing after two months of  Trump  has  tweeted  his  ment  strategist  at  Charles
            of the world’s heaviest loss-  duration  of  the  pandemic  slight  growth.  The  reading,  support  for  a  $2  trillion  in-  Schwab.
            es, down 4.5%, after a sur-  will be accurate.”           though, was not as bad as  frastructure  package.  But  The  Dow  Jones  Industrial
            vey  of  business  sentiment  A  report  on  Wednesday  economists expected.           top  Republicans  in  Con-   Average  lost  754  points,
            there  fell  to  its  worst  result  said  that  private  U.S.  em-  The  number  of  infections  gress say they first want to  or 3.4%, to 21,162, and the
            in seven years. Britain’s FTSE  ployers cut 27,000 jobs last  keeps rising, which worsens  see  how  well  their  just-ap-  Nasdaq dropped 3.2%.
            100 fell 3.8% after big banks  month,  which  was  actu-  the uncertainty.             proved programs do.          The  yield  on  the  10-year
            there  scrapped  dividend  ally  much  milder  than  the  The United States has more  The  S&P  500  was  down  Treasury dropped to 0.58%
            payments, part of a world-   200,000  that  economists  than  189,000  cases,  ac-     3.7%, as of 12:10 p.m. East-  from 0.70% late Tuesday. A
            wide  effort  by  companies  were expecting. The survey  cording to a tally by Johns  ern time.                     bond’s  yield  drops  when
            and  households  alike  to  from payroll processor ADP  Hopkins     University.   That  All 11 sectors that make up  its price rises, and investors
            conserve cash.               used  data  from  the  week  leads the world, which has  the index lower. Among the  buy  long-term  Treasurys
            Stocks  have  tumbled  this  ending  March  14,  which  more  than  877,000  con-      few  gainers  were  Kroger,  when  they’re  fearful  be-
            year  as  the  coronavirus  was before the number of  firmed cases.                    Dollar  General  and  other  cause they see U.S. govern-
            pandemic  forces  econo-     people seeking unemploy-     For most people, the coro-   companies  selling  day-to-  ment bonds as having virtu-
            mies  into  what  is  expect-  ment benefits exploded to  navirus causes mild or mod-  day  essentials  that  house-  ally no risk of default
            ed  to  be  a  steep,  sudden  a record.                  erate  symptoms,  such  as  holds are stocking up on to  Benchmark  U.S.  crude  oil
            recession.  Businesses  are  Even Friday's more compre-   fever and cough that clear  ride  through  stay-at-home  held relatively steady slight-
            shutting down, people are  hensive jobs report from the  up  in  two  to  three  weeks.  orders.                    ly above $20 per barrel, af-
            staying  at  home  in  hopes  government may not show  For  some,  especially  older  On  the  losing  end  was  ter  it  dropped  by  roughly
            of slowing the spread of the  the full scale of the layoffs  adults  and  people  with  Macy's,  whose  4.9%  drop  two  thirds  in  the  first  three
            virus  and  the  S&P  500  just  sweeping  the  country,  ac-  existing health problems, it  Wednesday brought its loss  months of the year.q

            Sprint and T-Mobile merge,

            creating new wireless giant

            Eds:  UPDATES:  Replaces  The  Federal  Communica-        Sprint's  spectrum,  the  air-
            deal  value  with  updated  tions  Commission  and  the  waves  that  carry  phone
            version.   Adds   T-Mobile  Department of Justice ap-     calls  and  data  signals,  will
            stock. Adds photo.; With AP  proved  the  deal  last  year,  boost its network and make
            Photos.                      with  DOJ  telling  the  com-  its service available to con-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Mobile  panies  that  they  must  set  sumers  at  lower  prices.  It
            carrier  T-Mobile  has  com-  up  satellite  TV  company  had  promised  regulators
            pleted  the  takeover  of  Dish as a new wireless car-    not to raise prices for three
            smaller rival Sprint, creating  rier — an unusual arrange-  years.
            a  new  wireless  giant  that  ment  —  in  order  to  win  T-Mobile also said Wednes-
            rivals  AT&T  and  Verizon  in  approval.   Public-interest  day  that  its  CEO,  John
            size.                        groups said this was insuffi-  Legere, is stepping down a
            The     companies      an-   cient to correct the harms  month earlier than expect-    FILE - This combination of April 30, 2018, file photos shows sig-
            nounced the deal, valued  from the merger.                ed, handing the job off to   nage for a Sprint store in New York's Herald Square, top, and
            at $31.6 billion based on T-  State  attorneys  general  COO  Mike  Sievert.  He  will   signage at a T-Mobile store in New York. Mobile carrier T-Mobile
            Mobile's closing stock price  sued to block the deal, say-  remain a board member.     has  completed  its  takeover  of  smaller  rival  Sprint,  creating  a
            Tuesday,  two  years  ago.  ing it would add billions to  As  of  Wednesday,  Sprint   new wireless giant that rivals AT&T and Verizon in size. The deal
            It  has  taken  a  long  time  consumers'  wireless  bills.  A  shares  are  no  longer  trad-  was announced two years ago and has taken a long time to
            to  close  because  of  push-  federal judge ruled for the  ing. T-Mobile shares added   close because of pushback from state and federal regulators.
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File)
            back  from  state  and  fed-  companies in February.      2.8%  to  $86.23  in  midday                                          Associated Press
            eral regulators.             T-Mobile  says  that  adding  trading.q
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